Fábricas de Software: Un esquema de prestación de servicios de TI para la construcción de software
Marín Calderón, Wilson
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Resumen. El paso de la producción artesanal de bienes a la industrialización a través de fábricas fue un paso natural. Esta transición surge de la necesidad de reducir costos e incrementar las ganancias mediante la producción en masa, la estandarización y reutilización de procedimientos, herramientas y diseños. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de software no ha podido dar el paso a la industrialización de la misma manera en que las fábricas tradicionales lo hicieron, aún continúa dependiendo del artesano programador. Por lo que costos del desarrollo de software siguen siendo elevados y la probabilidad de cometer errores que atentan contra el éxito del proyecto se incrementa. Casi paradójicamente, una de las principales razones por la que la transición a hacia la fábrica de software no se completa es por la misma creencia de los gerentes, académicos y desarrolladores de que el proceso de desarrollo de software tiene una parte de arte y que cada desarrollo es único; que el trabajo de la ingeniería de software es aún visto como de artesano, confiando mayormente en personas sumamente hábiles. Bajo esta premisa, se realizó una revisión de literatura en 50 publicaciones, desde 1998 a 2018, sobre los componentes de fábricas de software (FS). El propósito fue desmitificar esa creencia a través de la materialización de los elementos que constituyen una FS, presentes en implementaciones documentadas. El resultado fue un total de 64 elementos, agrupados en 11 categorías que muestran un panorama del conocimiento que se requiere para alcanzar un modelo funcional de Fabrica Software. Adicionalmente a estos elementos, se presenta un modelo de relaciones entre categorías y una propuesta de fábrica de software con procesos tomados de las publicaciones revisadas.
Abstract. The transition from artisanal production of goods to industrialization through factories was a natural step. This transition arose from the need to reduce costs and increase profits through mass production, standardization and reuse of procedures, tools and designs. However, software development has not been able to make the step to industrialization in the same way that traditional factories did, it still continues to depend on the craftsman programmer. Therefore, software development costs are still high and the probability of making mistakes that threaten the success of the project increases. Almost paradoxically, one of the main reasons why the transition to the software factory is not completed is because of the very belief of managers, academics and developers that the software development process has a part of art and that each development is unique; that the work of software engineering is still seen as that of craftsman, relying mostly on highly skilled people. Under this premise, a literature review was conducted on 50 publications, from 1998 to 2018, on software factory (FS) components. The purpose was to demystify that belief through the materialization of the elements that constitute a FS, present in documented implementations. The result was a total of 64 elements, grouped into 11 categories that show an overview of the knowledge required to achieve a functional Software Factory model. In addition to these elements, a model of relationships between categories and a proposal for a software factory with processes taken from the reviewed publications is presented.
Abstract. The transition from artisanal production of goods to industrialization through factories was a natural step. This transition arose from the need to reduce costs and increase profits through mass production, standardization and reuse of procedures, tools and designs. However, software development has not been able to make the step to industrialization in the same way that traditional factories did, it still continues to depend on the craftsman programmer. Therefore, software development costs are still high and the probability of making mistakes that threaten the success of the project increases. Almost paradoxically, one of the main reasons why the transition to the software factory is not completed is because of the very belief of managers, academics and developers that the software development process has a part of art and that each development is unique; that the work of software engineering is still seen as that of craftsman, relying mostly on highly skilled people. Under this premise, a literature review was conducted on 50 publications, from 1998 to 2018, on software factory (FS) components. The purpose was to demystify that belief through the materialization of the elements that constitute a FS, present in documented implementations. The result was a total of 64 elements, grouped into 11 categories that show an overview of the knowledge required to achieve a functional Software Factory model. In addition to these elements, a model of relationships between categories and a proposal for a software factory with processes taken from the reviewed publications is presented.
Marín Calderón, W. (2019). Fábrica de software: un esquema de prestación de servicios de TI para la construcción de software. [Tesis de Maestría]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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