“La incidencia de la implementación de la economía colaborativa en el sector transporte remunerado de personas de Costa Rica. El caso UBER”
Garaizabal Alfaro, Camila
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los avances tecnológicos, la digitalización y la conectividad se han constituido en
puentes para el surgimiento de nuevas propuestas económicas como una forma de enfrentar
las graves crisis que afronta la sociedad. Una de esas soluciones innovadoras, es la economía
colaborativa, la cual se diferencia de los esquemas tradicionales y clásicos, por el uso de
plataformas virtuales y aplicaciones.
La forma práctica y efectiva en que los usuarios satisfacen sus necesidades a través
de esta modalidad económica, sin que medie una estructura física, bastando la interacción
entre el proveedor de un servicio y un consumidor, a través de una aplicación, le ha otorgado
un lugar importante y protagónico en el quehacer de las personas a nivel mundial.
El enfoque compartido o de colaboración se puede presentar en diferentes áreas de
la cotidianidad, tales como salud, seguridad, limpieza, hospedaje, transporte, entre otras. No
obstante, de su amplia difusión, existen vacíos regulatorios en las políticas de los países, que
han hecho polémico este tema desde su surgimiento hasta la actualidad. Muchos gobiernos
discuten los posibles marcos regulatorios para esta modalidad económica y Costa rica no
escapa de esta realidad y continúa realizando esfuerzos en este sentido.
En virtud de lo señalado y de cara a la importancia del desarrollo económico y sus
implicaciones, se hace imperiosa la necesidad de realizar esfuerzos investigativos sobre el
tema a fin de determinar la dinámica y alcance de la economía colaborativa en Costa Rica, lo
que podría contribuir significativamente en la comprensión y análisis de sus características
y dimensiones, por otra parte servir de referencia en la discusión de los aspectos regulatorios
que correspondan a tales actividades para beneficio de todos y sin menoscabo o afectación
de ningún sector o grupo.
Con el fin de contribuir al fortalecimiento del tema, es que se plantea esta
investigación de carácter exploratorio con un enfoque de tipo descriptivo-explicativo para
analizar la economía colaborativa en la estructura productiva de Costa Rica y establecer su
incidencia, a partir del estudio de caso de Uber, sobre el sector transporte específicamente.
El trabajo se encuentra estructurado en cinco capítulos. El primer capítulo donde se
delimita el tema, se plantea la problemática, antecedentes del estudio, justificación y los
objetivos tanto general como específicos. El segundo corresponde al marco teórico, y se
desarrollan los principales conceptos relativos a las variables e indicadores objeto del
estudio. El tercer capítulo corresponde a la metodología y describe el tipo de investigación,
la población, muestra, instrumentos de recolección de datos y la matriz metodológica. El
cuarto capítulo se refiere al análisis e interpretación de los resultados y por último las
conclusiones y recomendaciones según el estudio realizado.
Technological advances, digitization and connectivity have become bridges for the emergence of new economic proposals as a way of facing the serious crises facing society. One of those innovative solutions is the economy collaborative, which differs from traditional and classical schemes, by the use of virtual platforms and applications. The practical and effective way that users satisfy their needs through of this economic modality, without the mediation of a physical structure, the interaction between the provider of a service and a consumer, through an application, has granted an important and leading place in the work of people worldwide.The shared or collaborative approach can be presented in different areas of daily life, such as health, safety, cleaning, lodging, transportation, among others. Not However, due to its wide dissemination, there are regulatory gaps in the policies of the countries, which have made this issue controversial from its emergence to the present. Many governments discuss the possible regulatory frameworks for this economic modality and Costa Rica does not escapes from this reality and continues to make efforts in this regard. By virtue of the above and in view of the importance of economic development and its implications, the need to carry out investigative efforts on the topic in order to determine the dynamics and scope of the collaborative economy in Costa Rica, that could contribute significantly to the understanding and analysis of its characteristics and dimensions, on the other hand to serve as a reference in the discussion of regulatory aspects that correspond to such activities for the benefit of all and without detriment or affectation of any sector or group. In order to contribute to the strengthening of the issue, this is exploratory research with a descriptive-explanatory approach to analyze the collaborative economy in the productive structure of Costa Rica and establish its
Technological advances, digitization and connectivity have become bridges for the emergence of new economic proposals as a way of facing the serious crises facing society. One of those innovative solutions is the economy collaborative, which differs from traditional and classical schemes, by the use of virtual platforms and applications. The practical and effective way that users satisfy their needs through of this economic modality, without the mediation of a physical structure, the interaction between the provider of a service and a consumer, through an application, has granted an important and leading place in the work of people worldwide.The shared or collaborative approach can be presented in different areas of daily life, such as health, safety, cleaning, lodging, transportation, among others. Not However, due to its wide dissemination, there are regulatory gaps in the policies of the countries, which have made this issue controversial from its emergence to the present. Many governments discuss the possible regulatory frameworks for this economic modality and Costa Rica does not escapes from this reality and continues to make efforts in this regard. By virtue of the above and in view of the importance of economic development and its implications, the need to carry out investigative efforts on the topic in order to determine the dynamics and scope of the collaborative economy in Costa Rica, that could contribute significantly to the understanding and analysis of its characteristics and dimensions, on the other hand to serve as a reference in the discussion of regulatory aspects that correspond to such activities for the benefit of all and without detriment or affectation of any sector or group. In order to contribute to the strengthening of the issue, this is exploratory research with a descriptive-explanatory approach to analyze the collaborative economy in the productive structure of Costa Rica and establish its
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