Concordancia entre los cursos iniciales de matemática a nivel universitario y el programa de estudios preuniversitario: Una mirada desde los contenidos y el rendimiento académico universitario
Castillo-Sánchez, Mario
Gamboa-Araya, Ronny
Hidalgo-Mora, Randall
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
En este artículo se reportan datos sobre el rendimiento académico en los cursos iniciales de matemática, a nivel universitario, que imparte Escuela de Matemática en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica y la concordancia entre los contenidos de estos y el programa de estudios preuniversitario que se desarrolla en la educación secundaria. La información se recabó por medio del análisis de las actas de notas de los cursos iniciales en el área, para todas las carreras en el periodo 2011-2016, los programas de los cursos ofertados y el programa de estudios de matemática para la educación secundaria. Lo anterior con el fin de determinar el rendimiento académico y realizar comparaciones entre los cursos iniciales de matemática a nivel universitario y el programa de estudios de secundaria, con el fin de generar argumentos para incentivar una revisión y actualización de los programas de los cursos y generar recomendaciones al respecto. Los resultados muestran que en la mayoría de los cursos iniciales del área a nivel universitario se presentan altos porcentajes de reprobación y deserción, existen diferencias entre los contenidos que el alumnado estudia en secundaria y los que se consideran como repaso o base en los cursos iniciales del área que oferta la Universidad Nacional, por lo que el conocimiento previo es un hecho que ha resultado relevante. Además, los datos recolectados respecto a contenidos y algunos aspectos sobre metodología y evaluación, ofrecen indicadores que permiten señalar importantes diferencias en la forma en que se abordan los contenidos matemáticos en ambos niveles. Esto implica que se debe realizar un análisis respecto a la temática de dichos cursos y crear estrategias para garantizar un conocimiento mínimo en el estudiantado para el estudio de las temáticas a nivel universitario.
This article reports data on academic performance in the initial mathematics courses, at the university level, taught by the School of Mathematics at the National University of Costa Rica and the concordance between their contents and the pre-university study program that is developed. in secondary education. The information was collected through the analysis of the transcripts of the initial courses in the area, for all careers in the period 2011-2016, the programs of the courses offered and the mathematics study program for secondary education. The foregoing in order to determine academic performance and make comparisons between the initial mathematics courses at the university level and the high school study program, in order to generate arguments to encourage a review and update of the course programs and generate recommendations in this regard. The results show that in most of the initial courses in the area at the university level there are high percentages of failure and dropout, there are differences between the contents that students study in secondary school and those that are considered as a review or base in the initial courses of the area offered by the National University, so previous knowledge is a fact that has been relevant. In addition, the data collected regarding content and some aspects of methodology and evaluation offer indicators that allow pointing out important differences in the way in which mathematical content is addressed at both levels. This implies that an analysis must be carried out regarding the subject matter of said courses and create strategies to guarantee a minimum knowledge in the student body for the study of the subjects at the university level.
This article reports data on academic performance in the initial mathematics courses, at the university level, taught by the School of Mathematics at the National University of Costa Rica and the concordance between their contents and the pre-university study program that is developed. in secondary education. The information was collected through the analysis of the transcripts of the initial courses in the area, for all careers in the period 2011-2016, the programs of the courses offered and the mathematics study program for secondary education. The foregoing in order to determine academic performance and make comparisons between the initial mathematics courses at the university level and the high school study program, in order to generate arguments to encourage a review and update of the course programs and generate recommendations in this regard. The results show that in most of the initial courses in the area at the university level there are high percentages of failure and dropout, there are differences between the contents that students study in secondary school and those that are considered as a review or base in the initial courses of the area offered by the National University, so previous knowledge is a fact that has been relevant. In addition, the data collected regarding content and some aspects of methodology and evaluation offer indicators that allow pointing out important differences in the way in which mathematical content is addressed at both levels. This implies that an analysis must be carried out regarding the subject matter of said courses and create strategies to guarantee a minimum knowledge in the student body for the study of the subjects at the university level.
Archivo complementario. Traducción en español. Este artículo debe ser referenciado de la siguiente manera: Castillo-Sánchez, M.; Gamboa-Araya, R. & Hidalgo-Mora, R. (2018). Concordance between introductory university mathematics courses and the program of pre-university studies: A view from the perspectives of content and academic performance. Revista Uniciencia. 32(2), 20-41. Doi
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