Reactivación del sector forestal de Costa Rica: retos y oportunidades : propuesta de ordenamiento forestal en el marco de las políticas y escenarios proyectados sobre cambio climático
Chavarría Vargas, Manuel
García Rodríguez, Javier
Víquez Romero, Daniel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Costa Rica presenta una serie de factores biofísicos y climáticos que lo convierte en uno de los sitios con mayor diversidad de especies vegetales en el mundo (Jiménez Madrigal et al. 2011), a pesar de las condiciones favorables con las que cuenta, el sector forestal no se ha podido consolidar de una forma robusta, esto debido a múltiples factores, de los cuales destacan la desvinculación del sector con las políticas nacionales, la escasez de incentivos y una ocupación desordenada de las tierras, provocando diferentes procesos de degradación, fragmentación de los paisajes y pérdida de recursos naturales. En respuesta a la problemática presentada anteriormente surge como necesidad la identificación y propuesta de acciones que favorezcan la reactivación del sector forestal a mediano plazo. Para esto se establece una propuesta de ordenamiento forestal actualizada que toma en consideración las variaciones climáticas, así como las políticas vigentes en esta materia. Lo mismo favorece al manejo del paisaje de una forma integrada y su relación con otros usos de la tierra, además de beneficiar a la seguridad jurídica y el acceso al recurso forestal por parte de los diferentes actores (MINAE 2011). Como parte de esta propuesta se definieron categorías de ordenamiento forestal desde el punto de vista de producción, conservación y restauración de paisajes, analizando la información espacial y representándolas gráficamente por medio del uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica utilizando capas oficiales a nivel nacional con información biofísica, categorías de usos de la tierra, asentamientos humanos, entre otras. Paralelamente, se identificaron las políticas nacionales e internacionales relacionadas con el cambio climático para conocer su grado de vinculación con las categorías propuestas. Además, por medio de la aplicación de consultas a partes interesadas y revisión de información bibliográfica se identificaron las fuentes de financiamiento existentes, así como las vías de provisión de recursos. Finalmente, se analizaron escenarios climáticos futuros, identificando los cambios esperados con respecto al calentamiento global y su posible afectación sobre cada categoría de ordenamiento forestal sugerida. Del territorio nacional continental de Costa Rica se identificó que el 20,4% del área cuenta con cobertura forestal que debe ser conservada, el 27,6% mantiene bosques con un potencial para el manejo forestal productivo, un 23,9% cuenta con características aptas para el desarrollo de actividades productivas forestales (incluyendo plantaciones forestales, sistemas agroforestales y silvopastoriles), mientras que un 19,1% corresponde a áreas degradadas que requieren ser restauradas. Finalmente, un 2,5% del territorio nacional presentó alguna condición que no permite desarrollo de actividades forestales, mientras que el 6,4% no pudo ser clasificado por falta de información. Se identificó una vinculación importante de las políticas nacionales e internacionales de cambio climático en las categorías de restauración y conservación del bosque existente, mientras que los esquemas forestales productivos tales como plantaciones forestales y manejo sostenible de bosques cuentan con una vinculación baja dentro de las estrategias activas, comprometiendo la reactivación del sector forestal. Por otro lado, la procedencia actual de los recursos financieros para iniciativas forestales en el país depende en gran medida de los aportes de cooperaciones internacionales, siendo limitados los recursos provenientes de mecanismos gubernamentales. La sostenibilidad de recursos bajo este modelo es incierta en el futuro, pues dependería de los intereses y prioridades de los entes donantes a nivel mundial. Finalmente, debido a los efectos del cambio climático, se proyecta que las condiciones de temperatura para Costa Rica aumentarían hasta 4° Celsius y se prevé una disminución del 5 % en las precipitaciones, lo cual afectaría el desarrollo de actividades productivas forestales en un mediano plazo (Blanco, 2015).
