Buenas Prácticas Ambientales en los Servicios de Alimentación de la Universidad Nacional
Chavarría-Solera, Fabián
Gamboa-Venegas, Rebeca
Garita-Sánchez, Noelia
Rojas-Vargas, Julián
Benavidez Ramírez, David
mora barrantes, jose carlos
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El Programa UNA-Campus Sostenible se crea en el año 2007 como
entidad responsable de la elaboración, control y seguimiento de la gestión
ambiental de la Universidad Nacional, buscando la sostenibilidad de
los campus universitarios por medio de la resolución los principales
problemas ambientales de esta institución, en cumplimiento con
la legislación nacional y la Política Ambiental Institucional (UNAGaceta
7-2003), la cual establece la necesidad de una estrategia para el
impulso de una gestión ambiental que contribuya a potenciar el espacio
y fortalezca la cultura de responsabilidad con las futuras generaciones
(Programa UNA Campus Sostenible, 2013).
Es gracias a este Programa que se comienza a promover el manejo
integrado de los deferentes residuos generados, del recurso agua y
energía, así como el fortalecimiento de una cultura ambiental por medio
de la capacitación y sensibilización a toda la población universitaria.
Bajo este accionar, se pretende impulsar a la Universidad Nacional
como un modelo ambiental con valor pedagógico, una universidad
para el desarrollo y para la gestión del conocimiento al servicio de
la sociedad que tenga presencia y efectos solidarios, de modo que
contribuya al esfuerzo nacional para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible
(Programa UNA Campus Sostenible, 2013).
En ese sentido, el Programa UNA Campus Sostenible en su afán por la
implementación de nuevas formas de mitigar los impactos ambientales
significativos que se presentan en todos los campus de la Universidad
Nacional se da a la tarea de realizar diferentes instructivos, metodologías
y procedimientos basados en buenas prácticas ambientales sustentables,
en las que se implementen acciones prácticas y útiles que sirvan para
modificar o mejorar el comportamiento y los hábitos de las personas
que son perjudiciales para el funcionamiento general de la biosfera,
logrando cambios en la organización de los procesos y las actividades
para disminuir estos impactos generados, promover el ahorro de
recursos y alcanzar una gestión sostenible del accionar institucional.
La importancia de las buenas prácticas ambientales se debe a
que proporcionan información práctica, fiable y actual sobre las Primeramente algunos lineamientos generales, seguido de la gestión
integral de los residuos sólidos no aprovechables y reciclables con su
correcta clasificación, manejo integral de residuos sólidos orgánicos
y su separación, aunado a esto una forma de tratamiento de los
mismos mediante composteras que permiten la creación de abono
orgánico. Por otro lado, se señala los lineamientos para la utilización de
empaques desechables en la venta de alimentos “para llevar” los cuales
deben ser amigables con el ambiente. Se indica la importancia del
correcto mantenimiento de las trampas de grasa y la gestión integral
de residuos de grasa y aceite residual. También se indican regulaciones
para el uso correcto del gas licuado de petróleo (LP) utilizado en la
cocción de los alimentos. Además, se establecen los lineamientos y se
hacen recomendaciones para el uso de productos para la limpieza y
desinfección. Finalmente se indica todo lo referente a la evaluación
ambiental realizada por el Programa UNA Campus Sostenible.
