Generación de un índice de emisiones de metano para el relleno sanitario de Río Azul, Costa Rica
Chaves Barboza, Gustavo A.
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Uno de los retos más grandes que ha enfrentado la humanidad a lo largo de su existencia es la lucha que se da actualmente contra los efectos adversos que produce el cambio climático.
Esto ha llevado a la comunidad científica mundial a plantear estrategias de diversas índoles que lleven a mitigar dicho fenómeno y en lo posible, a detener su avance.
De igual forma, en nuestro país, diversas instituciones estatales así como ONG's han realizado estudios y desarrollado programas enfocados en este sentido, fomentando además políticas nacionales que sirvan como plataforma para la aplicación de una legislación ambiental más estricta y acorde con las características de degradación ambiental actuales.
En este sentido, el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) en coordinación con otras entidades estatales, instituciones y organizaciones no gubernamentales han realizado dos inventarios de gases promotores del efecto invernadero, como uno de los requisitos adquiridos mediante la ratificación de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático realizada por Costa Rica en el año
Para dichos inventarios, se ha aplicado la metodología propuesta por el Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) para la estimación teórica de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, según la actividad responsable de su generación.
Entre los sectores a evaluar según los organismos internacionales pertinentes, se encuentra el manejo y disposición final de residuos sólidos, que para el caso de Costa Rica, representa un 22% de las emisiones totales de gas metano de todas las actividades estudiadas. Dicho gas junto con el dióxido de carbono representan la mayor proporción de los gases de efecto invernadero emitidos. De estos, el CH4 presenta una mayor capacidad calorífica por lo que a pesar de encontrarse en menor cantidad que el C02, su contribución al efecto invernadero es considerablemente alto.
Es así como, específicamente para la determinación teórica de la cantidad de gas metano generado en actividades de disposición final de desechos, tales como los rellenos sanitarios, se han utilizado fórmulas dictadas por el IPCC en las que se asignan valores preestablecidos a diversos factores. Estos valores son utilizados internacionalmente sin distinción de las características específicas que presentan los residuos sólidos de cada país.
De esto modo, en este trabajo se realizó la determinación experimental de algunos de estos factores basados en el Relleno Sanitario de Río Azul, adecuándolos más a una realidad nacional y estableciendo una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos, generando a su vez, un índice de emisiones de metano que puede ser utilizado en el país para futuras cuantificaciones teóricas.
One of the greatest challenges that humanity has faced throughout its existence is the fight that is currently taking place against the adverse effects of climate change. This has led the world scientific community to propose strategies of various kinds that lead to mitigate this phenomenon and, if possible, to stop its advance. In the same way, in our country, various state institutions as well as NGOs have carried out studies and developed programs focused in this regard, also promoting national policies that serve as a platform for the application of stricter environmental legislation and in accordance with the characteristics of environmental degradation. current. In this sense, the National Meteorological Institute (IMN) in coordination with other state entities, institutions and non-governmental organizations have carried out two inventories of gases that promote the greenhouse effect, as one of the requirements acquired through the ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention Nations on Climate Change carried out by Costa Rica in the year 1994. For these inventories, the methodology proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been applied for the theoretical estimation of greenhouse gas emissions, according to the activity responsible for their generation. Among the sectors to be evaluated according to the pertinent international organizations, is the management and final disposal of solid waste, which in the case of Costa Rica, represents 22% of the total methane gas emissions from all the activities studied. This gas together with carbon dioxide represent the largest proportion of greenhouse gases emitted. Of these, CH4 has a higher heat capacity, so despite being in less quantity than C02, its contribution to the greenhouse effect is considerably high. This is how, specifically for the theoretical determination of the amount of methane gas generated in final waste disposal activities, such as sanitary landfills, formulas dictated by the IPCC have been used in which pre-established values are assigned to various factors. These values are used internationally regardless of the specific characteristics of solid waste in each country. In this way, in this work the experimental determination of some of these factors based on the Río Azul Landfill was carried out, adapting them more to a national reality and establishing a comparison between the results obtained, generating, in turn, an emission index. of methane that can be used in the country for future theoretical quantifications.
One of the greatest challenges that humanity has faced throughout its existence is the fight that is currently taking place against the adverse effects of climate change. This has led the world scientific community to propose strategies of various kinds that lead to mitigate this phenomenon and, if possible, to stop its advance. In the same way, in our country, various state institutions as well as NGOs have carried out studies and developed programs focused in this regard, also promoting national policies that serve as a platform for the application of stricter environmental legislation and in accordance with the characteristics of environmental degradation. current. In this sense, the National Meteorological Institute (IMN) in coordination with other state entities, institutions and non-governmental organizations have carried out two inventories of gases that promote the greenhouse effect, as one of the requirements acquired through the ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention Nations on Climate Change carried out by Costa Rica in the year 1994. For these inventories, the methodology proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been applied for the theoretical estimation of greenhouse gas emissions, according to the activity responsible for their generation. Among the sectors to be evaluated according to the pertinent international organizations, is the management and final disposal of solid waste, which in the case of Costa Rica, represents 22% of the total methane gas emissions from all the activities studied. This gas together with carbon dioxide represent the largest proportion of greenhouse gases emitted. Of these, CH4 has a higher heat capacity, so despite being in less quantity than C02, its contribution to the greenhouse effect is considerably high. This is how, specifically for the theoretical determination of the amount of methane gas generated in final waste disposal activities, such as sanitary landfills, formulas dictated by the IPCC have been used in which pre-established values are assigned to various factors. These values are used internationally regardless of the specific characteristics of solid waste in each country. In this way, in this work the experimental determination of some of these factors based on the Río Azul Landfill was carried out, adapting them more to a national reality and establishing a comparison between the results obtained, generating, in turn, an emission index. of methane that can be used in the country for future theoretical quantifications.
Chaves Barboza, G. A. (2008). Generación de un índice de emisiones de metano para el relleno sanitario de Río Azul, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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