La internacionalización de los productos de la asociación de productores agroindustriales de la zona sur de reventazón
Navarro Barrantes, Naty Lucía
Rodríguez Vindas, Natalia
Zamora Anchía, Daniela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo trata de ser una guía para la empresa Aproasur, integrando los
principales aspectos a tomar en cuenta para emprender por primera vez un proceso de
internacionalización. Para desarrollar lo anterior, se identificaron la teoría de la
interdependencia compleja y otras teorías de internacionalización de empresas como parte
del sustento teórico, se consideró Aproasur como sujeto de estudio y se mencionaron los
elementos a considerar en la internacionalización, tales como: selección y caracterización
del mercado, relaciones comerciales, documentación, logística y costos de exportación,
entre otros.
Se logró concretar un análisis FODA de Aproasur, permitiendo identificar las ventajas
y desventajas que posee la empresa para exportar. De esta forma, fue más sencillo elaborar
el plan estratégico de internacionalización para Aproasur, permitiendo así una serie de
pasos y requisitos recomendados para aplicar en un proceso exitoso.
En un mundo cada vez más globalizado e interconectado, la internacionalización de las
empresas es una potente estrategia para expandir mercados, aumentar la producción y ganar
experiencia. En la actualidad, los tratados internacionales de comercio y los grandes
acuerdos internacionales de cooperación fundamentan un momento oportuno para que las
empresas pequeñas también tengan oportunidades de internacionalización. No obstante,
sea pequeña o grande la empresa siempre necesitará una buena planificación del proceso
de internacionalización, con lo cual se evitarían futuros inconvenientes.
Se recomienda a las empresas aprovechar este ambiente agradable para el comercio
exterior, donde puede verse beneficiada desde la reducción de impuestos para exportar o
importar, hasta la participación en ferias comerciales, donde puede darse a conocer y
mostrar sus productos. De igual manera, es importante que Aproasur continúe manteniendo
un estrecho vínculo con las instituciones nacionales que han mostrado su apoyo. Con lo
cual, se fortalece el acompañamiento y colaboración a los pequeños productores
This work tries to be a guide for the Aproasur company, integrating the main aspects to take into account to undertake for the first time a process of internationalization. To develop the above, the theory of complex interdependence and other theories of company internationalization as part theoretical support, Aproasur was considered as a study subject and the elements to consider in internationalization, such as: selection and characterization of the market, commercial relations, documentation, logistics and export costs, among others. A SWOT analysis of Aproasur was achieved, allowing to identify the advantages and disadvantages that the company has to export. In this way, it was easier to elaborate the strategic internationalization plan for Aproasur, thus allowing a series of Recommended steps and requirements to apply in a successful process. In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, the internationalization of companies is a powerful strategy to expand markets, increase production and win experience. Today, international trade agreements and major international cooperation agreements provide the basis for an opportune moment for small companies also have opportunities for internationalization. However, whether small or large the company will always need a good planning of the process internationalization, thereby avoiding future inconveniences. Companies are advised to take advantage of this pleasant environment for trade abroad, where it can benefit from the reduction of taxes to export or import, up to participation in trade fairs, where you can make yourself known and display your products. Similarly, it is important that Aproasur continues to maintain a close link with the national institutions that have shown their support. With what which, the support and collaboration with small producers is strengthened Costa Ricans.
This work tries to be a guide for the Aproasur company, integrating the main aspects to take into account to undertake for the first time a process of internationalization. To develop the above, the theory of complex interdependence and other theories of company internationalization as part theoretical support, Aproasur was considered as a study subject and the elements to consider in internationalization, such as: selection and characterization of the market, commercial relations, documentation, logistics and export costs, among others. A SWOT analysis of Aproasur was achieved, allowing to identify the advantages and disadvantages that the company has to export. In this way, it was easier to elaborate the strategic internationalization plan for Aproasur, thus allowing a series of Recommended steps and requirements to apply in a successful process. In an increasingly globalized and interconnected world, the internationalization of companies is a powerful strategy to expand markets, increase production and win experience. Today, international trade agreements and major international cooperation agreements provide the basis for an opportune moment for small companies also have opportunities for internationalization. However, whether small or large the company will always need a good planning of the process internationalization, thereby avoiding future inconveniences. Companies are advised to take advantage of this pleasant environment for trade abroad, where it can benefit from the reduction of taxes to export or import, up to participation in trade fairs, where you can make yourself known and display your products. Similarly, it is important that Aproasur continues to maintain a close link with the national institutions that have shown their support. With what which, the support and collaboration with small producers is strengthened Costa Ricans.
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