Proceso de atención a un grupo de pescadores con interés en generar un proyecto productivo técnica y económicamente viable
Corrales Gómez, Natalia
Carvajal Oses, Milagro
Chacón Guzmán, Jonathan
Calvo Elizondo, Elman
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Las comunidades costeras, especialmente las ubicadas en la parte interna del golfo de Nicoya, sus
islas y cabecera de provincia, se han caracterizado por las altas tasas de desempleo y de violencia
intrafamiliar; situación que se ha acarreado durante muchos años y que se ha visto magnificada por
la pandemia causada por el virus SarsCOV-2. Ante esto, el Programa Parque Marino del Pacífico
ha visualizado como la acuicultura en pequeña escala puede desarrollarse por el núcleo familiar,
llegando a convertirse en una oportunidad de generar empleos para personas emprendedoras de
la zona. Además, la riqueza escénica del sitio permite la integración de componentes turísticos a
los proyectos, generándoles un valor agregado y con ello rentabilidad. Este documento sistematiza
la experiencia generada por el proyecto “Cultivo de camarones marinos en granjas flotantes” con
el objetivo de identificar los elementos claves o inspiradores que pudiesen ser considerados para
otros proyectos similares a futuro. Para ello se generó una reconstrucción histórica a partir de la
documentación recopilada a lo largo del proyecto, así como entrevistas a las personas involucradas.
De esto, se generó una interpretación crítica de estas situaciones resaltando los elementos
claves que permitieron u obstaculizaron la consecución de resultados. Como conclusión, resalta
la importancia que ha tenido la integración de instituciones afines a la temática robusteciendo el
proyecto en distintas aristas, el seguimiento técnico por parte de profesionales en la materia, así
como el rol fundamental de las personas de la comunidad para lograr este éxito y consolidación
de los proyectos.
Coastal communities, especially those located in the inner part of the Gulf of Nicoya, its islands, and the provincial capital, have been characterized by high unemployment rates and domestic violence. This situation has been going on for many years and has been magnified by the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. In view of this, the Pacific Marine Park Program has visualized how small-scale aquaculture can be developed by a family nucleus, becoming an opportunity to generate employment for entrepreneurs in the area. In addition, the scenic richness of the site allows the integration of tourism components to the projects, generating added value and, thus, profitability. This document systematizes the experience generated by the “Marine shrimp farming in floating farms” project in order to identify the key or inspiring elements that could be considered for other similar projects in the future. To this end, a historical reconstruction was generated from the documentation collected throughout the project and from interviews with the people involved. From this, a critical interpretation of these situations was generated, highlighting the key elements that allowed or hindered the achievement of results. In conclusion, it is essential to highlight the importance of integrating institutions related to the subject, strengthening the project in different aspects, the technical follow-up by professionals in the field, and the fundamental role of people in the community to achieve the success and consolidation of the projects.
Coastal communities, especially those located in the inner part of the Gulf of Nicoya, its islands, and the provincial capital, have been characterized by high unemployment rates and domestic violence. This situation has been going on for many years and has been magnified by the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. In view of this, the Pacific Marine Park Program has visualized how small-scale aquaculture can be developed by a family nucleus, becoming an opportunity to generate employment for entrepreneurs in the area. In addition, the scenic richness of the site allows the integration of tourism components to the projects, generating added value and, thus, profitability. This document systematizes the experience generated by the “Marine shrimp farming in floating farms” project in order to identify the key or inspiring elements that could be considered for other similar projects in the future. To this end, a historical reconstruction was generated from the documentation collected throughout the project and from interviews with the people involved. From this, a critical interpretation of these situations was generated, highlighting the key elements that allowed or hindered the achievement of results. In conclusion, it is essential to highlight the importance of integrating institutions related to the subject, strengthening the project in different aspects, the technical follow-up by professionals in the field, and the fundamental role of people in the community to achieve the success and consolidation of the projects.
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