Calculo de factores de corrección para producción diaria de leche en Ganado lechero de Costa Rica
Vargas Leitón, Bernardo
Solano Patino, Cesar
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Asociación Latinoamericana de Producción Animal
Se obtuvieron factores de corrección para producción diaria de leche utilizando registros de los grupos raciales Holstein (Hol\n=112545), Jersey (JER\n=36555), Guernsey (GUER\n=4785), Pardo Suizo (PSUI\n=9975) y cruces Bos Taurus-B. Indicus (BTBI\n=2940) y Bos Taurus-Bos Taurus (BTBT\15 855). Para HOL y JER se calcularon factores adicionales dentro de tres zonas de vida: bosque húmedo (bh), bosque muy húmedo (bmh) y bosque pluvial (bp). Se evaluó la variable de producción diaria de leche con un modelo lineal que incluyó los efectos fijos de hato (H), ano de parto (APA), largo de lactancia (LLA), número de lactancia (NL), época de parto (EPA), dia de la lactancia (Día) y la covariable días abiertos (DA). Se generaron factores de corrección para las variables NL, EPA y Dia. Las variables de H, APA y LLA presentaron efectos significativos (P<.001) en todos los casos.
Correction factors for daily milk production were obtained using records from the Holstein (Hol\n=112545), Jersey (JER\n=36555), Guernsey (GUER\n=4785), Brown Swiss (PSUI\n=9975) and crossbred Bos Taurus-B. Indicus (BTBI=2940) and Bos Taurus-Bos Taurus (BTBT\15 855). For HOL and JER, additional factors were calculated within three life zones: humid forest (bh), very humid forest (bmh) and rainforest (bp). The daily milk production variable was evaluated with a linear model that included the fixed effects of herd (H), calving year (APA), lactation length (LLA), lactation number (NL), calving season (EPA), day of lactation (Day) and the covariate days open (DA). Correction factors were generated for the variables NL, EPA and Dia. The H, APA and LLA variables presented significant effects (P<.001) in all cases.
Correction factors for daily milk production were obtained using records from the Holstein (Hol\n=112545), Jersey (JER\n=36555), Guernsey (GUER\n=4785), Brown Swiss (PSUI\n=9975) and crossbred Bos Taurus-B. Indicus (BTBI=2940) and Bos Taurus-Bos Taurus (BTBT\15 855). For HOL and JER, additional factors were calculated within three life zones: humid forest (bh), very humid forest (bmh) and rainforest (bp). The daily milk production variable was evaluated with a linear model that included the fixed effects of herd (H), calving year (APA), lactation length (LLA), lactation number (NL), calving season (EPA), day of lactation (Day) and the covariate days open (DA). Correction factors were generated for the variables NL, EPA and Dia. The H, APA and LLA variables presented significant effects (P<.001) in all cases.
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