Sistema de información de cuadro de mando integral para la División de Recursos Humanos de la Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz
Rodríguez, Joseph
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Los nuevos retos del mercado y las exigencias de las normas y políticas que manan de entes externos, como los gubernamentales, hacen vital que las instituciones cuenten, hoy por hoy, con soluciones que faciliten y soporten los procesos relativos a la planificación estratégica y seguimiento del desempeño de la organización. Asimismo, velar por la confidencialidad de acceso a la información de tipo estratégico para la toma de decisiones resulta fundamental. El Sistema de Información de Cuadro de Mando Integral ', en adelante referido sólo como Sistema, se constituye en una solución que facilita a la gerencia media ubicada en la División de Recursos Humanos de la Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz la gestión de sus indicadores estratégicos y operativos. Dicha gestión se centra en los siguientes aspectos: 1. Configuración, medición de los indicadores, comparación de los resultados obtenidos contra escalas de tolerancia y envío de avisos cuando se identifican desviaciones en lo planeado, así como preparación del Cuadro de Mando Integral utilizando como fuente tanto la información contenida en la base de datos del actual Sistema Integrado de Recursos Humanos, así como la proveniente de fuentes externas a la División. 2. Sensibilización de los indicadores. 3. Presentación de los resultados obtenidos utilizando colores, números y escalas. 4. Informe del cuadro de mando integral.5. Análisis de la información histórica de los resultados de la medición de los indicadores.6. Retroinformación mediante el nuevo Sistema hacia la División de Recursos Humanos.
The new challenges of the market and the demands of the regulations and policies that emanate from external entities, such as the government, make it vital that the institutions have, today, solutions that facilitate and support the processes related to strategic planning and monitoring of the organization performance. Likewise, ensuring the confidentiality of access to strategic information for decision-making is essential. The Balanced Scorecard Information System ', hereinafter referred to only as System, is constituted in a solution that facilitates the middle management located in the Human Resources Division of the National Power and Light Company the management of its strategic indicators and operational. Said management focuses on the following aspects: 1. Configuration, measurement of the indicators, comparison of the results obtained against tolerance scales and sending of warnings when deviations from what was planned are identified, as well as preparation of the Balanced Scorecard using as a source both the information contained in the database of the current Integrated Human Resources System, as well as that from sources outside the Division. 2. Sensitization of the indicators. 3. Presentation of the results obtained using colors, numbers and scales. 4. Balanced scorecard report.5. Analysis of the historical information of the results of the measurement of the indicators.6. Feedback through the new System to the Human Resources Division.
The new challenges of the market and the demands of the regulations and policies that emanate from external entities, such as the government, make it vital that the institutions have, today, solutions that facilitate and support the processes related to strategic planning and monitoring of the organization performance. Likewise, ensuring the confidentiality of access to strategic information for decision-making is essential. The Balanced Scorecard Information System ', hereinafter referred to only as System, is constituted in a solution that facilitates the middle management located in the Human Resources Division of the National Power and Light Company the management of its strategic indicators and operational. Said management focuses on the following aspects: 1. Configuration, measurement of the indicators, comparison of the results obtained against tolerance scales and sending of warnings when deviations from what was planned are identified, as well as preparation of the Balanced Scorecard using as a source both the information contained in the database of the current Integrated Human Resources System, as well as that from sources outside the Division. 2. Sensitization of the indicators. 3. Presentation of the results obtained using colors, numbers and scales. 4. Balanced scorecard report.5. Analysis of the historical information of the results of the measurement of the indicators.6. Feedback through the new System to the Human Resources Division.
Rodríguez, J. (2006). Sistema de información de cuadro de mando integral para la División de Recursos Humanos de la Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz. [Tesis de licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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