Baylisascariasis como diagnóstico diferencial larva migrans en humanos, Costa Rica
Baldi Salas, Mario
Walzer, Chris
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Baylisascariasis es una enfermedad causada por una
animales, clasificada como una zoonosis emergente de importancia en salud pública. El agente causal es el
nemátodo Baylisascaris procyonis, siendo su huésped definit
de la presencia de este parásito en poblaciones de mapaches en la zona urbana de Costa Rica, alerta sobre la
necesidad de conocer su ciclo de vida, diagnóstico, transmisión y prevención de este parásito. Esta
contempla los aspectos más relevantes del
vida, diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención. Concientizando con ello, a los trabajadores de la salud pública y
animal sobre la necesidad de considerar al
larvas migrantes causados por otros nemátodo
región Mesoamericana y el Caribe.
Baylisascariasis is a disease caused by an animal, classified as an emerging zoonotic classified as an emerging zoonosis of public health importance. The causative agent is the nematode Baylisascaris procyonis, being its definitive host. The presence of this parasite in raccoon populations in the urban area of Costa Rica, alerts about the need to know its life cycle the need to know the life cycle, diagnosis, transmission and prevention of this parasite. This The most relevant aspects of the parasite's life cycle, diagnosis diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It raises awareness among public health and animal health workers about the need to consider the animal health workers on the need to consider the larval migrans caused by other nematodes in the Mesoamerican Mesoamerican region and the Caribbean.
Baylisascariasis is a disease caused by an animal, classified as an emerging zoonotic classified as an emerging zoonosis of public health importance. The causative agent is the nematode Baylisascaris procyonis, being its definitive host. The presence of this parasite in raccoon populations in the urban area of Costa Rica, alerts about the need to know its life cycle the need to know the life cycle, diagnosis, transmission and prevention of this parasite. This The most relevant aspects of the parasite's life cycle, diagnosis diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It raises awareness among public health and animal health workers about the need to consider the animal health workers on the need to consider the larval migrans caused by other nematodes in the Mesoamerican Mesoamerican region and the Caribbean.
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