Microflora asociada al gusano barrenador del ganado Cocliomyia hominovorax, coquerel (diptera calliphoridae) y a la miasis que causa
Hernández Gómez, Giovanna
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Este estudio fue llevado a cabo en los meses de Setiembre a Diciembre de 1993 y de Julio a Noviembre de 1994. Durante la investigación se examinaron 10 miasis artificiales provocadas en ovejas, en la finca del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería en el Alto de Ochomogo, Cartago. La mosca pionera de Cocliomyia hominivorax, fue capturada sobre hígado en descomposición de bovino con redes entomológicas, en la Estación Experimental Enrique Jiménez Nuñez, Cañas, Guanacaste. Las hembras grávidas listas para poner sus huevos, se colocaron en las heridas, seis horas después de la incisión. Posteriormente se tomaron muestras de los exudados de la herida, antes, durante y post-miasis, así mismo se tomaron muestras de los estadíos larvarios, pupas y adultos recién emergidos. El aislamiento e identificación de las bacterias se llevo a cabo en el Laboratorio de Bacteriología, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional. Se utilizaron los medios de cultivo bacteriológico y bioquímicas convencionales y el sistema de identificación API (bioMérieux).
This study was carried out in the months of September to December 1993 and from July to November 1994. During the investigation, 10 artificial myiases caused in sheep were examined, on the farm of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Alto de Ochomogo, Carthage. The pioneer fly of Cocliomyia hominivorax was captured on decomposing bovine liver with entomological nets, at the Enrique Jiménez Nuñez Experimental Station, Cañas, Guanacaste. The gravid females ready to lay their eggs were placed in the wounds six hours after incision. Later, samples of the exudates of the wound were taken, before, during and post-myiasis, likewise samples of the larval, pupal and newly emerged adult stages were taken. The isolation and identification of the bacteria was carried out in the Bacteriology Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, National University. The conventional bacteriological and biochemical culture media and the API identification system (bioMérieux) were used.
This study was carried out in the months of September to December 1993 and from July to November 1994. During the investigation, 10 artificial myiases caused in sheep were examined, on the farm of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Alto de Ochomogo, Carthage. The pioneer fly of Cocliomyia hominivorax was captured on decomposing bovine liver with entomological nets, at the Enrique Jiménez Nuñez Experimental Station, Cañas, Guanacaste. The gravid females ready to lay their eggs were placed in the wounds six hours after incision. Later, samples of the exudates of the wound were taken, before, during and post-myiasis, likewise samples of the larval, pupal and newly emerged adult stages were taken. The isolation and identification of the bacteria was carried out in the Bacteriology Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, National University. The conventional bacteriological and biochemical culture media and the API identification system (bioMérieux) were used.
Hernández Gómez, G. (1996). Microflora asociada al gusano barrenador del ganado Cocliomyia hominovorax, coquerel (diptera calliphoridae) y a la miasis que causa. [Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica].
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