Comunidad de Río Azul: relación entre las condiciones ambientales producidas por el relleno sanitario y la construcción de la subjetividad social de sus pobladores.
Guadamuz Sandi, Hanllili
Sánchez Mora, Yahaira
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En este sentido, el tema La comunidad de Río Azul: relación entre las condiciones ambientales producidas por el “relleno sanitario” y la construcción de la subjetividad social de sus pobladores, constituye una situación social importante, pues el incremento de los desechos sólidos aumenta cada día más y con ello la demanda de sitios para disposición final de éstos en diferentes comunidades. Valga aclarar que en el presente tema de investigación se habla de Relleno Sanitario de Río Azul
por ser conocido de esta manera, sin embargo el mismo operó como un botadero a cielo abierto. También por esta misma razón en lo relatado por los entrevistados y en investigaciones mencionadas sobre el tema se utilizan ambos términos.
El trabajo consta de cinco capítulos señalados a continuación: el primero se titula El problema y su importancia, éste comienza planteando los antecedentes referidos a experiencias con respecto al entorno físico, que han tenido diversas poblaciones. Dichos antecedentes señalan estudios similares u otros contemplan algunos aspectos importantes para esta investigación, éstos fueron ordenados por las siguientes temáticas: Manejo de desechos y situación de los botaderos y rellenos sanitarios en Costa Rica: implicaciones ambientales, sociales y psicológicas; Otras acciones humanas, no vinculas al tema de basura, llevadas a cabo en el ambiente natural de ciertas comunidades: efectos ambientales, económicos, sociales, psicológicos y participación comunitaria; como también Estudios psicológicos sobre la influencia del ambiente físico natural y construido en el ser humano. Seguidamente, el lector o lectora encontrará detallado el problema y los objetivos que guían la investigación. El capítulo dos se denomina Construcción teórica del objeto de estudio, se expone como referente conceptual los planteamientos teóricos de Tovar (2001) y Montero (2003-2005-2007) autores representantes de la psicología social comunitaria, basados tanto en el histórico-cultural como en otras corrientes. Se incluye como complemento relevante algunos exponentes de la psicología ambiental, para comprender la interacción del ser humano con el espacio físico. Todos los anteriores autores indican principios a seguir, también permiten desarrollar teóricamente lo estudiado y así investigarlo. Al cerrar, este apartado expone el objeto de estudio, el que se refiere a la construcción de la subjetividad social de quienes habitan una comunidad que convive en y con las condiciones ambientales producidas por un botadero a cielo abierto.
In this sense, the topic The community of Río Azul: relationship between the environmental conditions produced by the “sanitary landfill” and the construction of the social subjectivity of its inhabitants, constitutes an important social situation, since the increase of solid wastes increases every day and with it the demand for sites for their final disposal in different communities. It is worth clarifying that this research topic refers to the Río Azul Sanitary Landfill because it is known as such. is referred to as the Río Azul Sanitary Landfill because it is known as such, but it operated as an open dump. Also for this reason, both terms are used in what was reported by the interviewees and in the research mentioned on the subject. The work consists of five chapters as follows: the first one is entitled The problem and its importance, which begins by presenting the antecedents referred to experiences with respect to the physical environment, which various populations have had. These antecedents point out similar studies or others contemplate some important aspects for this research, these were ordered by the following topics: Waste management and situation of dumps and sanitary landfills in Costa Rica: environmental, social and psychological implications; Other human actions, not related to the subject of garbage, carried out in the natural environment of certain communities: environmental, economic, social, psychological effects and community participation; as well as the environmental, economic, social, psychological and psychological effects of the waste management in Costa Rica; as well as the environmental, economic, social and psychological effects of the waste management in Costa Rica. Translated with (free version)
In this sense, the topic The community of Río Azul: relationship between the environmental conditions produced by the “sanitary landfill” and the construction of the social subjectivity of its inhabitants, constitutes an important social situation, since the increase of solid wastes increases every day and with it the demand for sites for their final disposal in different communities. It is worth clarifying that this research topic refers to the Río Azul Sanitary Landfill because it is known as such. is referred to as the Río Azul Sanitary Landfill because it is known as such, but it operated as an open dump. Also for this reason, both terms are used in what was reported by the interviewees and in the research mentioned on the subject. The work consists of five chapters as follows: the first one is entitled The problem and its importance, which begins by presenting the antecedents referred to experiences with respect to the physical environment, which various populations have had. These antecedents point out similar studies or others contemplate some important aspects for this research, these were ordered by the following topics: Waste management and situation of dumps and sanitary landfills in Costa Rica: environmental, social and psychological implications; Other human actions, not related to the subject of garbage, carried out in the natural environment of certain communities: environmental, economic, social, psychological effects and community participation; as well as the environmental, economic, social, psychological and psychological effects of the waste management in Costa Rica; as well as the environmental, economic, social and psychological effects of the waste management in Costa Rica. Translated with (free version)
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