Evaluación de las emisiones gaseosas generadas por el proceso productivo de Kimberly Clark Costa Rica, S.A., ubicada en San Antonio de Belén, Heredia
Camacho Moreira, Óscar
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Se evaluó el impacto ambiental de las emisiones generadas por el proceso productivo de la Compañía Kimberly Clark Costa Rica, S.A., Planta Belén, y se identificaron los focos de emisiones. Se determinó que las calderas son el foco de emisión más significativo de la empresa.
Se evaluaron las concentraciones del dióxido de azufre, los óxidos de nitrógeno y las partículas totales en suspensión, tanto en la chimenea de las calderas, como en el ambiente circundante de la empresa. Además, se compararon las concentraciones medidas con las establecidas en la normativa nacional y las normativas internacionales.
Para el muestreo y el análisis de estos parámetros se utilizaron, en el caso de los gases de emisión, celdas electroquímicas ubicadas en un analizador de gases marca TESTO, modelo 350. Para el muestreo y la determinación de las partículas totales en suspensión se aplicó el método gravimétrico descrito por el Método 5 de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos, EPA. Se utilizó un muestreador de partículas marca Apex Instruments, modelo XC-572.
Se realizaron seis campañas de muestreo de un día de duración cada una. La primera se realizó el 21 de febrero del 2007 en donde las concentraciones determinadas se encontraron por debajo de las concentraciones máximas permitidas por la normativa nacional. El segundo muestreo se realizó el 14 de marzo del 2007. La concentración de las partículas totales en suspensión se encontró por encima de la reglamentación nacional con una concentración promedio de 154 ± 4 mg/Nm3. La tercera campaña se realizó el 22 de marzo del 2007 y todos los parámetros se encontraron por debajo de las concentraciones permitidas de acuerdo a la reglamentación nacional. El 16 de junio del 2007 se instaló en la empresa un ciclón para el tratamiento de las partículas totales en suspensión. El cuarto, quinto y sexto muestreo se realizaron el 24 de julio, el 22 de agosto y el 04 de setiembre del 2007 respectivamente. En estos muestreos las concentraciones de los parámetros muestreados se encontraron por debajo de las concentraciones máximas establecidas por la reglamentación nacional. Cabe destacar que en todos los muestreos realizados la concentración de los óxidos de nitrógeno, NOX, expresados como N02 superó los 515 mg/Nm3, establecidos por la reglamentación nacional. Se determinó la eficiencia de remoción de las partículas del ciclón instalado, dando un valor de 66,22 ± 0,03 0/0. Para la evaluación perimetral de las concentraciones de NOx, S02 y PTS, se establecieron dos puntos de muestreo, uno en la casa de la familia Zamora Fuentes, ubicada al este de la planta (punto I) y en la casa de la familia Villegas Rojas, ubicada al oeste de la planta (punto 2). En el muestreo realizado el 7 y 8 de agosto del 2007 en el punto 1, que la concentración de S02 estaba por encima de la concentración máxima establecida por la reglamentación nacional con un valor de 383 ug/m3 Todos los parámetros en los dos puntos de muestreo en las demás campañas de muestreo estaban por debajo de las concentraciones máximas establecidas por la reglamentación nacional.
The environmental impact of the emissions generated by the production process of the Kimberly Clark Costa Rica, S.A. Company, Belén Plant, was evaluated and the sources of emissions were identified. It was determined that the boilers are the most significant emission source of the company. The concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and total suspended particles were evaluated, both in the chimney of the boilers, and in the surrounding environment of the company. In addition, the measured concentrations were compared with those established in national regulations and international regulations. For the sampling and analysis of these parameters, in the case of emission gases, electrochemical cells located in a TESTO brand gas analyzer, model 350, were used. For the sampling and determination of the total particles in suspension, the gravimetric method described by Method 5 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA. An Apex Instruments brand particle sampler, model XC-572, was used. Six sampling campaigns lasting one day each were carried out. The first was carried out on February 21, 2007, where the determined concentrations were below the maximum concentrations allowed by national regulations. The second sampling was carried out on March 14, 2007. The concentration of total suspended particles was found to be above the national regulations with an average concentration of 154 ± 4 mg/Nm3. The third campaign was carried out on March 22, 2007 and all the parameters were below the permitted concentrations according to national regulations. On June 16, 2007, a cyclone was installed at the company for the treatment of total suspended particles. The fourth, fifth and sixth sampling were carried out on July 24, August 22 and September 4, 2007 respectively. In these samplings, the concentrations of the sampled parameters were below the maximum concentrations established by national regulations. It should be noted that in all the samplings carried out, the concentration of nitrogen oxides, NOX, expressed as N02, exceeded 515 mg/Nm3, established by national regulations. The removal efficiency of the installed cyclone particles was determined, giving a value of 66.22 ± 0.03 0/0. For the perimeter evaluation of the concentrations of NOx, S02 and PTS, two sampling points were established, one in the house of the Zamora Fuentes family, located to the east of the plant (point I) and in the house of the Villegas Rojas family. , located to the west of the plant (point 2). In the sampling carried out on August 7 and 8, 2007 at point 1, the S02 concentration was above the maximum concentration established by national regulations with a value of 383 ug/m3 All the parameters at the two sampling points sampling in the other sampling campaigns were below the maximum concentrations established by national regulations.
The environmental impact of the emissions generated by the production process of the Kimberly Clark Costa Rica, S.A. Company, Belén Plant, was evaluated and the sources of emissions were identified. It was determined that the boilers are the most significant emission source of the company. The concentrations of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and total suspended particles were evaluated, both in the chimney of the boilers, and in the surrounding environment of the company. In addition, the measured concentrations were compared with those established in national regulations and international regulations. For the sampling and analysis of these parameters, in the case of emission gases, electrochemical cells located in a TESTO brand gas analyzer, model 350, were used. For the sampling and determination of the total particles in suspension, the gravimetric method described by Method 5 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA. An Apex Instruments brand particle sampler, model XC-572, was used. Six sampling campaigns lasting one day each were carried out. The first was carried out on February 21, 2007, where the determined concentrations were below the maximum concentrations allowed by national regulations. The second sampling was carried out on March 14, 2007. The concentration of total suspended particles was found to be above the national regulations with an average concentration of 154 ± 4 mg/Nm3. The third campaign was carried out on March 22, 2007 and all the parameters were below the permitted concentrations according to national regulations. On June 16, 2007, a cyclone was installed at the company for the treatment of total suspended particles. The fourth, fifth and sixth sampling were carried out on July 24, August 22 and September 4, 2007 respectively. In these samplings, the concentrations of the sampled parameters were below the maximum concentrations established by national regulations. It should be noted that in all the samplings carried out, the concentration of nitrogen oxides, NOX, expressed as N02, exceeded 515 mg/Nm3, established by national regulations. The removal efficiency of the installed cyclone particles was determined, giving a value of 66.22 ± 0.03 0/0. For the perimeter evaluation of the concentrations of NOx, S02 and PTS, two sampling points were established, one in the house of the Zamora Fuentes family, located to the east of the plant (point I) and in the house of the Villegas Rojas family. , located to the west of the plant (point 2). In the sampling carried out on August 7 and 8, 2007 at point 1, the S02 concentration was above the maximum concentration established by national regulations with a value of 383 ug/m3 All the parameters at the two sampling points sampling in the other sampling campaigns were below the maximum concentrations established by national regulations.
Camacho Moreira, O. (2009). Evaluación de las emisiones gaseosas generadas por el proceso productivo de Kimberly Clark Costa Rica, S.A., ubicada en San Antonio de Belén, Heredia. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C. R.
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