The UNA-Sustainable Campus Program was created in 2007 as the entity responsible for the elaboration, control and monitoring of the environmental management of the National University, seeking the sustainability of the university campuses through the resolution of the main environmental problems of this institution, in compliance with national legislation and the Institutional Environmental Policy (UNAGaceta 7-2003), which establishes the need for a strategy for the promotion of a sustainable and sustainable management that contributes to enhancing the space and strengthens the culture of responsibility towards future generations (UNA Sustainable Campus Programme, 2013). It is thanks to this program that the integrated management of the different waste generated, water and energy resources is beginning to be promoted, as well as the strengthening of an environmental culture through training and awareness of the entire university population. Under this action, it is intended to promote the National University as an environmental model with pedagogical value, a university for development and for the management of knowledge at the service of society that has a presence and solidarity effects, so that it contributes to the national effort to achieve sustainable development (UNA Sustainable Campus Program, 2013). In this sense, the UNA Sustainable Campus Program, in its eagerness to implement new ways to mitigate the significant environmental impacts that occur in all the campuses of the National University, is given the task of carrying out different instructions, methodologies and procedures based on good sustainable environmental practices. in which practical and useful actions are implemented that serve to modify or improve people's behavior and habits that are detrimental to the general functioning of the biosphere, achieving changes in the organization of processes and activities to reduce these generated impacts, promote the saving of resources and achieve a sustainable management of institutional actions. The importance of good environmental practices is due to the fact that they provide practical, reliable and up-to-date information on the first of all, some general guidelines, followed by the comprehensive management of non-usable and recyclable solid waste with its correct classification, integral management of organic solid waste and its separation, together with a form of treatment of the same through compost bins that allow the creation of organic fertilizer. On the other hand, the guidelines for the use of disposable packaging in the sale of "takeaway" food are indicated, which must be environmentally friendly. The importance of the correct maintenance of grease traps and the comprehensive management of grease and residual oil residues is indicated. Regulations are also indicated for the correct use of liquefied petroleum gas (LP) used in the cooking of food.In addition, guidelines are established and recommendations are made for the use of products for cleaning and disinfection. Finally, everything related to the environmental assessment carried out by the UNA Sustainable Campus Program is indicated.
The UNA-Sustainable Campus Program was created in 2007 as the entity responsible for the elaboration, control and monitoring of the environmental management of the National University, seeking the sustainability of the university campuses through the resolution of the main environmental problems of this institution, in compliance with national legislation and the Institutional Environmental Policy (UNAGaceta 7-2003), which establishes the need for a strategy for the promotion of a sustainable and sustainable management that contributes to enhancing the space and strengthens the culture of responsibility towards future generations (UNA Sustainable Campus Programme, 2013). It is thanks to this program that the integrated management of the different waste generated, water and energy resources is beginning to be promoted, as well as the strengthening of an environmental culture through training and awareness of the entire university population. Under this action, it is intended to promote the National University as an environmental model with pedagogical value, a university for development and for the management of knowledge at the service of society that has a presence and solidarity effects, so that it contributes to the national effort to achieve sustainable development (UNA Sustainable Campus Program, 2013). In this sense, the UNA Sustainable Campus Program, in its eagerness to implement new ways to mitigate the significant environmental impacts that occur in all the campuses of the National University, is given the task of carrying out different instructions, methodologies and procedures based on good sustainable environmental practices. in which practical and useful actions are implemented that serve to modify or improve people's behavior and habits that are detrimental to the general functioning of the biosphere, achieving changes in the organization of processes and activities to reduce these generated impacts, promote the saving of resources and achieve a sustainable management of institutional actions. The importance of good environmental practices is due to the fact that they provide practical, reliable and up-to-date information on the first of all, some general guidelines, followed by the comprehensive management of non-usable and recyclable solid waste with its correct classification, integral management of organic solid waste and its separation, together with a form of treatment of the same through compost bins that allow the creation of organic fertilizer. On the other hand, the guidelines for the use of disposable packaging in the sale of "takeaway" food are indicated, which must be environmentally friendly. The importance of the correct maintenance of grease traps and the comprehensive management of grease and residual oil residues is indicated. Regulations are also indicated for the correct use of liquefied petroleum gas (LP) used in the cooking of food.In addition, guidelines are established and recommendations are made for the use of products for cleaning and disinfection. Finally, everything related to the environmental assessment carried out by the UNA Sustainable Campus Program is indicated.
Manual Prácticas Ambientales en los Servicios de Alimentación de la Universidad Nacional
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