Elaboración de los componentes para el Programa Operacional del Plan de Seguridad del Agua (PSA) en el acueducto de la comunidad costera de Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
García Fernández, Francisco Javier
Arce Chinchilla, Andrea
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La Gestión Integrada del Recurso Hídrico (GIRH) es un enfoque que permite conservar el medio ambiente y utilizar de manera razonable los recursos y servicios ecosistémicos. Dentro del marco de la GIRH, el Plan de Seguridad del Agua (PSA) es una herramienta impulsada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que permite identificar los peligros físicos, químicos y biológicos que existen en los sistemas de abastecimiento, desde las captaciones de agua hasta los hogares de los consumidores, tomando en cuenta el manejo de los ecosistemas y recursos naturales. El objetivo de este trabajo se basó en diseñar hasta la etapa del Programa Operacional del PSA para el acueducto de Jacó, con el fin de asegurar la calidad y el abastecimiento de agua potable a la comunidad. El trabajo se realizó en el acueducto de la comunidad de Jacó administrado por el AYA, donde se ejecutó un instrumento de diagnóstico detallado, se aplicó la metodología Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (APPCC) para identificar los peligros y clasificar los riesgos y finalmente se elaboró el programa operacional. El acueducto posee 5 captaciones, una superficial (río Copey) donde se ubica la planta potabilizadora y 4 subterráneas (pozos). Además existe una planta que cuenta con procesos de pretratamiento, sistema de filtración, tratamiento mediante cloro gas, almacenamiento, conducción (fuente-red) y red de distribución, aunado al sistema de usuarios. En todos los procesos se detectaron peligros con clasificación de riesgo bajo, moderado, alto y muy alto que ponen en riesgo la seguridad del agua que consumen los usuarios. Aunque el AYA realiza sus funciones con los recursos humanos y económicos disponibles, es necesario mejorar aspectos señalados como Puntos Críticos de Control (PCC), mediante la aplicación de las medidas correctivas y el programa operacional diseñado para cada etapa del sistema. Se debe tomar en cuenta las medidas de adaptación ante el cambio climático y el análisis de amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo a la contaminación hidrogeológica, con el fin de proteger las fuentes de agua y zonas de recarga inmediata, además de desarrollar planes de reforestación y protección de vegetación ribereña, entre otros.
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is an approach that allows for the conservation of the environment and the reasonable use of resources and ecosystem services. Within the framework of the IWRM, the Water Safety Plan (PSA) is a tool promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), which makes it possible to identify the physical, chemical and biological hazards that exist in the supply systems, from the collection of water to the homes of consumers, taking into account the management of ecosystems and natural resources. The objective of this work was based on designing up to the stage of the Operational Program of the PSA for the Jacó aqueduct, in order to ensure the quality and supply of drinking water to the community. The work was carried out in the aqueduct of the Jacó community managed by the AYA, where a detailed diagnostic instrument was executed, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methodology was applied to identify hazards and classify risks and finally the operational program was elaborated. The aqueduct has 5 catchments, one superficial (Copey River) where the water treatment plant is located and 4 underground (wells). There is also a plant that has pre-treatment processes, a filtration system, chlorine gas treatment, storage, conduction (source-network) and a distribution network, together with the user system. In all processes, hazards with a low, moderate, high and very high risk classification were detected, which put the safety of the water consumed by users at risk. Although the AYA performs its functions with the available human and economic resources, it is necessary to improve aspects designated as Critical Control Points (CCP), through the application of corrective measures and the operational program designed for each stage of the system. Adaptation measures to climate change and the analysis of threat, vulnerability and risk to hydrogeological contamination must be taken into account, in order to protect water sources and immediate recharge areas, in addition to developing reforestation and protection plans. of riparian vegetation, among others.
Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is an approach that allows for the conservation of the environment and the reasonable use of resources and ecosystem services. Within the framework of the IWRM, the Water Safety Plan (PSA) is a tool promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO), which makes it possible to identify the physical, chemical and biological hazards that exist in the supply systems, from the collection of water to the homes of consumers, taking into account the management of ecosystems and natural resources. The objective of this work was based on designing up to the stage of the Operational Program of the PSA for the Jacó aqueduct, in order to ensure the quality and supply of drinking water to the community. The work was carried out in the aqueduct of the Jacó community managed by the AYA, where a detailed diagnostic instrument was executed, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) methodology was applied to identify hazards and classify risks and finally the operational program was elaborated. The aqueduct has 5 catchments, one superficial (Copey River) where the water treatment plant is located and 4 underground (wells). There is also a plant that has pre-treatment processes, a filtration system, chlorine gas treatment, storage, conduction (source-network) and a distribution network, together with the user system. In all processes, hazards with a low, moderate, high and very high risk classification were detected, which put the safety of the water consumed by users at risk. Although the AYA performs its functions with the available human and economic resources, it is necessary to improve aspects designated as Critical Control Points (CCP), through the application of corrective measures and the operational program designed for each stage of the system. Adaptation measures to climate change and the analysis of threat, vulnerability and risk to hydrogeological contamination must be taken into account, in order to protect water sources and immediate recharge areas, in addition to developing reforestation and protection plans. of riparian vegetation, among others.
García Fernández, F. J. (2015). Elaboración de los componentes para el Programa Operacional del Plan de Seguridad del Agua (PSA) en el acueducto de la comunidad costera de Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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