Cluster ecoturistico, mercados de competencia imperfecta y desarrollo local en La Fortuna de San Carlos.
Acuña Ortega, Marvin
Cordero Hidalgo, Carol
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
Uno de los rasgos más notables que mejor representan el
estructural que ha experimentado la economía costarricense, en los últimos
años, fruto de los procesos de apertura y globalización ha sido la creciente
importancia relativa del sector servicios
y en particular
del sector turismo en la
Este estudio se propone analizar estos cambios estructurales desde una
perspectiva territorial, determinando
su impacto
en el
desarrollo económico
o local.
De manera más particular, este estudio busca determinar la estructura de
mercado subyacen
te y el entorno institucional que ha hecho posible que el
ecoturismo se haya convertido en La
Fortuna de San Carlos una alternativa
para el desarrollo de las PyMES
, y el impulsor de procesos de
desarrollo local, en condiciones relativamente endó
genas y un medio para una
mejor inserción internacional de esos territorios
El poder probar la existencia de cluster de servicios eco
turísticos en La Fortuna
de San Carlos permitirá dar respuesta a la siguiente interrogante: ¿qué tipo de
estructuras e
instituciones de mercado son capaces de generar economías de
aglomeración, rendimientos crecientes y menores costos de transacción, para
que las PyMES puedan adoptar un patrón de desarrollo basado en la
cooperación, la competitividad y la innovación contin
ua, para así convertirse en
artífices del desarrollo local
One of the most remarkable features that best represent the structural change experienced in the Costa Rican economy in recent years due to the processes of liberalization and globalization has been the increasing relative importance of the service sector in economy, particularly the Tourism sector.|This study aims at analyzing these structural changes from a territorial perspective, determining their impact on the regional or local economic development. Particularly, this study seeks to determine the underlying market structure and institutional environment that has made ecotourism in La Fortuna de San Carlos a productive alternative for SME development, the promoter of local development processes under relatively endogenous conditions, and a better means to include these territories into the international market, The existence of ecotourism clusters in La Fortuna de San Carlos will answer the following question: what kind of market structures and institutions are able to generate agglomeration economies, increasing returns and lower transaction costs so that Smes can adopt a development pattern based on ooperation, competition and continuous innovation in order to become promoters of local development?
One of the most remarkable features that best represent the structural change experienced in the Costa Rican economy in recent years due to the processes of liberalization and globalization has been the increasing relative importance of the service sector in economy, particularly the Tourism sector.|This study aims at analyzing these structural changes from a territorial perspective, determining their impact on the regional or local economic development. Particularly, this study seeks to determine the underlying market structure and institutional environment that has made ecotourism in La Fortuna de San Carlos a productive alternative for SME development, the promoter of local development processes under relatively endogenous conditions, and a better means to include these territories into the international market, The existence of ecotourism clusters in La Fortuna de San Carlos will answer the following question: what kind of market structures and institutions are able to generate agglomeration economies, increasing returns and lower transaction costs so that Smes can adopt a development pattern based on ooperation, competition and continuous innovation in order to become promoters of local development?
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