Captación de Inversión Extranjera Directa de la industria de software y tecnologías de la información: estrategia para Pérez Zeledón
Cisneros Vargas, Gabriela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se ha comprobado que Costa Rica ha sido un país ejemplar en cuanto a atracción de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) se refiere, sin embargo, las empresas internacionales inversoras se concentran en el Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) generando una diferencia muy marcada con respecto a las zonas alejadas, por tanto, es importante que se implementen proyectos a nivel país de atracción de IED que no dejen de lado al sector rural o bien, los alejados de la GAM. Esto implica la incursión de nuevos actores en el escenario de la internacionalización y hacer necesario el papel de los gobiernos locales en relaciones internacionales.
Las municipalidades deberían incursionar como un actor internacional para satisfacer las necesidades sociales y económicas bajo su jurisdicción y crear el clima de atracción de IED óptimo en sus cantones. Conocer las motivaciones, procesos de decisión y factores de las empresas es el punto de partida para diseñar políticas de atracción de IED más efectivas, y esto se logra conforme haya compatibilidad entre lo que piden las empresas y las capacidades e intereses de los países.
El presente proyecto de investigación plantea la búsqueda de componentes que debe poseer una estrategia de atracción de inversión extranjera directa de empresas desarrolladoras de software y tecnologías de información para ser desarrollada en la Municipalidad de Pérez Zeledón, con el fin de lograr una reactivación económica en un largo plazo y generar empleos directos a egresados de las distintas universidades, principalmente a los graduados de la carrera de ingeniería en sistemas que normalmente tienen que emigrar a la capital para lograr encontrar empleo y desarrollarse profesionalmente.
El marco teórico de la investigación abarca los aspectos fundamentales de la IED, estrategia y el papel de la municipalidad en este tema. Para la realización de este trabajo se realizaron encuestas y entrevistas al alcalde de Pérez Zeledón, Jeffrey Montoya y a colaboradores de empresas desarrolladoras de software y tecnologías de la información tanto nacionales e internacionales. Los resultados indican que el cantón posee la mano de obra necesaria y calificada que piden las empresas desarrolladoras de software y TI. Además, la municipalidad podría realizar esfuerzos por crear un departamento que se encargue de la promoción y atracción de IED hacia el cantón.
It has been proven that Costa Rica has been an exemplary country in terms of attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), however, international investment companies are concentrated in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM) generating a very marked difference with respect to remote areas, therefore, it is important to implement projects at the country level to attract FDI that do not leave aside the rural sector or those far from the GAM. This implies the incursion of new actors in the internationalization scenario and making the role of local governments in international relations necessary. Municipalities should enter as an international actor to satisfy the social and economic needs that fall under their jurisdiction and create the optimal climate for attracting FDI in their cantons. Knowing the motivations, decision-making processes and factors of companies is the starting point for designing more effective FDI attraction policies, and this is achieved as long as there is compatibility between the demands of companies and the capacities and interests of the countries. The present research project proposes the search for components that a strategy to attract foreign direct investment of software and information technology development companies should have in order to be developed in the Municipality of Pérez Zeledón, with the purpose of achieving an economic reactivation in the long term and generate direct jobs for graduates of the different universities, mainly for graduates of systems engineering careers who normally have to migrate to the capital city to find employment and develop professionally. The theoretical framework of the research covers the fundamental aspects of FDI, strategy and the role of the municipality in this topic. In order to carry out this work, surveys and interviews were conducted with the mayor of Pérez Zeledón, Jeffrey Montoya, and with collaborators of software and information technology development companies, both national and international. The results indicate that the canton has the necessary and qualified workforce required by software and IT development companies. In addition, the municipality could make efforts to create a department in charge of promoting and attracting FDI to the canton.
It has been proven that Costa Rica has been an exemplary country in terms of attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), however, international investment companies are concentrated in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM) generating a very marked difference with respect to remote areas, therefore, it is important to implement projects at the country level to attract FDI that do not leave aside the rural sector or those far from the GAM. This implies the incursion of new actors in the internationalization scenario and making the role of local governments in international relations necessary. Municipalities should enter as an international actor to satisfy the social and economic needs that fall under their jurisdiction and create the optimal climate for attracting FDI in their cantons. Knowing the motivations, decision-making processes and factors of companies is the starting point for designing more effective FDI attraction policies, and this is achieved as long as there is compatibility between the demands of companies and the capacities and interests of the countries. The present research project proposes the search for components that a strategy to attract foreign direct investment of software and information technology development companies should have in order to be developed in the Municipality of Pérez Zeledón, with the purpose of achieving an economic reactivation in the long term and generate direct jobs for graduates of the different universities, mainly for graduates of systems engineering careers who normally have to migrate to the capital city to find employment and develop professionally. The theoretical framework of the research covers the fundamental aspects of FDI, strategy and the role of the municipality in this topic. In order to carry out this work, surveys and interviews were conducted with the mayor of Pérez Zeledón, Jeffrey Montoya, and with collaborators of software and information technology development companies, both national and international. The results indicate that the canton has the necessary and qualified workforce required by software and IT development companies. In addition, the municipality could make efforts to create a department in charge of promoting and attracting FDI to the canton.
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