El proceso de adquisición de una L2 y sus implicaciones pedagógicas
González Duarte, Delma V.
Sánchez, Kattia
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La adquisición de lenguas se presenta como un proceso que está sometido a leyes precisas, determinado en su desarrollo, su ritmo y su resultado final según diferentes factores y puede ser influido por una intervención pedagógica estructurada. Este tema ha sido de gran interés para los psicolingüistas así como para los pedagogos. El objetivo de esta ponencia es enfocar los componentes principales del proceso de adquisición de una lengua extranjera y determinar cual puede ser su aplicación pedagógica. Primero, se hará una descripción de las seis dimensiones de la adquisición de una L2 en medio natural, según lo expone Wolfgang Klein, a saber, los tres componentes indispensables: el deseo de aprender, la capacidad lingüística, el acceso a la lengua; y tres características del proceso mismo: la estructura del desarrollo, el ritmo de adquisición y el estado final. En segundo lugar, se aplicará una encuesta con adultos y jóvenes hispanohablantes que han aprendido una L2 en otros países así como con extranjeros de diferentes L1 que han aprendido el español en Costa Rica. El objetivo será conocer qué factores permitieron que estos aprendientes (en medio natural) llegaran a dominar o no una lengua diferente a la materna. El resultado de este sondeo nos ayudará a descubrir en qué medida se manifiestan los componentes del proceso de adquisición en el medio pedagógico. Como docentes de una lengua extranjera, nos interesa saber qué provecho puede derivar un profesor de lenguas del conocimiento de las seis dimensiones de la adquisición para mejorar, rediseñar o replantear su metodología en la clase de lengua extranjera.
The acquisition of languages is presented as a process that is subject to precise laws, determined in its development, its rhythm and its final result according to different factors and can be influenced by a structured pedagogical intervention. This topic has been of great interest to psycholinguists as well as pedagogues. The objective of this presentation is to focus on the main components of the foreign language acquisition process and determine what its pedagogical application can be. First, a description will be made of the six dimensions of acquiring an L2 in the natural environment, as explained by Wolfgang Klein, namely, the three essential components: the desire to learn, linguistic ability, access to the language; and three characteristics of the process itself: the structure of development, the rate of acquisition, and the final state. Second, a survey will be applied with Spanish-speaking adults and young people who have learned an L2 in other countries as well as with foreigners from different L1 who have learned Spanish in Costa Rica. The objective will be to know what factors allowed these learners (in a natural environment) to dominate or not a language other than their mother tongue. The result of this survey will help us to discover to what extent the components of the acquisition process are manifested in the pedagogical environment. As teachers of a foreign language, we are interested in knowing what benefit a language teacher can derive from the knowledge of the six dimensions of acquisition to improve, redesign or rethink their methodology in the foreign language class.
The acquisition of languages is presented as a process that is subject to precise laws, determined in its development, its rhythm and its final result according to different factors and can be influenced by a structured pedagogical intervention. This topic has been of great interest to psycholinguists as well as pedagogues. The objective of this presentation is to focus on the main components of the foreign language acquisition process and determine what its pedagogical application can be. First, a description will be made of the six dimensions of acquiring an L2 in the natural environment, as explained by Wolfgang Klein, namely, the three essential components: the desire to learn, linguistic ability, access to the language; and three characteristics of the process itself: the structure of development, the rate of acquisition, and the final state. Second, a survey will be applied with Spanish-speaking adults and young people who have learned an L2 in other countries as well as with foreigners from different L1 who have learned Spanish in Costa Rica. The objective will be to know what factors allowed these learners (in a natural environment) to dominate or not a language other than their mother tongue. The result of this survey will help us to discover to what extent the components of the acquisition process are manifested in the pedagogical environment. As teachers of a foreign language, we are interested in knowing what benefit a language teacher can derive from the knowledge of the six dimensions of acquisition to improve, redesign or rethink their methodology in the foreign language class.
I Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada, 2013.
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