Efectos emocionales, físicos y sociales de la participación de adultos mayores en el grupo Cascada de Energía, durante el primer período del año 2007.
Montero Arguedas, Esmeralda
Quirós Mora, Mónica
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este estudio tuvo como propósito, investigar efectos emocionales, físicos y sociales de la participación de adultos mayores en el grupo Cascada de Energía. El mismo fue elaborado bajo el enfoque de la investigación cualitativo. La literatura consultada describe al adulto durante la vejez, expresa cómo se presentan los cambios y muestra cómo enfrentarlos. Para disfrutar la vejez adecuadamente, el adulto debe aceptar la etapa en la que se encuentra, sin que esto marque el fin de sus días, por el contrario, que el adulto vea en ella la oportunidad de crecer como ser humano aprovechando lo que tiene a su alcance para enriquecer su área física, emocional y social, llenando sus años de salud y felicidad. Para registrar el proceso de tratamiento de la información se utilizaron entrevistas individuales, grupales, video y la observación. La población sujeto de estudio estuvo conformada por los dos grupos de ejercicios llamados Cascada de Energía, de ellos se extrajo la muestra de 6 mujeres que cumplieron cuatro categorías: estar entre 52 - 68 años; tener tres años o más de estar en el grupo, estar casadas y tener como mínimo la educación básica de primaria. Los resultados obtenidos son positivos en relación con las variables, ya que las entrevistadas presentan en general un estado equilibrado y sano en las tres áreas de estudio, por lo que se concluye que la influencia del grupo Cascada de energía es motivadora, para que mantengan o desarrollen hábitos que contribuyan a mejorar su calidad de vida en la etapa adulta mayor o en la vejez, siempre es recomendable que la entrevistada como principal protagonista, desarrolle estrategias para lograr vivir más y de mejor manera, también es esencial que esté presente la familia como apoyo y el estado como responsable de brindar las oportunidades para que el adulto mayor crezca y mejore emocional, física y socialmente.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the emotional, physical and social effects of the participation of older adults in the Cascada de Energía group. It was elaborated under the qualitative research approach. The literature consulted describes the adult during old age, expresses how changes occur and shows how to face them. To enjoy old age properly, the adult must accept the stage in which he/she is, without this marking the end of his/her days, on the contrary, the adult should see in it the opportunity to grow as a human being, taking advantage of what is available to enrich his/her physical, emotional and social area, filling his/her years with health and happiness. Individual and group interviews, video and observation were used to record the information treatment process. The population under study consisted of the two exercise groups called Cascada de Energía, from which a sample of 6 women was extracted who met four categories: being between 52 and 68 years old; having been in the group for three years or more, being married and having at least a basic primary education. The results obtained are positive in relation to the variables, since the interviewees generally present a balanced and healthy state in the three areas of study, so it is concluded that the influence of the Cascada de energía group is motivating, so that they maintain or develop habits that contribute to improve their quality of life in the older adult stage or in old age, It is always advisable that the interviewee, as the main protagonist, develops strategies to achieve a longer and better life. It is also essential that the family is present as a support and the state is responsible for providing opportunities for the older adult to grow and improve emotionally, physically and socially.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the emotional, physical and social effects of the participation of older adults in the Cascada de Energía group. It was elaborated under the qualitative research approach. The literature consulted describes the adult during old age, expresses how changes occur and shows how to face them. To enjoy old age properly, the adult must accept the stage in which he/she is, without this marking the end of his/her days, on the contrary, the adult should see in it the opportunity to grow as a human being, taking advantage of what is available to enrich his/her physical, emotional and social area, filling his/her years with health and happiness. Individual and group interviews, video and observation were used to record the information treatment process. The population under study consisted of the two exercise groups called Cascada de Energía, from which a sample of 6 women was extracted who met four categories: being between 52 and 68 years old; having been in the group for three years or more, being married and having at least a basic primary education. The results obtained are positive in relation to the variables, since the interviewees generally present a balanced and healthy state in the three areas of study, so it is concluded that the influence of the Cascada de energía group is motivating, so that they maintain or develop habits that contribute to improve their quality of life in the older adult stage or in old age, It is always advisable that the interviewee, as the main protagonist, develops strategies to achieve a longer and better life. It is also essential that the family is present as a support and the state is responsible for providing opportunities for the older adult to grow and improve emotionally, physically and socially.
Licenciatura en Orientación
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