Memoria VI Congreso Nacional de Educación Comercial: el derecho a UNA educación de calidad
Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Secretariado Profesional
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La Escuela de Secretariado Profesional congruente con su visión: “Ser la Unidad Académica en el área del Secretariado y/o la administración y de Educación Comercial con mayor presencia y protagonismo a nivel nacional e internacional por medio del mejoramiento continuo y la innovación académica” organizó el VI Congreso Nacional en Educación Comercial: el derecho a UNA educación de calidad, la cual estuvo dirigida a docentes, estudiantes y egresados del área de la Educación Comercial. El VI Congreso Nacional en Educación posibilita la participación activa de los docentes que se desempeñan en educación comercial y técnica. Los ejes seleccionado para las temáticas se han enfocado en aspectos relevantes que involucran los derechos humanos, razón por la cual el lema del VI Congreso Nacional en Educación Comercial responde a: El derecho a UNA educación de calidad, el cual permitió la vinculación de temas acordes con contenidos que se desarrollan en el entorno de aula, y se centró en ocho ejes principales: 1) Derecho de acceso a la educación como eje de desarrollo social. 2) Currículo y calidad educativa.
3) Derecho a la educación permanente. 4) Competencias, valores y actitudes del personal docente para la convivencia en el entorno de aula. 5) La adecuación curricular desde la perspectiva de acceso al aprendizaje significativo.
6) Formación inicial para el ejercicio de la docencia técnica y comercial: Mitos y realidades. 7) La educación técnica y comercial de frente a los retos de la sociedad productiva. 8) Planeamiento didáctico como eje de aprendizaje significativo.
The Professional Secretarial School, consistent with its vision: “To be the Academic Unit in the area of Secretarial and/or administration and Business Education with greater presence and prominence at national and international level through continuous improvement and academic innovation” organized the VI National Congress on Business Education: the right to ONE quality education, which was aimed at teachers, students and graduates in the area of Business Education. The VI National Congress on Education enables the active participation of teachers working in commercial and technical education. The themes selected for the topics have focused on relevant aspects involving human rights, which is why the theme of the VI National Congress on Commercial Education responds to: The right to ONE quality education, which allowed the linking of topics in line with contents that are developed in the classroom environment, and focused on eight main axes: 1) Right of access to education as an axis of social development. 2) Curriculum and educational quality. 3) Right to lifelong education. 4) Competencies, values and attitudes of the teaching staff for coexistence in the classroom environment. 5) Curricular adequacy from the perspective of access to meaningful learning. 6) Initial training for the exercise of technical and commercial teaching: Myths and realities. 7) Technical and commercial education facing the challenges of a productive society.8) Didactic planning as an axis of significant learning.
The Professional Secretarial School, consistent with its vision: “To be the Academic Unit in the area of Secretarial and/or administration and Business Education with greater presence and prominence at national and international level through continuous improvement and academic innovation” organized the VI National Congress on Business Education: the right to ONE quality education, which was aimed at teachers, students and graduates in the area of Business Education. The VI National Congress on Education enables the active participation of teachers working in commercial and technical education. The themes selected for the topics have focused on relevant aspects involving human rights, which is why the theme of the VI National Congress on Commercial Education responds to: The right to ONE quality education, which allowed the linking of topics in line with contents that are developed in the classroom environment, and focused on eight main axes: 1) Right of access to education as an axis of social development. 2) Curriculum and educational quality. 3) Right to lifelong education. 4) Competencies, values and attitudes of the teaching staff for coexistence in the classroom environment. 5) Curricular adequacy from the perspective of access to meaningful learning. 6) Initial training for the exercise of technical and commercial teaching: Myths and realities. 7) Technical and commercial education facing the challenges of a productive society.8) Didactic planning as an axis of significant learning.
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