Producción de juveniles de pargo manchado lutjanus guttatus en el Parque Marino del Pacífico, Costa Rica
Chacón Guzmán, Jonathan
Carvajal Oses, Milagro
Herrera-Ulloa, Angel
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Se evaluaron tres cultivos larvales de L. guttatus realizados en el Parque Marino del Pacífico (PMP), Costa Rica. Se incubaron tres desoves, 130 mil huevos c/u. El cultivo larval se efectuó en tanques con flujo abierto de 5m3 (18,1 larvas/L; longitud total (Lt) 2,25mm). Fueron alimentadas con rotíferos enriquecidos, nauplios de artemia y microlagas producidas en fotobiorreactores. A los 26 días después del desove (ddd) se dividieron por talla en tres tanques de 10m3 con sistema de recirculación. Se monitoreó el crecimiento y supervivencia. A los 60ddd se cosecharon 22.837 juveniles. En la cosecha se obtuvo una Lt de 57,8±7,82mm, tasa de crecimiento absoluta (TCA) de 0.93mm/d-1 y una tasa de crecimiento específica (TCE) de 5,41%. La separación por tallas al inicio de la alimentación con pienso favorece la supervivencia final del cultivo, mientras que la inanición en los primeros días de alimentación exógena y canibalismo la inciden negativamente.
Three cultures of L. guttatus larvae carried out in the Pacific Marine Park (PMP), Costa Rica, were evaluated. Three eggs were incubated, 130 thousand eggs each. Larval culture was carried out in 5m3 open flow tanks (18.1 larvae/L; total length (Lt) 2.25mm). They were fed with enriched rotifers, brine shrimp nauplii and microlagas produced in photobioreactors. At 26 days after spawning (ddd) they were divided by size into three 10m3 tanks with a recirculation system. Growth and survival were monitored. At 60ddd, 22,837 juveniles were harvested. At harvest, a Lt of 57.8±7.82mm, absolute growth rate (TCA) of 0.93mm/d-1 and a specific growth rate (SGR) of 5.41% were obtained. Separation by size at the beginning of feeding with fodder favors the final survival of the crop, while starvation in the first days of exogenous feeding and cannibalism adversely affects it.
Three cultures of L. guttatus larvae carried out in the Pacific Marine Park (PMP), Costa Rica, were evaluated. Three eggs were incubated, 130 thousand eggs each. Larval culture was carried out in 5m3 open flow tanks (18.1 larvae/L; total length (Lt) 2.25mm). They were fed with enriched rotifers, brine shrimp nauplii and microlagas produced in photobioreactors. At 26 days after spawning (ddd) they were divided by size into three 10m3 tanks with a recirculation system. Growth and survival were monitored. At 60ddd, 22,837 juveniles were harvested. At harvest, a Lt of 57.8±7.82mm, absolute growth rate (TCA) of 0.93mm/d-1 and a specific growth rate (SGR) of 5.41% were obtained. Separation by size at the beginning of feeding with fodder favors the final survival of the crop, while starvation in the first days of exogenous feeding and cannibalism adversely affects it.
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