Regímenes de integración regional: una aproximación teórica
Murillo Zamora, Carlos
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los recientes cambios en el escenario internacional hacen necesario buscar nuevos
instrumentos que permitan analizar el auge del regionalismo, y sobre todo de los
esquemas de integración regional, por cuanto las teorías formuladas décadas atrás hoy parecen desactualizadas para entender y explicar esos acontecimientos.
El desarrollo de las Relaciones Internacionales, como disciplina científica, ha generado un rápido progreso teórico en el último decenio. En ese contexto el Constructivismo Social adquirió relevancia para entender y explicar los fenómenos internacionales –aún cuando no constituye una metodología de investigación, sino una teoría, pues se reconoció que el sistema internacional es un producto de la creación humana, es decir, un hecho institucional construido a través de múltiples interacciones individuales colectivas. Por consiguiente, es necesario comprender la relación de condicionalidad mutua entre los agentes y la estructura.
Teniendo en cuenta ese enfoque es posible entender la dinámica de los regímenes
internacionales y de la regionalización. Fenómenos en torno a los cuales se han
desarrollado teorías y pre-teorías, que en los últimos años han mostrado un renovado vigor a raíz de los eventos de la década de 1990. Incluso se ha llegado a hablar de ‘viejo” y “nuevo” regionalismo, en un intento por explicar el comportamiento de los más recientes esquemas de integración regional. Asimismo, las distintas escuelas de pensamiento en Relaciones Internacionales han incorporado en sus análisis los regímenes internacionales, como mecanismos a disposición de los actores internacionales para lograr alcanzar sus intereses.
Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se ha formulado una teoría o marco teórico que
permita analizar todos los modelos de integración regional -sean comerciales,
económicos o políticos-, tanto aquellos en regiones desarrolladas como en las en
desarrollo. En gran medida porque la Teoría de la Integración tiene un claro predominio de las escuelas europeas, por lo cual tiende a restringirse a observar la experiencia de la Unión Europea. Esto hace necesario revisar los retos y desafíos de las teorías clásicas de la integración a la luz de los recientes acontecimientos.
Esa revisión conduce a reconocer la existencia de regímenes de integración regional, que constituyen un tipo de régimen sui generis, cuya área temática o esfera de acción se limita a una región determinada. Por lo tanto, se hace una propuesta que sirve de punto de partida para un análisis posterior que permita llegar a formular un planteamiento teórico sobre este fenómeno de las relaciones internacionales.
The recent changes in the international scope make it necessary to look for new instruments that allow to analyze the increase of the regionalism, and especially of the models of the regional integration, therefore the theories made decades ago appears today obsolete to understand and explain these events. The evolution of the International Relations, as a scientific discipline, has brought a fast theoretical progress in the last decade. The context about the Social Constructivism got priority to understand and explain international. phenomena even when it doesn't include an methodology of research, but instead a theory-, then it recognized that the international system is a product of the human creation, that is, an institutional facts built throughout multiple, individual and collective interactions. Having in mind this approach it is possible to understand the dynamic of international regimes and regionalism. Phenomenon around which there has been a development of theories and pre-theories, which has shown a renewed energy as a result of the events in the 1990s. Even though it has come to speak of an 'old' and 'new' regionalism, an attempt to explain the behavior of the recent projects of the regional integration. Therefore, the different International Relations Schools have incorporated an analysis of the international regimes, like the mechanism at the international actors disposal to reach their interests. However, until this moment there has not been formulated a theory or an theoretical framework that allow to analyze all regional integration models -be either trade, economic or political-, as in developed as in developing regions. In large extent, because the Integration Theory has a clear predominance in the European Schools, by which they tend to limit to view the experience of the European Union. This makes it necessary to revise the challenges of the integration classic theories in the light of recent events. This review leads to recognize the existence of the regional integration regimes, which constitute a particular kind of regimen, whose issue area or action sphere limits itself to a specific region. Therefore, a proposal is made as a starting point for a subsequent analysis that will allow getting to formulate a theoretical approach about this phenomenon of the international relations.
The recent changes in the international scope make it necessary to look for new instruments that allow to analyze the increase of the regionalism, and especially of the models of the regional integration, therefore the theories made decades ago appears today obsolete to understand and explain these events. The evolution of the International Relations, as a scientific discipline, has brought a fast theoretical progress in the last decade. The context about the Social Constructivism got priority to understand and explain international. phenomena even when it doesn't include an methodology of research, but instead a theory-, then it recognized that the international system is a product of the human creation, that is, an institutional facts built throughout multiple, individual and collective interactions. Having in mind this approach it is possible to understand the dynamic of international regimes and regionalism. Phenomenon around which there has been a development of theories and pre-theories, which has shown a renewed energy as a result of the events in the 1990s. Even though it has come to speak of an 'old' and 'new' regionalism, an attempt to explain the behavior of the recent projects of the regional integration. Therefore, the different International Relations Schools have incorporated an analysis of the international regimes, like the mechanism at the international actors disposal to reach their interests. However, until this moment there has not been formulated a theory or an theoretical framework that allow to analyze all regional integration models -be either trade, economic or political-, as in developed as in developing regions. In large extent, because the Integration Theory has a clear predominance in the European Schools, by which they tend to limit to view the experience of the European Union. This makes it necessary to revise the challenges of the integration classic theories in the light of recent events. This review leads to recognize the existence of the regional integration regimes, which constitute a particular kind of regimen, whose issue area or action sphere limits itself to a specific region. Therefore, a proposal is made as a starting point for a subsequent analysis that will allow getting to formulate a theoretical approach about this phenomenon of the international relations.
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