El financiamiento de la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa en la Región Brunca, el caso de los microempresarios del cantón de Osa
Duarte Calvo, Lendy
Rojas Badilla, Ivannia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El movimiento de capitales, es el motor principal de una economía fuerte y que de
mantenerla a flote se encargan las organizaciones públicas y privadas haciendo
que el capital fluya y que esto genere rentabilidad para todo el ambiente
organizacional, por ello el acceso que se tenga al crédito financiero es una
herramienta esencial con la que la mayoría de los microempresarios deberían
contar para fortalecer su gestión. Es fundamental que las entidades estatales y
privadas que se dedican a servicios financieros y aquellas que tienen una
actividad meramente enfocada hacia al desarrollo empresarial sean un apoyo y no
un obstáculo para que estas microempresas sigan manteniéndose como el mayor
conglomerado en pro del desarrollo del país.
Por lo tanto, esta investigación pretende dejar al descubierto aquellos factores
fundamentales y que determinan el éxito o no de la relación entre el
microempresario y una entidad bancaria, e igualmente cuáles son las razones
más fuertes que tiene un microempresario para descartar el realizar trámites
crediticios, así como también, cuáles son los hechos que se destacan más para
las entidades financieras para entrar a descartar las posibilidades de otorgarle un
crédito a un micro o pequeño empresario.
Principalmente la investigación se enfoca en el acceso que tiene el
microempresario del cantón de Osa a los programas financieros existente en el
mercado para MIPyMES, y pretende dar a conocer cuáles son los mayores
obstáculos que enfrentan estos para ser beneficiarios de tales programas, al igual
que las razones por las cuales no intensifican el uso de los mismos.
Para lograr este objetivo se propone desarrollar cuestionario y guía, aplicables a
las partes involucradas dentro de este contexto, el microempresario de Osa y las
entidades financieras del cantón; enfatizando en las condiciones de oferta y
demanda, así como también la percepción que tiene el microempresario con
respecto a dichos programas.
Se hará referencia, además, en términos de requisitos, en qué estado se
encuentra el microempresario de Osa de conformidad con lo establecido por las
entidades financieras, tanto públicas como privadas.
Por último, se darán recomendaciones claves para ambos actores a fin de lograr
minimizar o maximizar la situación encontrada según sea esta positiva o negativa.
The movement of capital, is the main engine of a strong economy and that public and private organizations are in charge of keeping it afloat by making that capital flows and that this generates profitability for the whole environment access to financial credit is a key factor in the success of a company's essential tool with which most microentrepreneurs should count to strengthen its management. It is essential that state entities and financial services and those that have a high degree of autonomy. activity merely focused on business development are a support and not an obstacle for these micro-enterprises to remain the largest conglomerate for the development of the country. Therefore, this research aims to uncover those factors that determine the success or otherwise of the relationship between the and a bank, and also what the reasons are for a microentrepreneur has to rule out the possibility of carrying out procedures credit unions, as well as what are the facts that stand out the most for the financial institutions to enter to discard the possibilities of granting a credit to a micro or small entrepreneur. The research mainly focuses on the access that the microentrepreneur in the Osa canton to the existing financial programs in the market for MIPyMES, and aims to publicize which are the largest obstacles they face in becoming beneficiaries of such programs, as well as than the reasons why they do not intensify the use of them. To achieve this objective, it is proposed to develop a questionnaire and guide, applicable to the parties involved within this context, the Osa microentrepreneur and financial institutions of the canton; emphasizing the conditions of supply and demand, as well as the perception that the microentrepreneur has with with respect to such programs. In addition, it will be referred to in terms of requirements, in which state finds the Osa microentrepreneur in accordance with the provisions of the financial entities, both public and private. Finally, key recommendations will be given to both actors in order to minimize or maximize the situation found according to whether it is positive or negative.
The movement of capital, is the main engine of a strong economy and that public and private organizations are in charge of keeping it afloat by making that capital flows and that this generates profitability for the whole environment access to financial credit is a key factor in the success of a company's essential tool with which most microentrepreneurs should count to strengthen its management. It is essential that state entities and financial services and those that have a high degree of autonomy. activity merely focused on business development are a support and not an obstacle for these micro-enterprises to remain the largest conglomerate for the development of the country. Therefore, this research aims to uncover those factors that determine the success or otherwise of the relationship between the and a bank, and also what the reasons are for a microentrepreneur has to rule out the possibility of carrying out procedures credit unions, as well as what are the facts that stand out the most for the financial institutions to enter to discard the possibilities of granting a credit to a micro or small entrepreneur. The research mainly focuses on the access that the microentrepreneur in the Osa canton to the existing financial programs in the market for MIPyMES, and aims to publicize which are the largest obstacles they face in becoming beneficiaries of such programs, as well as than the reasons why they do not intensify the use of them. To achieve this objective, it is proposed to develop a questionnaire and guide, applicable to the parties involved within this context, the Osa microentrepreneur and financial institutions of the canton; emphasizing the conditions of supply and demand, as well as the perception that the microentrepreneur has with with respect to such programs. In addition, it will be referred to in terms of requirements, in which state finds the Osa microentrepreneur in accordance with the provisions of the financial entities, both public and private. Finally, key recommendations will be given to both actors in order to minimize or maximize the situation found according to whether it is positive or negative.
Memoria de seminario de trabajo de graduación Sometido a consideración del tribunal examinador, Como requisito parcial para optar al Grado de Licenciatura en Administración con Énfasis en Gestión Financiera
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