La cultura institucional y las competencias genéricas interpersonales en el colectivo docente del Colegio Técnico Profesional de Quepos, Puntarenas 2020
Baltodano Paniagua, Ivannia Cristina
Vargas Sandí, Donovan Alberto
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Desde Orientación puede identificarse necesidades individuales y grupales que pueden ser resueltas mediante un proceso diagnóstico y posteriormente de intervención, en este caso, es relevante primero identificar los aspectos a trabajar, perfilar el sujeto u objeto de estudio, entender la naturaleza del conflicto para intervenir verazmente. Esta investigación comprendela relación entre la cultura institucional en las competencias genéricas interpersonales del colectivo docente en del Colegio Técnico Profesional de Quepos, 2020. En el proceso de análisis
se reconoce que a nivel cultura las personas crean sus decisiones del medio las cuales son compartidas o diferidas por grandes grupos poblacionales, así mismo, reconoce que la cultura institucional del colegio está compuesta por valores, normas y situaciones del comportamiento humano que inculca el centro educativo. Los y las funcionarias deben preparase para atender emergentes diarios, como brindar un apoyo educativo de calidad y cercano. Para afrontar un escenario laboral se requiere de competencias genéricas interpersonales para contar con herramientas personales que faciliten el desenvolvimiento sociolaboral. Es relevante perfilar la cultura institucional para reconocer el medio en donde el personal docente labora, según su
cultura interna así será las demandas respuestas necesarias a dar para continuar con un desarrollo sociolaboral saludable que permite encontrar autorrealización y mejora contante. La cultura institucional como las competencias genéricas interpersonales se encuentran estrechamente relacionadas entre sí, por lo que visibilizar la existencia de este hecho se convierte en un hallazgo fundamental que articula los centros educativos desde una perspectiva integral.
In this case, it is relevant to first identify the aspects to work on, to profile the subject or object of study, to understand the nature of the conflict in order to intervene truthfully. This research includes the relationship between the institutional culture and the interpersonal generic competencies of the teaching staff at the Colegio Técnico Profesional de Quepos, 2020. In the process of analysis the process of analysis recognizes that at a cultural level, people create their decisions from the environment, which are shared or deferred by large population groups, and also recognizes that the institutional culture of the school is composed of values, norms and situations of human behavior that the school inculcates. Employees must be prepared to deal with daily emergencies, such as providing quality and close educational support. In order to face a work scenario, generic interpersonal competencies are required in order to have personal tools that facilitate socio-labor development. It is relevant to outline the institutional culture to recognize the environment in which the teaching staff works, according to its internal culture, so will be the necessary demands and answers. The institutional culture as well as the generic competencies of the teaching staff are important to recognize the environment in which they work, according to their internal culture and the demands and responses necessary to continue with a healthy socio-labor development that allows them to find self-realization and continuous improvement. Institutional culture and interpersonal generic competencies are closely related to each other, so making visible the existence of this fact becomes a fundamental finding that articulates the educational centers from an integral perspective.
In this case, it is relevant to first identify the aspects to work on, to profile the subject or object of study, to understand the nature of the conflict in order to intervene truthfully. This research includes the relationship between the institutional culture and the interpersonal generic competencies of the teaching staff at the Colegio Técnico Profesional de Quepos, 2020. In the process of analysis the process of analysis recognizes that at a cultural level, people create their decisions from the environment, which are shared or deferred by large population groups, and also recognizes that the institutional culture of the school is composed of values, norms and situations of human behavior that the school inculcates. Employees must be prepared to deal with daily emergencies, such as providing quality and close educational support. In order to face a work scenario, generic interpersonal competencies are required in order to have personal tools that facilitate socio-labor development. It is relevant to outline the institutional culture to recognize the environment in which the teaching staff works, according to its internal culture, so will be the necessary demands and answers. The institutional culture as well as the generic competencies of the teaching staff are important to recognize the environment in which they work, according to their internal culture and the demands and responses necessary to continue with a healthy socio-labor development that allows them to find self-realization and continuous improvement. Institutional culture and interpersonal generic competencies are closely related to each other, so making visible the existence of this fact becomes a fundamental finding that articulates the educational centers from an integral perspective.
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