Costa Rica has a series of biophysical and climatic factors that make it one of the places with the greatest diversity of plant species in the world (Jiménez Madrigal et al. 2011). Despite these favorable conditions, the forestry sector has not been able to consolidate in a robust manner due to multiple factors, including the disconnection of the sector from national policies, the scarcity of incentives and a disorderly occupation of land, causing different processes of degradation, fragmentation of landscapes and loss of natural resources. In response to the problems presented above, the need arises to identify and propose actions that favor the reactivation of the forestry sector in the medium term. To this end, an updated forestry management proposal is established that takes into consideration climatic variations as well as current forestry policies. It also favors landscape management in an integrated manner and its relationship with other land uses, in addition to benefiting legal security and access to forest resources by the different stakeholders (MINAE 2011). As part of this proposal, forest management categories were defined from the point of view of production, conservation and landscape restoration, analyzing spatial information and representing them graphically through the use of Geographic Information Systems using official layers at the national level with biophysical information, land use categories, human settlements, among others. At the same time, national and international policies related to climate change were identified to determine their degree of linkage with the proposed categories. In addition, through the application of stakeholder consultations and review of bibliographic information, existing sources of financing were identified, as well as ways of providing resources. Finally, future climate scenarios were analyzed, identifying the expected changes with respect to global warming and their possible impact on each suggested forest management category. Of Costa Rica's continental national territory, 20.4% of the area has forest cover that should be conserved, 27.6% has forests with potential for productive forest management, 23.9% has characteristics suitable for the development of productive forestry activities (including forest plantations, agroforestry and silvopastoral systems), while 19.1% corresponds to degraded areas that need to be restored. Finally, 2.5% of the national territory presented some condition that does not allow the development of forestry activities, while 6.4% could not be classified due to lack of information. National and international climate change policies were significantly linked to the categories of restoration and conservation of existing forests, while productive forestry schemes such as forest plantations and sustainable forest management are poorly linked to active strategies, compromising the reactivation of the forestry sector. On the other hand, the current source of financial resources for forestry initiatives in the country depends to a large extent on international cooperation, with limited resources coming from governmental mechanisms. The sustainability of resources under this model is uncertain in the future, as it will depend on the interests and priorities of global donors. Finally, due to the effects of climate change, it is projected that temperature conditions in Costa Rica will increase by up to 4° Celsius and a 5% decrease in precipitation is expected, which will affect the development of productive forestry activities in the medium term (Blanco, 2015).
Costa Rica has a series of biophysical and climatic factors that make it one of the places with the greatest diversity of plant species in the world (Jiménez Madrigal et al. 2011). Despite these favorable conditions, the forestry sector has not been able to consolidate in a robust manner due to multiple factors, including the disconnection of the sector from national policies, the scarcity of incentives and a disorderly occupation of land, causing different processes of degradation, fragmentation of landscapes and loss of natural resources. In response to the problems presented above, the need arises to identify and propose actions that favor the reactivation of the forestry sector in the medium term. To this end, an updated forestry management proposal is established that takes into consideration climatic variations as well as current forestry policies. It also favors landscape management in an integrated manner and its relationship with other land uses, in addition to benefiting legal security and access to forest resources by the different stakeholders (MINAE 2011). As part of this proposal, forest management categories were defined from the point of view of production, conservation and landscape restoration, analyzing spatial information and representing them graphically through the use of Geographic Information Systems using official layers at the national level with biophysical information, land use categories, human settlements, among others. At the same time, national and international policies related to climate change were identified to determine their degree of linkage with the proposed categories. In addition, through the application of stakeholder consultations and review of bibliographic information, existing sources of financing were identified, as well as ways of providing resources. Finally, future climate scenarios were analyzed, identifying the expected changes with respect to global warming and their possible impact on each suggested forest management category. Of Costa Rica's continental national territory, 20.4% of the area has forest cover that should be conserved, 27.6% has forests with potential for productive forest management, 23.9% has characteristics suitable for the development of productive forestry activities (including forest plantations, agroforestry and silvopastoral systems), while 19.1% corresponds to degraded areas that need to be restored. Finally, 2.5% of the national territory presented some condition that does not allow the development of forestry activities, while 6.4% could not be classified due to lack of information. National and international climate change policies were significantly linked to the categories of restoration and conservation of existing forests, while productive forestry schemes such as forest plantations and sustainable forest management are poorly linked to active strategies, compromising the reactivation of the forestry sector. On the other hand, the current source of financial resources for forestry initiatives in the country depends to a large extent on international cooperation, with limited resources coming from governmental mechanisms. The sustainability of resources under this model is uncertain in the future, as it will depend on the interests and priorities of global donors. Finally, due to the effects of climate change, it is projected that temperature conditions in Costa Rica will increase by up to 4° Celsius and a 5% decrease in precipitation is expected, which will affect the development of productive forestry activities in the medium term (Blanco, 2015).
Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Ciencias Forestales con modalidad: Seminario de Graduación y énfasis: Ordenamiento y Restauración Forestal
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