Protección de la innovación : Un diálogo entre la ciencia y la sociedad
Vargas Castro, William E.
Mora Vicarioli, Francisco
Arias Arguedas, Alberto
Marín Corrales, Dunnia
López Peña, Kendall Ariana
Valverde-Chaves, Jeannette
Candelario, Maria Isabel
Rodríguez Grillo, Luisa E.
Garbayo Blanch, Juan P.
Dopazo, Maria Pilar
Título de la revista
ISSN de la revista
Título del volumen
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El proyecto: Dínamo Innovador de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales, de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, ha cargo del Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora, en un esfuerzo
conjunto con académicos, investigadores, sector público y privado, han gestado el presente
libro electrónico denominado: “Protección de la Innovación: un diálogo entre la ciencia y
la sociedad”. En este, se cuenta con grupo de investigación interdisciplinario, que desde sus
diversas perspectivas, se aborda un tema de trascendental importancia para las empresas y,
que constituye en un factor fundamental de la competitividad, manifiesta y propia de siglo
XXI: la innovación.
El reto de los negocios y, en particular, de las empresas que desean participar en los negocios
internacionales, corresponde a la protección de su innovación, de su marca; pero a la vez,
resulta necesario establecer un diálogo honesto y profundo que permita a la ciencia acercarse a la sociedad y establecer en conjunto estrategias diferenciadas que conlleven al éxito
de los distintos empredimientos. Por ello, ésta obra pretende compilar los aportes multidisciplinares en torno a la gestión de la protección de la innovación como un diálogo entre las
ofertas de la ciencia y las demandas de la sociedad para el desarrollo humano sostenible;
donde el papel de los diferentes actores es fundamental para llegar a buen puerto.
Esta obra trata diversos temas, desde diversas perspectivas, escenarios y contextos, lo cual
enriquecerá, sin lugar a dudas, al lector, para que desde una introspección individual se
adapten los modelos propuestos a la realidad particular. El documento cuenta a la vez, con
diversos casos de estudios que facilitarán la comprensión de que el proceso de innovación
dentro de las organizaiones debe ser estructurado, continuo y bajo un liderazgo claro, para
que éste no se pierda en el tiempo. No obstante, se finaliza con una reflexión sobre los retos
que el avance científico y tecnológico demanda a la sociedad contemporánea.
Es por ello, que en un esfuerzo generador de sinergías, el Proyecto Dínamo Innovador y el
Proyecto Capacidades de Gestión de la Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual en los Procesos de
Emprendimiento en las PYMES de América Central y República Dominicana agradecen la
participación de las distintas Facultades y Unidades Académicas de la Universidad Nacional
de Costa Rica, así como el apoyo de la Vicerrectoría Académica y de la Dirección de Investigación, así como al Fondo Institucional para el Desarrollo Académico (FIDA). En la misma
línea, agradecemos a nuestros colegas del Grupo de Investigación “Propiedad Industrial y
Nuevas tecnologías” (PROINDTEN) de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España.
Finalmente, quisiera dejar en este espacio plasmado, mi más sincero agradecimiento al Dr.
Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora, quien me ha propuesto la futura coordinación del Proyecto
Dínamo Innovador, lo cual representa un reto profesional pero un orgullo personal por la
confianza brindada. Extiéndase las gracias al M.Sc. Max Sáurez Ulloa, Director de la Escuela
de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, quien concordó y
accedió en dicha propuesta. Gracias a ambos.
