Impuesto sobre la renta en Costa Rica: Vínculo entre lo normativo y el proceso operativo de recudación.
Víquez González, Mariany
Madrigal Moya, Victor Manuel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación analiza el Impuesto sobre la Renta (ISR) en Costa Rica vinculo
entre el proceso normativo y operativo de su recaudación. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se
parte del criterio de expertos entrevistados y se complementa con la literatura económica,
dando como resultado un análisis de los aspecto más relevantes de del proceso de
recaudación ISR.
Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se plantearon cuatro interrogantes principales para el
A.) ¿Por qué el impuesto sobre la renta es tan importante para la economía nacional?
B.) ¿Por qué paradójicamente es el segundo en importancia en cuanto aporte de dinero
para la economía nacional, pero es el que más se evade?
C.) ¿Sera que existe desintonía entre lo normativo y lo operativo que hace que existan
muchos portillos por donde se pueda evadir ese impuesto?
D.) ¿Cuál sería una propuesta para fortalecer el proceso de recaudación del impuesto
sobre la renta?
Así mismo se analiza el proceso de recaudación del ISR para dar respuesta a la interrogante
del porqué el ISR es el segundo en importancia en cuanto aporte de dinero para la
economía nacional pero es el que más se evade. Se exponen los mecanismos más utilizados
por los evasores y cuáles son los mejores instrumentos normativos y administrativos con los
que cuenta el país para hacer frente a la evasión de impuestos. Se determina el vínculo
entre lo normativo y lo operativo en el proceso de recaudación del ISR, así como: a) los
principales hechos ilícitos que se dan en el sistema tributario nacional; b) las falencias más
significativas que presenta el sistema de recaudación del ISR; c) los factores que inciden
para que se produzca evasión, entre otros.
Finalmente se proponen algunas recomendaciones en procura de minimizar la evasión
fiscal y mejorar los ingresos que le permitan al estado contar con los ingresos necesarios
para ejecutar sus políticas estatales.
This research analyzes the Income Tax (ISR) in Costa Rica link between the normative and operational process of its collection. To carry out this study, part of the criteria of interviewed experts and is complemented by the economic literature, resulting in an analysis of the most relevant aspects of the process of ISR collection. For the development of this research, four main questions were raised for the theme: A.) Why is income tax so important to the national economy? B.) Why is it paradoxically the second most important in terms of money contribution for the national economy, but is it the one that evades the most? C.) Could it be that there is a mismatch between the normative and the operational that causes many gates through which you can evade that tax? D.) What would be a proposal to strengthen the tax collection process about rent? Likewise, the ISR collection process is analyzed to answer the question of why the ISR is the second in importance in terms of contribution of money for the national economy but it is the one that evades the most. The most used mechanisms are exposed by evaders and what are the best regulatory and administrative instruments with which that the country has to deal with tax evasion. The link is determined between the normative and the operative in the ISR collection process, as well as: a) the main illicit acts that occur in the national tax system; b) the shortcomings significant that presents the income tax collection system; c) the factors that influence for evasion to occur, among others. Finally, some recommendations are proposed in order to minimize tax evasion. fiscal and improve revenues that allow the state to have the necessary revenues to execute their state policies.
This research analyzes the Income Tax (ISR) in Costa Rica link between the normative and operational process of its collection. To carry out this study, part of the criteria of interviewed experts and is complemented by the economic literature, resulting in an analysis of the most relevant aspects of the process of ISR collection. For the development of this research, four main questions were raised for the theme: A.) Why is income tax so important to the national economy? B.) Why is it paradoxically the second most important in terms of money contribution for the national economy, but is it the one that evades the most? C.) Could it be that there is a mismatch between the normative and the operational that causes many gates through which you can evade that tax? D.) What would be a proposal to strengthen the tax collection process about rent? Likewise, the ISR collection process is analyzed to answer the question of why the ISR is the second in importance in terms of contribution of money for the national economy but it is the one that evades the most. The most used mechanisms are exposed by evaders and what are the best regulatory and administrative instruments with which that the country has to deal with tax evasion. The link is determined between the normative and the operative in the ISR collection process, as well as: a) the main illicit acts that occur in the national tax system; b) the shortcomings significant that presents the income tax collection system; c) the factors that influence for evasion to occur, among others. Finally, some recommendations are proposed in order to minimize tax evasion. fiscal and improve revenues that allow the state to have the necessary revenues to execute their state policies.
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