Influencia de los factores culturales, familiares, religiosos, legales y medios de comunicación, en la educación sexual de los estudiantes de la sección 7-1 del Liceo Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires, Puntarenas, Circuito 12, Dirección Regional de Educación, Pérez Zeledón, durante el primer periodo del curso lectivo del 2006.
Porras Mena, Michael
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general investigar la influencia de factores culturales, familiares, religiosos, legales y medios de comunicación en la Educación Sexual de los estudiantes de la sección 7-1, del Liceo Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires, Puntarenas, durante el primer periodo del curso lectivo del 2006. En su inicio, la investigación responde a un estudio de tipo exploratorio ya que se realizó una búsqueda de información que facilitó posteriormente la investigación, continuada como un estudio descriptivo. Para registrar el proceso de sistematización se diseñó una matriz mediante la utilización de los cuestionarios aplicados a los alumnos y padres de familia, y una entrevista a los líderes religiosos. La población estuvo conformada por veintidós estudiantes, igual número de padres de familia, tres líderes religiosos de las iglesias Casa del Banquete, Asambleas de Dios y Católica, de la comunidad de Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires Los principales resultados muestran que los factores religiosos son los que producen mayor influencia en la educación sexual, seguido por los factores legales y familiares. Entre las principales recomendaciones se sugieren reconocer la educación sexual como inherente al ser humano, libre de mitos, tabúes y estereotipos, para ello se debe participar más activamente en las capacitaciones y otros programas o proyectos en relación con la educación sexual. Por otro lado, es necesario mantener siempre un vínculo de comunicación dentro de la familia, que permita la discusión y formación y retroalimentación de los temas de educación sexual. Finalmente, que las entidades religiosas aporten estrategias más novedosas en la enseñanza de la sexualidad.
The general objective of this research was to investigate the influence of cultural, family, religious, legal and media factors on the Sexual Education of the students of section 7-1, Liceo Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires, Puntarenas, during the first period of the 2006 school year. At the beginning, the research responds to an exploratory type of study, since a search for information was carried out that later facilitated the investigation, which continued as a descriptive study. To record the systematization process, a matrix was designed using questionnaires applied to students and parents, and an interview with religious leaders. The population consisted of twenty-two students, an equal number of parents, three religious leaders of the Casa del Banquete, Assemblies of God and Catholic churches in the community of Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires. The main results show that religious factors have the greatest influence on sex education, followed by legal and family factors. Among the main recommendations, it is suggested to recognize sexual education as inherent to human beings, free of myths, taboos and stereotypes, for this purpose, it is necessary to participate more actively in trainings and other programs or projects related to sexual education. On the other hand, it is necessary to always maintain a communication link within the family, which allows for discussion and training and feedback on sex education issues. Finally, religious entities should contribute more innovative strategies in the teaching of sexuality.
The general objective of this research was to investigate the influence of cultural, family, religious, legal and media factors on the Sexual Education of the students of section 7-1, Liceo Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires, Puntarenas, during the first period of the 2006 school year. At the beginning, the research responds to an exploratory type of study, since a search for information was carried out that later facilitated the investigation, which continued as a descriptive study. To record the systematization process, a matrix was designed using questionnaires applied to students and parents, and an interview with religious leaders. The population consisted of twenty-two students, an equal number of parents, three religious leaders of the Casa del Banquete, Assemblies of God and Catholic churches in the community of Potrero Grande, Buenos Aires. The main results show that religious factors have the greatest influence on sex education, followed by legal and family factors. Among the main recommendations, it is suggested to recognize sexual education as inherent to human beings, free of myths, taboos and stereotypes, for this purpose, it is necessary to participate more actively in trainings and other programs or projects related to sexual education. On the other hand, it is necessary to always maintain a communication link within the family, which allows for discussion and training and feedback on sex education issues. Finally, religious entities should contribute more innovative strategies in the teaching of sexuality.
Licenciatura en orientación
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