The project: Innovative Dynamo of the School of International Relations, of the National University of Costa Rica, has been in charge of Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora, in an effort together with academics, researchers, the public and private sectors, have created the present e-book called: “Protection of Innovation: a dialogue between science and the society". In this, there is an interdisciplinary research group, which from its diverse perspectives, an issue of transcendental importance for companies is addressed and, which constitutes a fundamental factor of competitiveness, manifest and typical of the century XXI: innovation. The challenge of business and, in particular, of companies that want to participate in business international, corresponds to the protection of your innovation, your brand; but at the same time, It is necessary to establish an honest and deep dialogue that allows science to approach society and jointly establish differentiated strategies that lead to success of the different ventures. Therefore, this work intends to compile the multidisciplinary contributions around the management of the protection of innovation as a dialogue between the science offers and society demands for sustainable human development; where the role of the different actors is essential to reach a successful conclusion. This work deals with various topics, from different perspectives, settings and contexts, which will enrich, without a doubt, the reader, so that from an individual introspection adapt the proposed models to the particular reality. The document has at the same time, various case studies that will facilitate the understanding that the innovation process within organizations must be structured, continuous and under clear leadership, to may it not be lost in time. However, it ends with a reflection on the challenges that scientific and technological advance demands of contemporary society. That is why, in an effort to generate synergies, the Innovative Dynamo Project and the Project Capacities for the Management of Industrial and Intellectual Property in the Processes of Entrepreneurship in SMEs in Central America and the Dominican Republic appreciate the participation of the different Faculties and Academic Units of the National University of Costa Rica, as well as the support of the Academic Vice-rector and the Research Directorate, as well as the Institutional Fund for Academic Development (FIDA). In the same line, we thank our colleagues from the Research Group “Industrial Property and New technologies ”(PROINDTEN) of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Finally, I would like to leave in this space, my most sincere thanks to Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora, who has proposed to me the future coordination of the Project Innovative Dynamo, which represents a professional challenge but personal pride in the confidence given. Thank you to M.Sc. Max Sáurez Ulloa, Director of the School of International Relations of the National University of Costa Rica, who agreed and agreed on said proposal.
The project: Innovative Dynamo of the School of International Relations, of the National University of Costa Rica, has been in charge of Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora, in an effort together with academics, researchers, the public and private sectors, have created the present e-book called: “Protection of Innovation: a dialogue between science and the society". In this, there is an interdisciplinary research group, which from its diverse perspectives, an issue of transcendental importance for companies is addressed and, which constitutes a fundamental factor of competitiveness, manifest and typical of the century XXI: innovation. The challenge of business and, in particular, of companies that want to participate in business international, corresponds to the protection of your innovation, your brand; but at the same time, It is necessary to establish an honest and deep dialogue that allows science to approach society and jointly establish differentiated strategies that lead to success of the different ventures. Therefore, this work intends to compile the multidisciplinary contributions around the management of the protection of innovation as a dialogue between the science offers and society demands for sustainable human development; where the role of the different actors is essential to reach a successful conclusion. This work deals with various topics, from different perspectives, settings and contexts, which will enrich, without a doubt, the reader, so that from an individual introspection adapt the proposed models to the particular reality. The document has at the same time, various case studies that will facilitate the understanding that the innovation process within organizations must be structured, continuous and under clear leadership, to may it not be lost in time. However, it ends with a reflection on the challenges that scientific and technological advance demands of contemporary society. That is why, in an effort to generate synergies, the Innovative Dynamo Project and the Project Capacities for the Management of Industrial and Intellectual Property in the Processes of Entrepreneurship in SMEs in Central America and the Dominican Republic appreciate the participation of the different Faculties and Academic Units of the National University of Costa Rica, as well as the support of the Academic Vice-rector and the Research Directorate, as well as the Institutional Fund for Academic Development (FIDA). In the same line, we thank our colleagues from the Research Group “Industrial Property and New technologies ”(PROINDTEN) of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Finally, I would like to leave in this space, my most sincere thanks to Dr. Juan Carlos Bermúdez Mora, who has proposed to me the future coordination of the Project Innovative Dynamo, which represents a professional challenge but personal pride in the confidence given. Thank you to M.Sc. Max Sáurez Ulloa, Director of the School of International Relations of the National University of Costa Rica, who agreed and agreed on said proposal.
Palabras clave
Protección de la innovación: Un diálogo entre la ciencia y la sociedad [Recurso electrónico] / ed. Gerald Solano Aguilar. – 1 ed. – Heredia, C.R. : Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Nacional, 2014.