Análisis espacio-temporal de la evolución geomorfológica, los cambios en los usos y coberturas de la tierra así como la distribución del mangle en el Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe en el período de 1948-2012
Acuña Piedra, Jéssica Francini
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Escuela de Ciencias Geográficas
Los humedales en Costa Rica cubren alrededor del 5% del territorio, donde el
Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe (HNTS) es uno de los más importantes debido a que
cuenta con la mayor extensión en el país. El HNTS además presenta una amplia cobertura de
vegetación manglárica que brinda importantes servicios ecosistémicos, sin embargo, las
condiciones específicas que requiere este tipo de vegetación para su crecimiento y desarrollo,
la vuelve susceptible a cualquier cambio o modificación en el entorno.
Entre los impactos que han influenciado a este ecosistema, mediante el análisis
espacio-temporal de insumos fotográficos y comprobación de campo se determinó que en el
periodo 1948-2012 se dieron cambios en los usos de la tierra, especialmente el reemplazo de
los bosques mangláricos para dar paso a actividades agropecuarias como el cultivos de arroz,
pastos con silvicultura, la palma africana, terrenos descubiertos por deforestación, así como
también se da extracción de corteza para elaborar carbón y taninos, además se desarrolla
estanques de maricultura..
Por otra parte los procesos naturales también han afectado este humedal, donde en los
últimos 60 años se han observado cambios en la morfología del litoral en el sistema deltaico
Térraba-Sierpe, los cuales se asocian con la erosión y la deposición de sedimentos, que
dependen de las actividades en la cuenca alta y media (río Térraba y Sierpe). Esta dinámica
ha resultado en la creación y desaparición de morfologías litorales como barreras costeras,
barras de arena e islas, lo cual también ha provocado pérdida de mangle.
Por último, se encontró que los usos de la tierra y la dinámica geomorfológica
tuvieron diferentes efectos sobre la cobertura manglárica en el periodo de estudio. Para los
años 1948-1972 se da una pérdida de mangle en mayor medida por cambios
geomorfológicos; mientras que para el caso del periodo 1972-1992 ambos factores influyen
de manera similar sobre la pérdida de cobertura de mangle; y para el periodo que comprende
1992-2012 se da una recuperación de la vegetación manglárica, donde la colonización de las
diferentes especies de mangle en sedimentos consolidados aporta una mayor área recuperada
en comparación a la colonización de estas especies en zonas antes dominadas por usos de la
Wetlands in Costa Rica cover about 5% of the territory, where the Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe (HNTS) is one of the most important because It has the largest extension in the country. The HNTS also features extensive coverage of manglárica vegetation that provides important ecosystem services, however, the specific conditions that this type of vegetation requires for its growth and development, makes it susceptible to any change or modification in the environment. Among the impacts that have influenced this ecosystem, through the analysis space-time of photographic inputs and field verification it was determined that in the period 1948-2012 there were changes in land uses, especially the replacement of manglaric forests to give way to agricultural activities such as rice cultivation, pastures with forestry, the African palm, lands discovered by deforestation, as well as There is also extraction of bark to make charcoal and tannins, in addition to developing mariculture ponds .. On the other hand, natural processes have also affected this wetland, where in the changes have been observed in the morphology of the coastline in the deltaic system in the last 60 years Térraba-Sierpe, which are associated with erosion and sediment deposition, which they depend on the activities in the upper and middle basins (Térraba and Sierpe rivers). This dynamic has resulted in the creation and disappearance of coastal morphologies such as coastal barriers, sand bars and islands, which has also caused mangrove loss. Finally, it was found that land uses and geomorphological dynamics they had different effects on manglárica coverage in the study period. For the years 1948-1972 there is a mangrove loss to a greater extent due to changes geomorphological; while for the case of the period 1972-1992 both factors influence similarly on the loss of mangrove cover; and for the period that includes 1992-2012 there is a recovery of the manglárica vegetation, where the colonization of the different mangrove species in consolidated sediments provides a larger recovered area compared to the colonization of these species in areas previously dominated by uses of the land.
Wetlands in Costa Rica cover about 5% of the territory, where the Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe (HNTS) is one of the most important because It has the largest extension in the country. The HNTS also features extensive coverage of manglárica vegetation that provides important ecosystem services, however, the specific conditions that this type of vegetation requires for its growth and development, makes it susceptible to any change or modification in the environment. Among the impacts that have influenced this ecosystem, through the analysis space-time of photographic inputs and field verification it was determined that in the period 1948-2012 there were changes in land uses, especially the replacement of manglaric forests to give way to agricultural activities such as rice cultivation, pastures with forestry, the African palm, lands discovered by deforestation, as well as There is also extraction of bark to make charcoal and tannins, in addition to developing mariculture ponds .. On the other hand, natural processes have also affected this wetland, where in the changes have been observed in the morphology of the coastline in the deltaic system in the last 60 years Térraba-Sierpe, which are associated with erosion and sediment deposition, which they depend on the activities in the upper and middle basins (Térraba and Sierpe rivers). This dynamic has resulted in the creation and disappearance of coastal morphologies such as coastal barriers, sand bars and islands, which has also caused mangrove loss. Finally, it was found that land uses and geomorphological dynamics they had different effects on manglárica coverage in the study period. For the years 1948-1972 there is a mangrove loss to a greater extent due to changes geomorphological; while for the case of the period 1972-1992 both factors influence similarly on the loss of mangrove cover; and for the period that includes 1992-2012 there is a recovery of the manglárica vegetation, where the colonization of the different mangrove species in consolidated sediments provides a larger recovered area compared to the colonization of these species in areas previously dominated by uses of the land.
Palabras clave
Acuña-Piedra, J. (2016). Análisis espacio-temporal de la evolución geomorfológica, los cambios en los usos y coberturas de la tierra así como la distribución del mangle en el Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe en el período de 1948-2012. (Tesis de Licenciatura en Ciencias Geográficas) Universidad Nacional