Language teacher candidates’ learning of the simple present third person singular in writing tasks : a case study
Hernández Gómez, Karol Paola
Núñez Jiménez, Jean Carlo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Explora el aprendizaje y la aplicación del Presente Simple en tercera persona del singular (SPTPS) en las tareas de escritura del estudiantado de la enseñanza del inglés después de recibir instrucción sobre esta estructura meta a través de los enfoques de enfoque en la forma (FoF) y enfoque en las formas (FoFs). Examina las percepciones de los participantes sobre la implementación de los enfoques de instrucción FoF y FoFs para el aprendizaje del SPTPS. Observa el desempeño en la escritura antes y después de la intervención, examina cómo cada tipo de instrucción influye en la aplicación gramatical del SPTPS en sus composiciones. Los hallazgos muestran que un enfoque mixto de FoF y FoFs, que incluye práctica contextualizada e instrucción explícita, fomenta una mejor comprensión y uso del SPTPS.
Esta investigación proporciona valiosos conocimientos sobre cómo la combinación de los enfoques de enseñanza FoF y FoFs puede mejorar la competencia lingüística, específicamente al fortalecer el aprendizaje y la aplicación del SPTPS en la escritura.
Explores the learning and application of the third person singular present simple tense (SPTPS) in English language learners' writing tasks after receiving instruction on this target structure through focus on form (FoF) and focus on forms (FoFs) approaches. Examines participants' perceptions of the implementation of FoF and FoFs instructional approaches to SPTPS learning. Looks at writing performance before and after the intervention, examines how each type of instruction influences grammatical application of SPTPS in their compositions. The findings show that a mixed FoF and FoFs approach, which includes contextualized practice and explicit instruction, fosters better understanding and use of SPTPS. This research provides valuable insights into how the combination of FoF and FoFs teaching approaches can improve language proficiency, specifically by strengthening the learning and application of SPTPS in writing.
Explores the learning and application of the third person singular present simple tense (SPTPS) in English language learners' writing tasks after receiving instruction on this target structure through focus on form (FoF) and focus on forms (FoFs) approaches. Examines participants' perceptions of the implementation of FoF and FoFs instructional approaches to SPTPS learning. Looks at writing performance before and after the intervention, examines how each type of instruction influences grammatical application of SPTPS in their compositions. The findings show that a mixed FoF and FoFs approach, which includes contextualized practice and explicit instruction, fosters better understanding and use of SPTPS. This research provides valuable insights into how the combination of FoF and FoFs teaching approaches can improve language proficiency, specifically by strengthening the learning and application of SPTPS in writing.
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