Representaciones sociales de la infancia en niños y niñas: el caso de la Escuela Unidocente de Lourdes Sacramento de Barva de Heredia
Blanco Solís, Farlen David
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Este trabajo investiga las representaciones sociales de la infancia que tienen los
niños y las niñas de la Escuela Unidocente de Sacramento de Barva, con el fin de acercarse
a este tema a partir de los mecanismos de participación de los niños y niñas y así mismo, la
construcción social del espacio escolar.
El proceso investigativo implicó crear un estado de la cuestión, el cual diera cuenta
de algunos estudios sobre la infancia, desarrollados en el marco de la sociología, así como
de trabajos de investigación sobre representaciones sociales de infancia e investigaciones
en torno a las escuelas unidocentes. Estos elementos permitieron crear las orientaciones
para la propuesta del marco conceptual y metodológico.
El análisis de las representaciones sociales de la infancia se hizo desde la propuesta
teórica de Pierre Bourdieu, principalmente, las categorías campo y habitus. Además, se
tomaron en cuenta los postulados propuestos por Berger y Luckmann, aquellos que
comprenden a los niños y niñas como sujetos políticos, con posibilidades de agencia en su
El enfoque de la metodología del trabajo fue cualitativo. Se recurrió a la
observación participante, la entrevista semiestructurada y la entrevista grupal. El trabajo de
campo se llevó a cabo durante las actividades habituales de la escuela, también en
actividades extracurriculares. y la exploración de las relaciones sociales que se establecen
en el espacio del aula, así como en el recreo, identificando las formas en que participan los
niños y niñas, y las formas de habitar y construir el espacio escolar. Lo anterior permitió
reflexionar sobre cómo los niños y las niñas configuran la noción de infancia.
Entre los principales resultados, se identificó que la noción de infancia está
vinculada a poca libertad y se encuentra sometida, además, a un constante uso de la
tecnología como productora de experiencias y mediadora de la producción del espacio
escolar. El uso de la tecnología genera códigos en las relaciones entre pares y lenguajes
propios, es un elemento importante en los procesos de comunicación y en los mecanismos
de participación.
Acerca de los mecanismos de participación, se analizan los procesos con mayor
autonomía y las experiencias más condicionadas por una cultura escolar adultocéntrica.
Se estudian las diferentes estrategias para resolver los conflictos, por ejemplo, el
juego, el cual tiene un componente importante en la socialización y en la toma de
decisiones entre pares.
Para terminar, se recogen las principales conclusiones de la investigación en torno a
cómo se construye el espacio escolar, sus condicionantes y los mecanismos de participación
que configuran las representaciones sociales de la infancia que tienen los niños y las niñas.
Asimismo, se plantean algunas reflexiones finales, a fin de que sean tomadas en cuenta en
futuros trabajos de investigación, los cuales se orienten a tratar temas relacionados con la
infancia en procesos educativos, desde las ciencias sociales.
This work investigates the social representations of childhood that children have. boys and girls from the Sacramento de Barva Unicente School, in order to get closer to this issue from the mechanisms of participation of boys and girls and likewise, the social construction of the school space. The investigative process involved creating a state of the matter, which would account of some studies on childhood, developed within the framework of sociology, as well as of research papers on social representations of childhood and research about single-teacher schools. These elements allowed to create the orientations for the proposal of the conceptual and methodological framework. The analysis of the social representations of childhood was made from the proposal theory of Pierre Bourdieu, mainly, the categories field and habitus. Also I know took into account the postulates proposed by Berger and Luckmann, those that understand boys and girls as political subjects, with possibilities of agency in their environment. The approach of the work methodology was qualitative. It was resorted to participant observation, semi-structured interview and group interview. The work of field was carried out during the usual activities of the school, also in extracurricular activities. and the exploration of the social relationships that are established in the classroom space, as well as at recess, identifying the ways in which children participate boys and girls, and the ways of inhabiting and building the school space. The former allowed reflect on how boys and girls shape the notion of childhood. 5 Among the main results, it was identified that the notion of childhood is linked to little freedom and is also subjected to a constant use of technology as producer of experiences and mediator of the production of space school. The use of technology generates codes in the relationships between pairs and languages own, is an important element in the communication processes and in the mechanisms of participation. Regarding participation mechanisms, the processes are analyzed with greater autonomy and the experiences most conditioned by an adult-centric school culture. The different strategies to resolve conflicts are studied, for example, the game, which has an important component in socialization and decision-making peer decisions. Finally, the main conclusions of the research are collected around how the school space is built, its conditioning factors and participation mechanisms that configure the social representations of childhood that boys and girls have. Likewise, some final reflections are proposed, in order to be taken into account in future research works, which are oriented to deal with issues related to the childhood in educational processes, from the social sciences.
This work investigates the social representations of childhood that children have. boys and girls from the Sacramento de Barva Unicente School, in order to get closer to this issue from the mechanisms of participation of boys and girls and likewise, the social construction of the school space. The investigative process involved creating a state of the matter, which would account of some studies on childhood, developed within the framework of sociology, as well as of research papers on social representations of childhood and research about single-teacher schools. These elements allowed to create the orientations for the proposal of the conceptual and methodological framework. The analysis of the social representations of childhood was made from the proposal theory of Pierre Bourdieu, mainly, the categories field and habitus. Also I know took into account the postulates proposed by Berger and Luckmann, those that understand boys and girls as political subjects, with possibilities of agency in their environment. The approach of the work methodology was qualitative. It was resorted to participant observation, semi-structured interview and group interview. The work of field was carried out during the usual activities of the school, also in extracurricular activities. and the exploration of the social relationships that are established in the classroom space, as well as at recess, identifying the ways in which children participate boys and girls, and the ways of inhabiting and building the school space. The former allowed reflect on how boys and girls shape the notion of childhood. 5 Among the main results, it was identified that the notion of childhood is linked to little freedom and is also subjected to a constant use of technology as producer of experiences and mediator of the production of space school. The use of technology generates codes in the relationships between pairs and languages own, is an important element in the communication processes and in the mechanisms of participation. Regarding participation mechanisms, the processes are analyzed with greater autonomy and the experiences most conditioned by an adult-centric school culture. The different strategies to resolve conflicts are studied, for example, the game, which has an important component in socialization and decision-making peer decisions. Finally, the main conclusions of the research are collected around how the school space is built, its conditioning factors and participation mechanisms that configure the social representations of childhood that boys and girls have. Likewise, some final reflections are proposed, in order to be taken into account in future research works, which are oriented to deal with issues related to the childhood in educational processes, from the social sciences.
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