Determinación del comportamiento del ácaro varroa destructor en celdas con cría de obrera en abejas africanizadas (Apis mellifera) en Costa Rica
Fallas Matamoros, Natalia
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
en abejas africanizadas (Apis mellifera), durante el período de enero a diciembre del 2006. Se utilizaron cuatro colmenas de abejas africanizadas, ubicadas en el Centro de Investigaciones Apícolas Tropicales (CINAT), Barreal de Heredia. Dos colmenas se seleccionaron para estimular la oviposición de la reina en celdas artificiales, las cuales estaban fabricadas de poliestireno y ensambladas en una base plástica transparente. Las dos colmenas restantes se usaron para colectar los ácaros utilizados para infestar las celdas. Una vez sellada la celda, se infesto artificialmente con un ácaro realizando una pequeña incisión en la base del opérculo. Posteriormente, cada celda fue colocada en una incubadora con control de temperatura y humedad. La observación de la larva y de las principales actividades realizadas por el ácaro dentro de celda, se registraron utilizando una micro-cámara, la cual envió la señal a un equipo de grabación de larga duración. El período promedio de grabación de cada celda fue de 192 hrs. (8 días). Los parámetros evaluados para cada ácaro fueron: comportamiento de alimentación, comportamiento de defecación, desplazamiento de la larva, periodos de inactividad y análisis reproductivo. El comportamiento de alimentación del ácaro Y. destructor, vario considerablemente al compararlo entre los estadios de larva y pupa, alimentándose 6.5 veces por día (n = 20) en el estadio larval, sin mostrar preferencia por un sitio de alimentación. Mientras que en la pupa, la varroa se alimentó 3.4 veces por día (n = 20), estableciendo un sitio de alimentación, ubicado en la región ventral del abdomen. Se determinó que el ácaro de la varroa defecó con mayor frecuencia durante los primeros días de observación. La mayoría de ácaros construyó un sitio de acumulación fecal, localizado en la región posterior de la pared de la celda, con un diámetro aproximado de 0.3 mm. Durante los períodos de inactividad, el ácaro se mantuvo principalmente en este sitio, permaneciendo en promedio 67.1 min. por día (n= 20). En un 25% (n = 28) de las celdas analizadas, la larva presentó desplazamientos continuos en forma longitudinal dirigiéndose hacia el ácaro, con una duración promedio de 874.9 min. por día. La mayoría de los ácaros analizados, no se reprodujo (85.7%), y aquellos que lo hicieron, produjeron principalmente cría inmadura (10.7%).
In Africanized bees (Apis mellifera), during the period from January to December 2006. Four hives of Africanized bees, located in the Tropical Beekeeping Research Center (CINAT), Barreal de Heredia, were used. Two hives were selected to stimulate queen oviposition in artificial cells, which were made of polystyrene and assembled on a transparent plastic base. The remaining two hives were used to collect the mites used to infest the cells. Once the cell was sealed, it was artificially infested with a mite by making a small incision at the base of the operculum. Subsequently, each cell was placed in an incubator with temperature and humidity control. The observation of the larva and the main activities carried out by the mite inside the cell were recorded using a micro-camera, which sent the signal to a long-term recording equipment. The average recording period for each cell was 192 hours. (8 days). The parameters evaluated for each mite were: feeding behavior, defecation behavior, larval displacement, periods of inactivity and reproductive analysis. The feeding behavior of the Y. destructor mite varied considerably when compared between the larval and pupal stages, feeding 6.5 times per day (n = 20) in the larval stage, showing no preference for a feeding site. While in the pupa, the varroa fed 3.4 times per day (n = 20), establishing a feeding site located in the ventral region of the abdomen. It was determined that the varroa mite defecated more frequently during the first days of observation. Most mites built a fecal accumulation site, located in the posterior region of the cell wall, with an approximate diameter of 0.3 mm. During periods of inactivity, the mite remained mainly at this site, staying on average 67.1 min. per day (n= 20). In 25% (n = 28) of the analyzed cells, the larva presented continuous longitudinal displacements towards the mite, with an average duration of 874.9 min. per day. Most of the mites analyzed did not reproduce (85.7%), and those that did produced mainly immature brood (10.7%).
In Africanized bees (Apis mellifera), during the period from January to December 2006. Four hives of Africanized bees, located in the Tropical Beekeeping Research Center (CINAT), Barreal de Heredia, were used. Two hives were selected to stimulate queen oviposition in artificial cells, which were made of polystyrene and assembled on a transparent plastic base. The remaining two hives were used to collect the mites used to infest the cells. Once the cell was sealed, it was artificially infested with a mite by making a small incision at the base of the operculum. Subsequently, each cell was placed in an incubator with temperature and humidity control. The observation of the larva and the main activities carried out by the mite inside the cell were recorded using a micro-camera, which sent the signal to a long-term recording equipment. The average recording period for each cell was 192 hours. (8 days). The parameters evaluated for each mite were: feeding behavior, defecation behavior, larval displacement, periods of inactivity and reproductive analysis. The feeding behavior of the Y. destructor mite varied considerably when compared between the larval and pupal stages, feeding 6.5 times per day (n = 20) in the larval stage, showing no preference for a feeding site. While in the pupa, the varroa fed 3.4 times per day (n = 20), establishing a feeding site located in the ventral region of the abdomen. It was determined that the varroa mite defecated more frequently during the first days of observation. Most mites built a fecal accumulation site, located in the posterior region of the cell wall, with an approximate diameter of 0.3 mm. During periods of inactivity, the mite remained mainly at this site, staying on average 67.1 min. per day (n= 20). In 25% (n = 28) of the analyzed cells, the larva presented continuous longitudinal displacements towards the mite, with an average duration of 874.9 min. per day. Most of the mites analyzed did not reproduce (85.7%), and those that did produced mainly immature brood (10.7%).
Fallas Matamoros, N. (2007). Determinación del comportamiento del ácaro varroa destructor en celdas con cría de obrera en abejas africanizadas (Apis mellifera) en Costa Rica. [ Tesis de Licenciatura ]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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