Propuesta metodológica para la evaluación y mitigación de riesgos por inundaciones en acueductos, aplicación de caso asada Barrio Limón de Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Ortega Noguera, Sheirys Karina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El territorio costarricense se encuentra ubicado en una zona geográficamente influenciada por el impacto de fenómenos hidrometeorológicos, que inciden al desarrollo de lluvias intensas capaces de ocasionar eventos inundación. Hasta ahora, las afectaciones generadas por este tipo de eventos han crecido sustancialmente y con ello las repercusiones negativas a nivel social, económico, así como en infraestructuras utilizadas para proveer servicios básicos como son los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua potable.
Pese al reconocimiento de esta problemática, en el país se presenta una falta de preparación en temas de gestión de riegos por inundaciones principalmente en infraestructuras como son los sistemas de acueductos. Por tal razón, con el objetivo de aportar técnicamente con un insumo que permita en la implementación de acciones concertadas para enfrentar los impactos negativos de las inundaciones en este tipo de sistemas, el presente trabajo propone una metodología para la evaluación y mitigación de riesgos por inundaciones en acueductos.
El desarrollo de este trabajo se efectuó a través de la identificación teórica de los riesgos por inundaciones en acueductos, así como mediante el análisis de las condiciones físicas, de operación y localización de los sistemas que conforman el acueducto de la ASADA Barrio Limón de Santa Cruz; esta información fue utilizada para determinar los niveles de amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo por inundaciones presentes en el acueducto seleccionado como caso de estudio. Para ello, se efectuó una valoración de estas variables de acueducto con el análisis jerárquico establecido según la metodología de Thomas Saaty (1980).
Los resultados del presente trabajo muestran la distribución espacial de los niveles de amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo por inundaciones para el acueducto de estudio analizado, dejando en evidencia las zonas identificadas como prioritarias de atención.
Esta investigación concluye con la propuesta de una línea metodológica para poder efectuar una evaluación de riesgos por inundaciones en infraestructuras de acueductos, así como en proponer vías de mitigación de los riesgos identificados.
The Costa Rican territory is located in an area geographically influenced by the impact of hydrometeorological phenomena, which affect the development of intense rains capable of causing flood events. Until now, the effects generated by this type of event have grown substantially and with it the negative repercussions at a social and economic level, as well as in infrastructures used to provide basic services such as drinking water supply systems. Despite the recognition of this problem, in the country there is a lack of preparation in flood risk management issues, mainly in infrastructures such as aqueduct systems. For this reason, with the objective of technically contributing with an input that allows the implementation of concerted actions to face the negative impacts of floods in this type of system, this paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation and mitigation of flood risks. in aqueducts. The development of this work was carried out through the theoretical identification of the risks due to flooding in aqueducts, as well as through the analysis of the physical conditions, operation and location of the systems that make up the aqueduct of the ASADA Barrio Limón de Santa Cruz; This information was used to determine the levels of threat, vulnerability and risk due to floods present in the aqueduct selected as a case study. For this, an assessment of these aqueduct variables was carried out with the hierarchical analysis established according to the methodology of Thomas Saaty (1980). The results of this study show the spatial distribution of the levels of threat, vulnerability and risk of flooding for the aqueduct under study, revealing the areas identified as priorities for attention. This research concludes with the proposal of a methodological line to be able to carry out an evaluation of risks due to flooding in aqueduct infrastructures, as well as proposing ways to mitigate the identified risks.
The Costa Rican territory is located in an area geographically influenced by the impact of hydrometeorological phenomena, which affect the development of intense rains capable of causing flood events. Until now, the effects generated by this type of event have grown substantially and with it the negative repercussions at a social and economic level, as well as in infrastructures used to provide basic services such as drinking water supply systems. Despite the recognition of this problem, in the country there is a lack of preparation in flood risk management issues, mainly in infrastructures such as aqueduct systems. For this reason, with the objective of technically contributing with an input that allows the implementation of concerted actions to face the negative impacts of floods in this type of system, this paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation and mitigation of flood risks. in aqueducts. The development of this work was carried out through the theoretical identification of the risks due to flooding in aqueducts, as well as through the analysis of the physical conditions, operation and location of the systems that make up the aqueduct of the ASADA Barrio Limón de Santa Cruz; This information was used to determine the levels of threat, vulnerability and risk due to floods present in the aqueduct selected as a case study. For this, an assessment of these aqueduct variables was carried out with the hierarchical analysis established according to the methodology of Thomas Saaty (1980). The results of this study show the spatial distribution of the levels of threat, vulnerability and risk of flooding for the aqueduct under study, revealing the areas identified as priorities for attention. This research concludes with the proposal of a methodological line to be able to carry out an evaluation of risks due to flooding in aqueduct infrastructures, as well as proposing ways to mitigate the identified risks.
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