Curso virtual sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las funciones ofrecido por la actividad académica Matemática para la Enseñanza Media, Universidad Nacional
Alfaro Arce, Ana Lucía
Alpízar Vargas, Marianela
Morales-López, Yuri
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Durante 2016 la actividad académica Matemática para la Enseñanza Media (MATEM) realizó
un curso de actualización para los docentes participantes en dicha actividad, con la modalidad de
curso virtual. El desarrollo e implementación del curso contempló: el diseño pedagógico, el diseño
e implementación del curso en la plataforma Moodle, el desarrollo de diversos recursos de apoyo a
los contenidos, aplicación de evaluaciones sumativas y formativas. En este documento se presenta
el análisis que se realizó con algunos de los insumos recolectados en la primera sesión de dicho
curso por medio de un foro donde los docentes externaron las razones por la cuales consideraban
que los estudiantes del curso MATEM-Precálculo fallaban preguntas de nociones básicas de
funciones. La implementación de este curso permitió: 1) tener contacto frecuente con los docentes
inscritos en diversas regiones de Costa Rica, durante todo 2016 y 2) enlistar una serie de dificultades
que presentan los estudiantes en conocimientos fundamentales de las funciones.
During 2016 the Mathematical Academic Activity for Middle School (MATEM) carried out an update course for teachers participating in this activity, with the modality of virtual course. The development and implementation of the course contemplated: the pedagogical design, the design and implementation of the course in the Moodle platform, the development of various resources to support the contents, application of summative and formative evaluations. This document presents the analysis that was made with some of the inputs collected in the first session of that course through a forum where teachers explained the reasons why they considered that the students of the Premature-MATEM course failed questions of notions basic functions. The implementation of this course allowed: 1) to have frequent contact with teachers enrolled in various regions of Costa Rica, throughout 2016 and 2) to list a series of difficulties that students present in fundamental knowledge of the functions.
During 2016 the Mathematical Academic Activity for Middle School (MATEM) carried out an update course for teachers participating in this activity, with the modality of virtual course. The development and implementation of the course contemplated: the pedagogical design, the design and implementation of the course in the Moodle platform, the development of various resources to support the contents, application of summative and formative evaluations. This document presents the analysis that was made with some of the inputs collected in the first session of that course through a forum where teachers explained the reasons why they considered that the students of the Premature-MATEM course failed questions of notions basic functions. The implementation of this course allowed: 1) to have frequent contact with teachers enrolled in various regions of Costa Rica, throughout 2016 and 2) to list a series of difficulties that students present in fundamental knowledge of the functions.
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