Portafolio de Líneas de Investigación : Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria
Montero Corrales, Carlos Alberto
Passos Pequeno, Andréia
Alpízar Solis, Carlos
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Vicerrectoría de Investigación (Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica))
Desde principios de 2020, la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y la Escuela de Medicina
Veterinaria (EMV) han trabajado colaborativamente en el marco de la Agenda Universitaria
de Evaluación y Planificación de la Investigación (AUEPI) (Montero et al., 2020) para
mejorar la orientación, priorización y visión futura de la investigación en esta Unidad. Esto
se ha logrado a través del Plan Reforzamiento de la Investigación al 2020 de la Escuela de
Medicina Veterinaria ejecutado por la Comisión encargada de la planificación y prospección
de investigación.
En este camino, se identificaron líneas de investigación que destacan la capacidad
de la EMV para investigar y generar datos de la producción científica relevantes para la
toma de decisiones futuras, los cuales se plasman en los informes de evaluación generados
a raíz de la evaluación a nivel de resultados de investigación realizada a los cincos
programas más relevantes en cuanto a su investigación en la EMV (Vicerrectoría de
Investigación, 2022).
Este documento tiene el objetivo de dar a conocer la pertinencia social y la
trayectoria de las líneas actuales y futuras de investigación de la Escuela de Medicina
Veterinaria al año 2033, mediante un portafolio que orienta la acción sustantiva de
investigación y su aporte a la docencia y extensión en la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria.
El documento se organiza en los siguientes apartados: 1. Resumen de las Líneas
de Investigación, 2. Metodología y 3. Temas y Líneas de Investigación por cada uno de los
siguientes temas: Ciencia básica, Desarrollo e innovación tecnológica, Medicina y cirugía,
Producción y reproducción animal y Salud pública.
Para cada tema, se describe la línea de investigación correspondiente, el problema
público o necesidad social que aborda, el escenario futuro proyectado para el año 2033 y
los programas y laboratorios asociados.
Since early 2020, the Vice Rector's Office for Research and the School of Veterinary Medicine (EMV) have worked collaboratively within the framework of the University Agenda for Research Evaluation and Planning (AUEPI) (Montero et al., 2020) to improve the orientation, prioritization and future vision of research in this Unit. This has been achieved through the Research Strengthening Plan 2020 of the School of Veterinary Medicine executed by the Commission in charge of research planning and prospection. Along this path, research lines were identified that highlight the capacity of the VMU to research and generate scientific production data relevant for future decision making, which are reflected in the evaluation reports generated as a result of the evaluation at the level of research results carried out to the five most relevant programs in terms of their research at the VMU (Vice Rector's Office for Research, 2022). The objective of this document is to make known the social relevance and the trajectory of the current and future lines of research of the School of Veterinary Medicine to the year 2033, through a portfolio that orients the substantive action of research and its contribution to teaching and extension in the School of Veterinary Medicine. The document is organized in the following sections: 1. Summary of the Lines of Research, 2. Methodology and 3. Topics and Lines of Research for each of the following topics: Basic Science, Development and Technological Innovation, Medicine and Surgery, Animal Production and Reproduction and Public Health. For each topic, the corresponding line of research, the public problem or social need it addresses, the projected future scenario for the year 2033, and the associated programs and laboratories are described.
Since early 2020, the Vice Rector's Office for Research and the School of Veterinary Medicine (EMV) have worked collaboratively within the framework of the University Agenda for Research Evaluation and Planning (AUEPI) (Montero et al., 2020) to improve the orientation, prioritization and future vision of research in this Unit. This has been achieved through the Research Strengthening Plan 2020 of the School of Veterinary Medicine executed by the Commission in charge of research planning and prospection. Along this path, research lines were identified that highlight the capacity of the VMU to research and generate scientific production data relevant for future decision making, which are reflected in the evaluation reports generated as a result of the evaluation at the level of research results carried out to the five most relevant programs in terms of their research at the VMU (Vice Rector's Office for Research, 2022). The objective of this document is to make known the social relevance and the trajectory of the current and future lines of research of the School of Veterinary Medicine to the year 2033, through a portfolio that orients the substantive action of research and its contribution to teaching and extension in the School of Veterinary Medicine. The document is organized in the following sections: 1. Summary of the Lines of Research, 2. Methodology and 3. Topics and Lines of Research for each of the following topics: Basic Science, Development and Technological Innovation, Medicine and Surgery, Animal Production and Reproduction and Public Health. For each topic, the corresponding line of research, the public problem or social need it addresses, the projected future scenario for the year 2033, and the associated programs and laboratories are described.
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