Factores que inciden en los estados de depresión que presentan los adultos mayores clínicamente diagnosticados con esta dolencia del Hogar de Ancianos Monseñor Delfín Quesada Castro, durante el primer período del 2006, y el rol del orientador u orientadora en su prevención.
Arias Ceciliano, Lissy María
Morales Lizano, Rory
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Para llevar a cabo cualquier investigación es importante tener presente su relevancia. La selección del tema y su desarrollo se escogió debido a la necesidad de conocer la incidencia que tienen los factores en la depresión en los adultos mayores y el aporte que podría dar un profesional en Orientación en este campo laboral. El desarrollo de este estudio se lleva a cabo en el Hogar de Ancianos Monseñor Delfín Quesada Castro, ubicado en el distrito de Daniel Flores, en el Barrio Lourdes, en Pérez Zeledón. En este centro se encuentran institucionalizados 75 adultos mayores provenientes de diferentes lugares, los cuales son atendidos por 30 funcionarios distribuidos en diversas áreas. El primer Hogar de Ancianos empezó a funcionar en septiembre de 1972, esto gracias al pueblo generaleño y al señor Mauro Zúñiga Chacón quien cedió una casa por un lapso de seis años. Luego de aquí se trasladó el Hogar de Ancianos al antiguo Hospital de San Isidro, donde inició funciones más organizadas al aumentar la población beneficiaria. 2 En este contexto, nace la Asociación Hogar de Ancianos Monseñor Delfín Quesada, constituida formalmente el 23 de mayo de 1980. En los años siguientes comenzó la construcción de la primera etapa del nuevo Hogar en el Barrio Lourdes. Asimismo, la segunda etapa se llevó a cabo en 1987 y la tercera etapa entre 1991 y 1992, lo que se constituye así en la planta física con que cuenta el Hogar en la actualidad. A pesar de que este centro cuenta con una excelente infraestructura y un personal que brinda buenos servicios a las y los internos, es pertinente un estudio que muestre si las necesidades particulares de esta población requieren de un profesional capacitado para brindar atención integral, perfil en que el orientador u orientadora, por su formación, posee la suficiente preparación profesional. Tal necesidad llevaría a valorar la posibilidad de insertar un profesional de orientación que, junto con el equipo existente, pueda desarrollar técnicas y directrices que ayuden al tratamiento del adulto mayor, para que este pueda gozar de una mejor calidad de vida en su estadía en la Institución. El rol del Orientador (a) se ha venido enmarcando en el sector educativo, pero en la actualidad ha habido apertura para laborar en empresas privadas, cooperativas y otras entidades, lo que ha permitido fortalecer y renovar la función y el concepto del mismo en la sociedad. En este sentido, es necesario abrir el abanico de posibilidades e insertar sus servicios en aquellos nichos o espacios donde sea pertinente.
In order to carry out any research it is important to keep in mind its relevance. The selection of the topic and its development was chosen due to the need to know the incidence of factors in depression in older adults and the contribution that a professional in Guidance could give in this field of work. The development of this study is carried out at the Monseñor Delfín Quesada Castro Home for the Elderly, located in the district of Daniel Flores, in Barrio Lourdes, in Pérez Zeledón. In this center there are 75 institutionalized older adults from different places, who are cared for by 30 employees distributed in different areas. The first Home for the Elderly began to operate in September 1972, thanks to the people of the town and Mr. Mauro Zúñiga Chacón, who donated a house for a period of six years. After this, the Nursing Home was moved to the old San Isidro Hospital, where it began to function in a more organized manner as the number of beneficiaries increased. 2 In this context, the Asociación Hogar de Ancianos Monseñor Delfín Quesada was born, formally constituted on May 23, 1980. In the following years, the construction of the first stage of the new home in Barrio Lourdes began. Likewise, the second stage was carried out in 1987 and the third stage between 1991 and 1992, which constitutes the physical plant that the Hogar has today. Although this center has an excellent infrastructure and a staff that provides good services to the inmates, a study is needed to determine whether the particular needs of this population require a professional trained to provide comprehensive care, a profile in which the counselor, due to his or her training, has sufficient professional preparation. Such a need would lead to assess the possibility of inserting a guidance professional who, together with the existing team, could develop techniques and guidelines to help in the treatment of older adults, so that they can enjoy a better quality of life during their stay in the institution. The role of the counselor has been framed in the educational sector, but nowadays there has been an opening to work in private companies, cooperatives and other entities, which has allowed to strengthen and renew the function and the concept of the counselor in society. In this sense, it is necessary to open the range of possibilities and insert its services in those niches or spaces where it is pertinent.
In order to carry out any research it is important to keep in mind its relevance. The selection of the topic and its development was chosen due to the need to know the incidence of factors in depression in older adults and the contribution that a professional in Guidance could give in this field of work. The development of this study is carried out at the Monseñor Delfín Quesada Castro Home for the Elderly, located in the district of Daniel Flores, in Barrio Lourdes, in Pérez Zeledón. In this center there are 75 institutionalized older adults from different places, who are cared for by 30 employees distributed in different areas. The first Home for the Elderly began to operate in September 1972, thanks to the people of the town and Mr. Mauro Zúñiga Chacón, who donated a house for a period of six years. After this, the Nursing Home was moved to the old San Isidro Hospital, where it began to function in a more organized manner as the number of beneficiaries increased. 2 In this context, the Asociación Hogar de Ancianos Monseñor Delfín Quesada was born, formally constituted on May 23, 1980. In the following years, the construction of the first stage of the new home in Barrio Lourdes began. Likewise, the second stage was carried out in 1987 and the third stage between 1991 and 1992, which constitutes the physical plant that the Hogar has today. Although this center has an excellent infrastructure and a staff that provides good services to the inmates, a study is needed to determine whether the particular needs of this population require a professional trained to provide comprehensive care, a profile in which the counselor, due to his or her training, has sufficient professional preparation. Such a need would lead to assess the possibility of inserting a guidance professional who, together with the existing team, could develop techniques and guidelines to help in the treatment of older adults, so that they can enjoy a better quality of life during their stay in the institution. The role of the counselor has been framed in the educational sector, but nowadays there has been an opening to work in private companies, cooperatives and other entities, which has allowed to strengthen and renew the function and the concept of the counselor in society. In this sense, it is necessary to open the range of possibilities and insert its services in those niches or spaces where it is pertinent.
Licenciatura en orientación
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