El sentimiento de identidad de adolescentes miembros de una pandilla en una comunidad urbano-marginal de la provincia de Heredia
Green Alfaro, Jessica
Sánchez León, Marcela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal, analizar la construcción del sentimiento de identidad de cuatro adolescentes integrantes de una pandilla existente en una comunidad urbano-marginal de Heredia. Para esto se tomó como principal referente teórico, la teoría del sentimiento de la identidad de Grinberg y Grinberg (1980), la cual se enmarca dentro del enfoque psicoanalítico. Adicionalmente se desarrolló teóricamente el concepto de adolescencia, grupo, pandilla y exclusión social. Este estudio es de tipo cualitativo y como marco referencial interpretativo se utilizó la hermenéutica. Como método para la obtención de la información, se eligió la historia de vida y como técnicas la observación, la entrevista a profundidad y la fotobiografía. Entre los principales hallazgos se mencionan la importancia que cumple el sentir al cuerpo como parte sustancial de sí mismo para la consolidación del sentimiento de identidad y el significado que cada adolescente le otorga a éste, el cual no puede ser comprendido sin hacer referencia al contexto. La postura corporal dentro de la pandilla escenifica una masculindad basada en la agresividad y desconfianza hacia personas externas, marcando de este modo la jerarquía grupal. El pasaje hacia la etapa adulta es vivenciado con dificultad, lo cual podría responder a la existencia de una seudoidentidad producto de diversos conflictos en los vínculos de integración de la identidad. Se destaca la importancia que tienen las condiciones sociales, políticas y económicas de la comunidad para la construcción y mantenimiento de la ideología en la pandilla. Por este motivo se propone que el estudio de las pandillas se haga desligándolas de la criminalidad con la que han sido asociadas, de manera que pueda ofrecerse un abordaje integral y contextual de dicha temática.
The main objective of this research was to analyze the construction of the sense of identity of four adolescent members of a gang in an urban-marginal community of Heredia. For this purpose, the main theoretical reference was the theory of the feeling of identity of Grinberg and Grinberg (1980), which is framed within the psychoanalytic approach. Additionally, the concept of adolescence, group, gang and social exclusion was theoretically developed. This is a qualitative study and hermeneutics was used as an interpretative referential framework. Life history was chosen as the method for obtaining information, and observation, in-depth interview and photobiography were used as techniques. The main findings include the importance of feeling the body as a substantial part of oneself for the consolidation of the sense of identity and the meaning that each adolescent gives to it, which cannot be understood without reference to the context. The body posture within the gang stages a masculinity based on aggressiveness and distrust towards outsiders, thus marking the group hierarchy. The transition to adulthood is experienced with difficulty, which could be due to the existence of a pseudo-identity resulting from various conflicts in the bonds of identity integration. The importance of the spatial conditions is emphasized.
The main objective of this research was to analyze the construction of the sense of identity of four adolescent members of a gang in an urban-marginal community of Heredia. For this purpose, the main theoretical reference was the theory of the feeling of identity of Grinberg and Grinberg (1980), which is framed within the psychoanalytic approach. Additionally, the concept of adolescence, group, gang and social exclusion was theoretically developed. This is a qualitative study and hermeneutics was used as an interpretative referential framework. Life history was chosen as the method for obtaining information, and observation, in-depth interview and photobiography were used as techniques. The main findings include the importance of feeling the body as a substantial part of oneself for the consolidation of the sense of identity and the meaning that each adolescent gives to it, which cannot be understood without reference to the context. The body posture within the gang stages a masculinity based on aggressiveness and distrust towards outsiders, thus marking the group hierarchy. The transition to adulthood is experienced with difficulty, which could be due to the existence of a pseudo-identity resulting from various conflicts in the bonds of identity integration. The importance of the spatial conditions is emphasized.
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