Evaluación del impacto producido por los aportes de sedimentos, generados por la construcción de la carretera Naranjo-La Florencia sobre la calidad del agua de la Quebrada Plata (San Ramón, Costa Rica)
Poltronieri Méndez, Sarita
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El desarrollo económico trae consigo el crecimiento urbanístico, en los cuales se encuentran procesos constructivos tales como carreteras, donde la construcción de taludes es una constante y sus efectos notables. El presente estudio realizó la evaluación de la calidad del agua mediante parámetros fisicoquímicos y biológicos de la Quebrada Plata, valoró el efecto del aporte de sedimentos generados por la construcción de la carretera y relacionó la estructura y composición de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos de la Quebrada Plata con los parámetros ambientales, en la sección afectada por la construcción de la carretera Naranjo-La Florencia. Para ello se realizaron seis muestreos en un periodo de siete meses (setiembre 2009-abril 2010), donde las estaciones se seleccionaron a partir del punto, en el cual la quebrada esta intersecada por la construcción de la carretera y posee un talud en su ribera. Se realizaron tomas de muestras para el análisis de parámetros fisicoquímicos y de macroinvertebrados según se indican en el Reglamento para la Evaluación y Clasificación de la Calidad de Cuerpos de Agua Superficiales del Decreto Ejecutivo el NO33903-MINAE-S de Costa Rica. Se calcularon los índices de calidad respectivos (NSF-US y BMWP/CR), se realizó un análisis de clases según su uso potencial basado en la reglamentación costarricense actual y se analizaron las propiedades emergentes de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos, así como el análisis según el grupo funcional alimenticio de éstos. Se determinó que los parámetros analizados que mejor reflejan el grado de deterioro son: la velocidad del agua, la precipitación, los SST, el NH4+ y el pH, mientras que el índice de BMW/CR explica de mejor manera la calidad del agua y la condición deteriorada de la Quebrada Plata. También, se consideró que la Quebrada Plata se ve restringida en sus capacidades biológicas y socioeconómicas (este último basado en las consideraciones del marco legal costarricense) producto de la construcción de la carretera Naranjo-La Florencia, sin embargo este efecto es principalmente notable durante la época lluviosa. La quebrada mostro ser sensible a la estacionalidad como a los impactos constructivos, además, las estaciones post-impacto fueron las más similares entre sí biológicamente, mientras que el análisis integrado mostró que las estaciones post-impacto forman un grupo claro que las separa de las demás, durante la época lluviosa. Los Grupos Funcionales Alimenticios mostraron una mayor representación por los recolectores en todas las estaciones, sin embargo, las estaciones previas al impacto mostraron una mayor representación de fragmentadores Y recolectores, mientas que las posteriores una disminución de estas y un aumento en los filtradores. Finalmente, la Quebrada Plata presenta una comunidad de macroinvertebrados que responde tanto a los impactos generados de forma natural y antrópica, donde su principal efecto es una disminución de la diversidad, una variabilidad en los parámetros ambientales producto del arrastre de sólidos a esta y un cambio en la forma en la cual se sintetizan los recursos, en la sección que se ve afectada por el proceso constructivo. Se considera necesaria la implementación de medidas de control, ya que su situación se puede agravar de no ser acatadas, debido a efectos sinérgicos de daños resultantes de la actividad que se realiza.
