Experiencias de reconocimento co-curricular en la implementación de las mentorías académicas en la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Rivas Solano, Bernarda
Venegas Herrera, Priscilla
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Congreso latinoamericano sobre el abandono en la educación superior (XII CLABES), Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile
Desde el año 2018 la Unidad de Éxito Académico (UEA) de la Vicerrectoría de Docencia (VD) de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), ha venido trabajando en las Mentorías Académicas como una estrategia que pretende favorecer el proceso de adaptación que vive el estudiantado de primer ingreso, al tiempo que se fortalece el perfil profesional de las personas mentoras con la potencialización de habilidades que serán fundamentales para el desempeño en los ambientes laborales. Se ha propuesto a las carreras participantes la implementación de un reconocimiento co-curricular de personas mentoras como un incentivo para consolidar los equipos de mentorías y promover las experiencias estudiantiles. Este reconocimiento es una oportunidad valiosa y oportuna; para apoyar las estrategias de seguimiento al estudiantado de primer ingreso. Es una actividad vinculada con las unidades académicas, quienes son las responsables de trabajar con las personas mentoras, y desde esta vinculación, la UEA pone en marcha un proceso de capacitación durante cada II ciclo lectivo y además, inicia en ese mismo periodo las acciones para el reconocimiento co-curricular, el cual está siendo valorado como una práctica en otras instituciones que al igual que la UNA, emplea las mentorías como acción preventiva para la atención del abandono en Educación Superior.
Since 2018, the Academic Success Unit (UEA) of the Vice Rectory of Teaching (VD) of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), has been working on Academic Mentoring as a strategy that aims to promote the adaptation process experienced by first-time students, while strengthening the professional profile of mentors with the enhancement of skills that will be essential for performance in work environments. It has been proposed to the participating careers the implementation of a co-curricular recognition of mentors as an incentive to consolidate the mentoring teams and promote student experiences. This recognition is a valuable and timely opportunity to support follow-up strategies for first-time students. It is an activity linked to the academic units, which are responsible for working with mentors, and from this linkage, the UEA implements a training process during each second academic year and also initiates in the same period the actions for co-curricular recognition, which is being valued as a practice in other institutions that, like UNA, use mentoring as a preventive action to address dropout in Higher Education.
Since 2018, the Academic Success Unit (UEA) of the Vice Rectory of Teaching (VD) of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), has been working on Academic Mentoring as a strategy that aims to promote the adaptation process experienced by first-time students, while strengthening the professional profile of mentors with the enhancement of skills that will be essential for performance in work environments. It has been proposed to the participating careers the implementation of a co-curricular recognition of mentors as an incentive to consolidate the mentoring teams and promote student experiences. This recognition is a valuable and timely opportunity to support follow-up strategies for first-time students. It is an activity linked to the academic units, which are responsible for working with mentors, and from this linkage, the UEA implements a training process during each second academic year and also initiates in the same period the actions for co-curricular recognition, which is being valued as a practice in other institutions that, like UNA, use mentoring as a preventive action to address dropout in Higher Education.
Se publicará en las memoria del Congreso Latinoamericano sobre el Abandono de la Educación Superior
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