Pasantía en Planta de Incubación de aves reproductoras pesadas de Cargill en Aranjuez de Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Vega Bolaños, Cinthya
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente pasantía se realizó en las instalaciones de la Planta Incubadora
de aves reproductoras pesadas de Cargill en Aranjuez de Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
Tuvo como objetivo adquirir experiencia y destrezas en la implementación del
ovoscopio Zinpro, para evaluar la calidad de la cáscara de los huevos fértiles de tres
lotes (joven, intermedio y adulto) como indicador de la incubabilidad y la calidad del
pollito de reproductoras pesadas de un día de nacido.
Durante la pasantía se participó en todas las actividades rutinarias que se
realiza desde que llega el huevo a la planta hasta que sale el pollito a granja de
engorde, entre ellas: miraje, embriodiagnóstico a los diez días de incubación,
transferencia y nacimientos (selección, embriodiagnóstico, gradación de la calidad de
pollito, cálculo de incubabilidad y pollito de primera). Antes de realizar todas estas
actividades, se clasificaron los huevos en tres grados de translucencia de acuerdo
con su calidad de cáscara observada a través del ovoscopio.
Se clasificó un total de 7920 huevos fértiles, es decir, 2640 huevos por lote. En
los tres lotes se obtuvieron huevos de los tres grados de translucencia; sin embargo,
hubo más cantidad de huevos con grado dos. Esta gran variación en la calidad de la
cáscara de los huevos analizados puede deberse a varios factores como la estirpe
genética, el manejo, la nutrición o la presencia de enfermedades
infecciosas/contaminación en las aves reproductoras. De esta cantidad de huevos
incubados, nacieron 6601 pollitos, de los cuales 152 pollitos fueron seleccionados y
6449 pollitos fueron despachados a granjas.
El promedio de porcentaje de incubabilidad más bajo fue de 74%, mientras
que de calidad de pollito fue de 90% y el pollito de primera de 64%, los porcentajes
más bajos obtenidos en incubabilidad y en pollito de primera se debe a la gran
cantidad de huevos infértiles del lote joven que presentaba problemas de fertilidad.
No obstante, se obtuvieron buenos promedios de calidad de pollito en los tres lotes y
en incubabilidad y pollito de primera en el lote intermedio y adulto, ya que la mayoría
estuvieron por arriba del 85%, lo cual se considera bueno para esta Planta
Se recomienda realizar pruebas iniciando con el área nutricional para poder
identificar qué factor está afectando la calidad de cáscara en las reproductoras de
Sardinal. De igual manera, se recomienda seguir con el estudio hasta la planta de
cosecha, para tener una visión más completa sobre el efecto de la calidad de la
cáscara en los pollos de engorde.
This internship was carried out at the facilities of the Cargill Incubator Plant for heavy breeders in Aranjuez de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. The main goal was to acquire experience and skills in the implementation of the Zinpro ovoscope, in order to evaluate the quality of the fertile eggshell of three batches (young, intermediate and adult) as an indicator of hatchability and the quality of the broiler breeder chick of a day after hatching. During the internship, I participated in all the normal activities that are carried out since the moment the egg arrives at the plant until the chick leaves for the fattening farm. Such activities correspond to mirage, embryodiagnosis at ten days of incubation, transfer and hatch (selection, embryodiagnosis, chick quality, hatchability calculation and first-class chick). Before carrying out all these activities, the eggs were classified into three degrees of translucency according to their shell quality observed through the ovoscope. A total of 7920 fertile eggs were classified, that is, 2640 eggs per batch. In the three batches, eggs of the three degrees of translucency were obtained, however, there were more eggs with degree two. This great variation in the quality of the shell of the analyzed eggs may be due to several factors such as genetic lineage, handling, nutrition, or the presence of infectious diseases/contamination in breeding birds. From this number of hatched eggs, 6601 chicks were hatched, of which 152 chicks were selected and 6449 chicks were dispatched to farms. XVI The lowest average hatchability percentage was 74%, while chick quality was 90% and the first-class chick 64%, the lowest percentages in hatchability and first- class chick are due to a large number of infertile eggs from the young flock with fertility problems. However, good chick averages were obtained in the three batches and hatchability and first chick in the intermediate and adult batch, since most were above 85%, which is considered good for this Incubator Plant. It is recommended to carry out tests starting with the nutritional area to be able to identify what factor is affecting the quality of the shell in Sardinal breeders. In the same way, it is recommended to continue with the study until the harvest plant, to have a more complete view of the effect of the quality of the shell in broilers.
This internship was carried out at the facilities of the Cargill Incubator Plant for heavy breeders in Aranjuez de Puntarenas, Costa Rica. The main goal was to acquire experience and skills in the implementation of the Zinpro ovoscope, in order to evaluate the quality of the fertile eggshell of three batches (young, intermediate and adult) as an indicator of hatchability and the quality of the broiler breeder chick of a day after hatching. During the internship, I participated in all the normal activities that are carried out since the moment the egg arrives at the plant until the chick leaves for the fattening farm. Such activities correspond to mirage, embryodiagnosis at ten days of incubation, transfer and hatch (selection, embryodiagnosis, chick quality, hatchability calculation and first-class chick). Before carrying out all these activities, the eggs were classified into three degrees of translucency according to their shell quality observed through the ovoscope. A total of 7920 fertile eggs were classified, that is, 2640 eggs per batch. In the three batches, eggs of the three degrees of translucency were obtained, however, there were more eggs with degree two. This great variation in the quality of the shell of the analyzed eggs may be due to several factors such as genetic lineage, handling, nutrition, or the presence of infectious diseases/contamination in breeding birds. From this number of hatched eggs, 6601 chicks were hatched, of which 152 chicks were selected and 6449 chicks were dispatched to farms. XVI The lowest average hatchability percentage was 74%, while chick quality was 90% and the first-class chick 64%, the lowest percentages in hatchability and first- class chick are due to a large number of infertile eggs from the young flock with fertility problems. However, good chick averages were obtained in the three batches and hatchability and first chick in the intermediate and adult batch, since most were above 85%, which is considered good for this Incubator Plant. It is recommended to carry out tests starting with the nutritional area to be able to identify what factor is affecting the quality of the shell in Sardinal breeders. In the same way, it is recommended to continue with the study until the harvest plant, to have a more complete view of the effect of the quality of the shell in broilers.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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