Pasantía en medicina y cirugía de animales silvestres y mascotas no convencionales en el Centro Veterinario México, Ciudad de México
Gutiérrez Murillo, Andrea
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esta pasantía fue realizada en el área de fauna silvestre del Centro
Veterinario México, en la Ciudad de México, del 02 de enero al 07 de mayo de 2021,
con una duración de 18 semanas. Se tuvo participación en la atención de 529
casos, de los cuales 297 fueron mamíferos, 134 reptiles, 79 aves, 11 anfibios y ocho
En cuanto al motivo de consulta, 78 correspondieron a asesorías y cuando
se presentaron signos clínicos, la mayoría (65 casos) se debió a hiporexia o
anorexia, seguido del manejo de heridas (63 ocasiones) y las demás se clasificaron
de acuerdo con el sistema afectado o procedimientos menores.
Se realizaron 150 radiografías, 47 ecografías, 17 tomografías y una
resonancia magnética para ayudar en el diagnóstico de las diversas patologías en
todos los grupos de pacientes atendidos.
Se participó en 56 cirugías, 16 ovario histerectomías, ocho remociones de
masas, seis cirugías ortopédicas, seis ovariosalpingectomías, cinco orquiectomías,
cuatro esplenectomías, dos laparotomías exploratorias, dos cistotomías, dos retiros
de abscesos, y se realizó uno de cada uno de los siguientes procedimientos:
falectomía, reconstrucción de la lengua, piloromiotomía, una corrección de hernia
hiatal y una amputación de un dedo.
Se tuvo participación en el proceso de sedación y anestesia de los pacientes
cuando se requirió para realizar examen físico, alguna técnica diagnóstica y en los
procedimientos quirúrgicos. Además, se pusieron en práctica las principales medidas de bioseguridad utilizadas para evitar la transmisión de agentes
infecciosos de carácter zoonótico.
This internship was carried out in the wildlife area of Centro Veterinario México, in Mexico City, from January 2 to May 7, 2021, with a duration of 18 weeks. There was participation in the care of 529 cases of wild animals and unconventional pets, 297 from which were mammals, 134 reptiles, 79 birds, 11 amphibians and eight fish. Regarding the reason for consultation, 78 correspond to consultations of the advisory type, when they presented clinical signs, the majority (65 cases) were due to hyporexia or anorexia, followed by wound management (63 occasions) and the others were classified according to the affected system or minor procedures. One hundred and fifty X-rays, 47 ultrasound scans, 17 CT scans, and one MRI were performed to help diagnose the various pathologies in all groups of patients seen. During the internship it was witnessed in 56 surgeries, 16 ovary hysterectomies, eight mass removals, six orthopedic surgeries, six ovariosalpingectomies, five orchiectomies, four splenectomies, two exploratory laparotomies, two cystotomies, two abscess removals, and one of each was performed of the following procedures: phalectomy, tongue reconstruction, pyloromyotomy, a hiatal hernia correction, and a finger amputation. Even it was required to perform a physical examination, a diagnostic technique and surgical procedures, the student participated in the sedation and anesthesia process of the patients. In addition, the main biosafety measures used to prevent the transmission of infectious agents of a zoonotic nature were put into practice.
This internship was carried out in the wildlife area of Centro Veterinario México, in Mexico City, from January 2 to May 7, 2021, with a duration of 18 weeks. There was participation in the care of 529 cases of wild animals and unconventional pets, 297 from which were mammals, 134 reptiles, 79 birds, 11 amphibians and eight fish. Regarding the reason for consultation, 78 correspond to consultations of the advisory type, when they presented clinical signs, the majority (65 cases) were due to hyporexia or anorexia, followed by wound management (63 occasions) and the others were classified according to the affected system or minor procedures. One hundred and fifty X-rays, 47 ultrasound scans, 17 CT scans, and one MRI were performed to help diagnose the various pathologies in all groups of patients seen. During the internship it was witnessed in 56 surgeries, 16 ovary hysterectomies, eight mass removals, six orthopedic surgeries, six ovariosalpingectomies, five orchiectomies, four splenectomies, two exploratory laparotomies, two cystotomies, two abscess removals, and one of each was performed of the following procedures: phalectomy, tongue reconstruction, pyloromyotomy, a hiatal hernia correction, and a finger amputation. Even it was required to perform a physical examination, a diagnostic technique and surgical procedures, the student participated in the sedation and anesthesia process of the patients. In addition, the main biosafety measures used to prevent the transmission of infectious agents of a zoonotic nature were put into practice.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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