Evaluación operativa de dos ASADAS de la Región Chorotega, Costa Rica para la elaboración de un manual de operación y mantenimiento que mejore su gestión
Gutiérrez Matarrita, Ingrid Fiorella
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El agua es un elemento de la naturaleza de gran importancia, ya que integra los ecosistemas naturales y proporciona bienestar a los seres vivos. Dada su importancia han surgido entidades como asociaciones comunales, municipios, comités, entre otros encargados de este recurso en zonas rurales, bajo la tutela del Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillado (en adelante AyA), el cual es la entidad pública que regula la distribución y manejo del agua potable. Las Asociaciones administradoras de los Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados comunales (en adelante ASADAS) han tomado gran relevancia en su participación, sin embargo, muchas de estas presentan problemas como: poco monitoreo y control de la calidad del agua, infraestructura deficiente, falta de acompañamiento técnico y apoyo financiero por parte del AyA. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es realizar una evaluación operativa de dos ASADAS de la Región Chorotega, con el fin de elaborar un manual de operación y mantenimiento para mejorar su gestión del recurso hídrico, ya que la implementación de estrategias y actividades de planificación son propuestas viables para la erradicación de problemáticas como las mencionadas anteriormente.
Este proyecto presenta una metodología de mixta, es decir integra tanto datos cualitativos como cuantitativos, mediante la aplicación de 4 fases de suma importancia en el desarrollo del proyecto. Cabe recalcar, que se logró desarrollar una guía estratégica de referencia como insumo para la realización del manual de operación y mantenimiento de cada ASADA, además de evaluar áreas de mejoras en base a las necesidades que presentaban. Los manuales elaborados permitirán a las personas encargadas de las ASADAS tomar decisiones y ejecutar tareas en sus acueductos comunales mediante la planificación, organización y gestión de las actividades que se llevan a cabo, además cabe recalcar que la guía que se realizó es un estudio base para futuros proyectos.
Water is a nature element of great importance, it integrates natural ecosystems and provide well-being to living beings. Because of the great importance, entities have emerged. Community associations, municipalities, committees and others, in charge of this resource in rural areas, under the tutelage of the Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (in ahead AyA), this is the public institution that manage the distribution of the drinking water. The Asociaciones Administradoras de los Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Comunales (in ahead ASADAS), have taken a great relevance in their participation, however, many of these ASADAS have presented problems such as: lack monitoring in the control of water quality, poor infrastructure, missing of technical and financial support from AyA. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to carry out an operational evaluation of two ASADAS of the Chorotega Region, in order to elaborate an operation and maintenance manual to improve their management of water resource. The implementation of strategies and activities are viable proposals for the eradication of problems such as those already mentioned before. This project presents a mixed methodology, that integrates both qualitative and quantitative data, through the application of 4 phases of great importance in the development of the project. It should be noted that it was possible to developed a guide as an input for the preparation of the operation and maintenance manual for each ASADA, in addition, evaluating the areas showed up their weaknesses so, based on that improve all them. The manual will allow the people in charge of the ASADAS to make decisions and execute tasks in their communal aqueducts, it should also be emphasized that the manual that was carried out, it is a base of study for future projects.
Water is a nature element of great importance, it integrates natural ecosystems and provide well-being to living beings. Because of the great importance, entities have emerged. Community associations, municipalities, committees and others, in charge of this resource in rural areas, under the tutelage of the Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (in ahead AyA), this is the public institution that manage the distribution of the drinking water. The Asociaciones Administradoras de los Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Comunales (in ahead ASADAS), have taken a great relevance in their participation, however, many of these ASADAS have presented problems such as: lack monitoring in the control of water quality, poor infrastructure, missing of technical and financial support from AyA. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to carry out an operational evaluation of two ASADAS of the Chorotega Region, in order to elaborate an operation and maintenance manual to improve their management of water resource. The implementation of strategies and activities are viable proposals for the eradication of problems such as those already mentioned before. This project presents a mixed methodology, that integrates both qualitative and quantitative data, through the application of 4 phases of great importance in the development of the project. It should be noted that it was possible to developed a guide as an input for the preparation of the operation and maintenance manual for each ASADA, in addition, evaluating the areas showed up their weaknesses so, based on that improve all them. The manual will allow the people in charge of the ASADAS to make decisions and execute tasks in their communal aqueducts, it should also be emphasized that the manual that was carried out, it is a base of study for future projects.
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