Economic development brings with it urban growth, in which construction processes such as roads are found, where the construction of slopes is a constant and its notable effects. The present study carried out the evaluation of the water quality through physicochemical and biological parameters of the Quebrada Plata, evaluated the effect of the contribution of sediments generated by the construction of the highway and related the structure and composition of the community of benthic macroinvertebrates of the Quebrada Silver with environmental parameters, in the section affected by the construction of the Naranjo-La Florencia highway. For this, six samplings were carried out in a period of seven months (September 2009-April 2010), where the stations were selected from the point, in which the ravine is intersected by the construction of the road and has a slope on its bank. . Samples were taken for the analysis of physicochemical and macroinvertebrate parameters as indicated in the Regulation for the Evaluation and Classification of the Quality of Surface Water Bodies of Executive Decree NO33903-MINAE-S of Costa Rica. The respective quality indices (NSF-US and BMWP/CR) were calculated, a class analysis was carried out according to their potential use based on current Costa Rican regulations, and the emergent properties of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community were analyzed, as well as the analysis according to their nutritional functional group. It was determined that the analyzed parameters that best reflect the degree of deterioration are: water speed, precipitation, TSS, NH4+ and pH, while the BMW/CR index better explains the water quality and the deteriorated condition of the Quebrada Plata. Also, it was considered that the Quebrada Plata is restricted in its biological and socioeconomic capacities (the latter based on the considerations of the Costa Rican legal framework) as a result of the construction of the Naranjo-La Florencia highway, however this effect is mainly notable during the rainy season. The creek was shown to be sensitive to seasonality as well as to construction impacts, in addition, the post-impact stations were the most similar to each other biologically, while the integrated analysis showed that the post-impact stations form a clear group that separates them from the others. others, during the rainy season. The Food Functional Groups showed a greater representation by gatherers in all seasons, however, the seasons prior to the impact showed a greater representation of shredders AND gatherers, while the later ones showed a decrease in these and an increase in filter feeders. Finally, the Quebrada Plata presents a community of macroinvertebrates that responds to both the impacts generated naturally and anthropically, where its main effect is a decrease in diversity, a variability in environmental parameters resulting from the dragging of solids to it and a change in the way in which the resources are synthesized, in the section that is affected by the construction process. The implementation of control measures is considered necessary, since their situation can worsen if they are not complied with, due to synergistic effects of damage resulting from the activity that is carried out.
Economic development brings with it urban growth, in which construction processes such as roads are found, where the construction of slopes is a constant and its notable effects. The present study carried out the evaluation of the water quality through physicochemical and biological parameters of the Quebrada Plata, evaluated the effect of the contribution of sediments generated by the construction of the highway and related the structure and composition of the community of benthic macroinvertebrates of the Quebrada Silver with environmental parameters, in the section affected by the construction of the Naranjo-La Florencia highway. For this, six samplings were carried out in a period of seven months (September 2009-April 2010), where the stations were selected from the point, in which the ravine is intersected by the construction of the road and has a slope on its bank. . Samples were taken for the analysis of physicochemical and macroinvertebrate parameters as indicated in the Regulation for the Evaluation and Classification of the Quality of Surface Water Bodies of Executive Decree NO33903-MINAE-S of Costa Rica. The respective quality indices (NSF-US and BMWP/CR) were calculated, a class analysis was carried out according to their potential use based on current Costa Rican regulations, and the emergent properties of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community were analyzed, as well as the analysis according to their nutritional functional group. It was determined that the analyzed parameters that best reflect the degree of deterioration are: water speed, precipitation, TSS, NH4+ and pH, while the BMW/CR index better explains the water quality and the deteriorated condition of the Quebrada Plata. Also, it was considered that the Quebrada Plata is restricted in its biological and socioeconomic capacities (the latter based on the considerations of the Costa Rican legal framework) as a result of the construction of the Naranjo-La Florencia highway, however this effect is mainly notable during the rainy season. The creek was shown to be sensitive to seasonality as well as to construction impacts, in addition, the post-impact stations were the most similar to each other biologically, while the integrated analysis showed that the post-impact stations form a clear group that separates them from the others. others, during the rainy season. The Food Functional Groups showed a greater representation by gatherers in all seasons, however, the seasons prior to the impact showed a greater representation of shredders AND gatherers, while the later ones showed a decrease in these and an increase in filter feeders. Finally, the Quebrada Plata presents a community of macroinvertebrates that responds to both the impacts generated naturally and anthropically, where its main effect is a decrease in diversity, a variability in environmental parameters resulting from the dragging of solids to it and a change in the way in which the resources are synthesized, in the section that is affected by the construction process. The implementation of control measures is considered necessary, since their situation can worsen if they are not complied with, due to synergistic effects of damage resulting from the activity that is carried out.
Poltronieri Méndez, S. (2013). Evaluación del impacto producido por los aportes de sedimentos, generados por la construcción de la carretera Naranjo-La Florencia sobre la calidad del agua de la Quebrada Plata (San Ramón, Costa Rica). [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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