Estudio de prefactibilidad sobre la producción y comercialización de hongos Shiitake en la comunidad de Buena Vista de Rivas.
Arias Montenegro, Ivonne Julieth
Román Quirós, Andrea Stefanny
Vargas Granados, Alejandra de la Trinidad
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Dicha investigación fue realizada por estudiantes egresadas de la Universidad Nacional, Ivonne Arias Montenegro, Andrea Román Quirós y Alejandra Vargas Granados, con el objetivo de analizar la prefactibilidad en la producción y comercialización del hongo Shiitake en los distritos de San Isidro de El General y Daniel Flores. Para lograr lo anterior se llevaron a cabo los estudios de prefactibilidad (mercado, técnico, organizacional, legal, ambiental y financiero) que generaron la información base para la extracción de los datos relevantes que se convierten en la fuente a analizar. El estudio de mercado es el primero en ser expuesto, ya que es necesario identificar las posibilidades que existen en la zona de vender dicho producto una vez iniciado el proyecto, además de todo lo que esto representa, es decir, la aceptación por parte de la población y la apertura por parte del mercado, la posible existencia de competencia y las exigencias de la demanda en cuanto al precio, calidad y promoción. Para obtener la información necesaria se creó un instrumento de recolección de datos dirigido a una muestra de la población meta. Mediante un cuestionario fue posible conocer la posición de las personas ante el producto, además se visitó puntos de venta donde ya se comercia productos similares para conocer la forma en que se trabaja con hongos, así como conocer la competencia. En cuanto al estudio técnico, por medio de la consulta a personas que cultivan el producto se detallaron los aspectos técnicos necesarios para llevar a cabo el proyecto, tales como los implementos, el invernadero, mobiliario y demás datos necesarios para la producción, así como el debido proceso detallado mediante el diagrama de flujo, cuya inversión asciende a ¢52 782 902. Además, se identifican aspectos técnicos como el diseño y costo del invernadero con un valor de ¢27 300 000, la estimación de la producción y los costos de producción y comercialización. Para el estudio organizacional se diseñó la estructura de la organización necesaria para el funcionamiento del proyecto, detallándose además los perfiles de puestos que se demanda en este tipo de proyectos. Este estudio es complementado con el estudio legal, ya que los aspectos legales tratan sobre la constitución del proyecto bajo el cumplimiento del marco normativo legal por el que se rige el país. En este caso se constituyó la figura representante como un trabajador independiente, por lo que la figura legal es de persona física. Respecto al estudio ambiental se evidencia el bajo impacto que tiene el proyecto ante el medio en el que se desenvuelve, ya que la forma de producción es orgánica, lo que hace que las medidas de mitigación no representen mayor esfuerzo, debido a que las consecuencias negativas del proyecto son casi nulas. Para continuar con el proceso de identificar la viabilidad del proyecto, se traducen los datos recopilados a datos cuantificables, es decir, llevar la información al aspecto financiero para elaborar flujos proyectados a diez años, se aplica la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR), se calcula el Valor Actual Neto (VAN), y el Índice de Deseabilidad (I/D). Con estas herramientas se determina qué escenario es más favorable.
This research was carried out by Universidad Nacional graduate students Ivonne Arias Montenegro, Andrea Román Quirós and Alejandra Vargas Granados, with the objective of analyzing the pre-feasibility of the production and commercialization of the Shiitake mushroom in the districts of San Isidro de El General and Daniel Flores. To achieve this, pre-feasibility studies were carried out (market, technical, organizational, legal, environmental and financial) that generated the base information for the extraction of relevant data that became the source to be analyzed. The market study is the first to be presented, since it is necessary to identify the possibilities that exist in the area to sell the product once the project is initiated, in addition to all that this represents, i.e., the acceptance by the population and the openness of the market, the possible existence of competition and the demands of the demand in terms of price, quality and promotion. To obtain the necessary information, a data collection instrument was created for a sample of the target population. By means of a questionnaire it was possible to know the position of the people in relation to the product, in addition to visiting points of sale where similar products are already being sold in order to know how they work with mushrooms, as well as to know the competition. As for the technical study, through consultation with people who grow the product, the technical aspects necessary to carry out the project were detailed, such as the implements, the greenhouse, furniture and other data necessary for production, as well as the due process detailed by means of the flow chart, whose investment amounts to ¢52,782,902. In addition, technical aspects are identified such as the design and cost of the greenhouse with a value of ¢27,300,000, the production estimate and the production and marketing costs. For the organizational study, the organizational structure necessary for the operation of the project was designed, detailing the job profiles required for this type of project. This study is complemented with the legal study, since the legal aspects deal with the constitution of the project in compliance with the legal framework governing the country. In this case the representative was constituted as an independent worker, so the legal figure is that of a natural person. The environmental study shows the low impact of the project on the environment in which it operates, since the production method is organic, which means that mitigation measures do not represent a major effort, since the negative consequences of the project are almost nonexistent. To continue with the process of identifying the feasibility of the project, the data collected is translated into quantifiable data, that is, the information is taken to the financial aspect to develop projected flows for ten years, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is applied, the Net Present Value (NPV) is calculated, and the Desirability Index (I/D) is calculated. These tools are used to determine which scenario is more favorable.
This research was carried out by Universidad Nacional graduate students Ivonne Arias Montenegro, Andrea Román Quirós and Alejandra Vargas Granados, with the objective of analyzing the pre-feasibility of the production and commercialization of the Shiitake mushroom in the districts of San Isidro de El General and Daniel Flores. To achieve this, pre-feasibility studies were carried out (market, technical, organizational, legal, environmental and financial) that generated the base information for the extraction of relevant data that became the source to be analyzed. The market study is the first to be presented, since it is necessary to identify the possibilities that exist in the area to sell the product once the project is initiated, in addition to all that this represents, i.e., the acceptance by the population and the openness of the market, the possible existence of competition and the demands of the demand in terms of price, quality and promotion. To obtain the necessary information, a data collection instrument was created for a sample of the target population. By means of a questionnaire it was possible to know the position of the people in relation to the product, in addition to visiting points of sale where similar products are already being sold in order to know how they work with mushrooms, as well as to know the competition. As for the technical study, through consultation with people who grow the product, the technical aspects necessary to carry out the project were detailed, such as the implements, the greenhouse, furniture and other data necessary for production, as well as the due process detailed by means of the flow chart, whose investment amounts to ¢52,782,902. In addition, technical aspects are identified such as the design and cost of the greenhouse with a value of ¢27,300,000, the production estimate and the production and marketing costs. For the organizational study, the organizational structure necessary for the operation of the project was designed, detailing the job profiles required for this type of project. This study is complemented with the legal study, since the legal aspects deal with the constitution of the project in compliance with the legal framework governing the country. In this case the representative was constituted as an independent worker, so the legal figure is that of a natural person. The environmental study shows the low impact of the project on the environment in which it operates, since the production method is organic, which means that mitigation measures do not represent a major effort, since the negative consequences of the project are almost nonexistent. To continue with the process of identifying the feasibility of the project, the data collected is translated into quantifiable data, that is, the information is taken to the financial aspect to develop projected flows for ten years, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is applied, the Net Present Value (NPV) is calculated, and the Desirability Index (I/D) is calculated. These tools are used to determine which scenario is more favorable.
Licenciatura en Gestión Financiera
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