Ernesto «Che» Guevara: El ser humano y el compromiso ético llevado hasta sus últimas consecuencias
Cedeño Castro, Rogelio
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
Evoca la memoria de Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, el «Che», en este fin de siglo, significa no un mero
ejercicio de la apologética o de la exteriorización de la terca nostalgia de quienes añoran un mundo que
ya no fue sino que, por el contrario, representa la invitación a una lectura más atenta de los acontecimientos que nos lleva, sin duda a desafiar las ya realizadas, de manera apresurada, por aquellos que juran que la sociedad del egoísmo y de la muerte, del asesinato de Dios y de la esperanza, han ganado la partida y que, dentro de una pobre cosmovisión neohegeliana, aseguran
que nos encontramos en el techo de la historia. Sin duda estrecha y mezquina esta visión, la de quienes
se dejan guiar por una descuidada observación de la superficie de los acontecimientos y olvidan aquella expresión de los antiguos griegos de que «los dioses ciegan a quienes quieren perder».
It evokes the memory of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, the "Che", in this end of the century, it means not a mere exercise of apologetics or the externalization of the stubborn nostalgia of those who yearn for a world that no longer was but, on the contrary, it represents the invitation to a more attentive reading of the events that he brings us, no doubt to challenge those already made, in a hasty way, by those who swear that the society of selfishness and death, of the murder of God and of hope, have won the game and that, within a poor neo-Hegelian worldview, they assure that we are at the top of history. No doubt this vision is narrow and mean, that of those who allow themselves to be guided by a careless observation of the surface of events and forget that expression of the ancient Greeks that "the gods blind those who want to lose".
It evokes the memory of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, the "Che", in this end of the century, it means not a mere exercise of apologetics or the externalization of the stubborn nostalgia of those who yearn for a world that no longer was but, on the contrary, it represents the invitation to a more attentive reading of the events that he brings us, no doubt to challenge those already made, in a hasty way, by those who swear that the society of selfishness and death, of the murder of God and of hope, have won the game and that, within a poor neo-Hegelian worldview, they assure that we are at the top of history. No doubt this vision is narrow and mean, that of those who allow themselves to be guided by a careless observation of the surface of events and forget that expression of the ancient Greeks that "the gods blind those who want to lose".
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