La enseñanza de la historia de Costa Rica 1870-1950: una aproximación desde la historia social del currículum
Salas Víquez, José Antonio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el ámbito de la producción se encuentran múltiples trabajos sobre historia de la educación abordados desde perspectivas muy diferentes, pero sin que, hasta la fecha, ninguno se haya referido de manera explicita a la historia de la enseñanza de la Historia. Es por ello que nos hemos propuesto profundizar es esta temática con el fin de diluir las intenciones, los intereses y las perspectivas disciplinarias que han caracterizado este campo de la educación a partir del año 1870, fecha aproximada a partir de la cual se introduce la Historia como asignatura en los planes de estudio oficiales, hasta los inicios de la década de los cincuenta, cuando en vez de enseñanza de la Historia se introdujeron los Estudios Sociales como la materia escolar que vino a cumplir los propósitos asignados a la Historia, la Geografía y la Educación Cívica.
In the field of production, there are many works on the history of education approached from very different perspectives, but to date, none has explicitly referred to the history of history teaching. It is for this reason that we have proposed to delve into this subject in order to elucidate the intentions, interests and disciplinary perspectives that have characterized this field of education since 1870, the approximate date from which History was introduced as a subject in official curricula, until the early fifties, when instead of teaching History, Social Studies was introduced as the school subject that came to fulfill the purposes once assigned to History, Geography and Civic Education.
In the field of production, there are many works on the history of education approached from very different perspectives, but to date, none has explicitly referred to the history of history teaching. It is for this reason that we have proposed to delve into this subject in order to elucidate the intentions, interests and disciplinary perspectives that have characterized this field of education since 1870, the approximate date from which History was introduced as a subject in official curricula, until the early fifties, when instead of teaching History, Social Studies was introduced as the school subject that came to fulfill the purposes once assigned to History, Geography and Civic Education.
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