Síntesis de un bioplaguicida con potencial actividad antimicrobiana a partir de una matriz de quitosano modificada con cinamaldehído
Porras Brenes, Gina
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
En la actualidad es cada vez más común el uso de bioplaguicidas, que son sustancias derivadas de materiales naturales o animales, que se caracterizan por presentar menor toxicidad que los productos sintéticos, ser efectivos en muy pequeñas cantidades, además de que se descomponen con gran rapidez, disminuyendo de esta forma los problemas de contaminación causados por los pesticidas convencionales. En esta línea, se han realizado diversas investigaciones con el propósito de encontrar compuestos naturales con características tóxicas para cierto grupo de seres específicos, que sean capaces de sustituir en forma eficiente los productos sintéticos disponibles en el mercado. Dentro de esta iniciativa se han estudiado las propiedades del quitosano, un copolímero conformado por unidades monoméricas de B-(1>4)-2-acetamido-2-desoxi-Dglucopiranosa y 2-amino-2-desoxi-D-glucopiranosa; que se caracteriza por ser un biopolímero policatiónico, que se obtiene generalmente por desacetilación alcalina de la quitina, que es principal componente del exoesqueleto de crustáceos como el camarón. Este compuesto se caracteriza por la presencia de grupos aminas en la cadena polimérica, que han hecho al quitosano uno de los materiales más versátiles que se estudian desde hace ya algún tiempo, debido a la posibilidad que posee de desarrollar una amplia variedad de modificaciones de las cuales es posible obtener una amplia gama de materiales para diversas aplicaciones. Asimismo, se han realizado estudios con otros productos naturales como es el caso de la canela, que está constituida en forma mayoritaria por el cinamaldehído (60-70%); un compuesto que ha mostrado relevantes propiedades antimicrobianas de gran interés para el desarrollo de bioplaguicidas. Este aldehído posee una estructura del tipo CHsCH=CHCHO, caracterizada por la presencia de un anillo bencénico monosustituido, un grupo funcional aldehído y un enlace doble conjugado.
At present, the use of biopesticides is increasingly common, which are substances derived from natural or animal materials, which are characterized by having less toxicity than synthetic products, being effective in very small quantities, in addition to decomposing very quickly. , thus reducing the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides. In this line, several investigations have been carried out with the purpose of finding natural compounds with toxic characteristics for a certain group of specific beings, which are capable of efficiently substituting the synthetic products available in the market. Within this initiative, the properties of chitosan, a copolymer made up of monomeric units of B-(1>4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose, have been studied; which is characterized by being a polycationic biopolymer, which is generally obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin, which is the main component of the exoskeleton of crustaceans such as shrimp. This compound is characterized by the presence of amine groups in the polymer chain, which have made chitosan one of the most versatile materials that have been studied for some time, due to the possibility it possesses of developing a wide variety of modifications of the which it is possible to obtain a wide range of materials for various applications. Likewise, studies have been carried out with other natural products, such as cinnamon, which is mainly made up of cinnamaldehyde (60-70%); a compound that has shown relevant antimicrobial properties of great interest for the development of biopesticides. This aldehyde has a structure of the type CHsCH=CHCHO, characterized by the presence of a monosubstituted benzene ring, an aldehyde functional group and a conjugated double bond.
At present, the use of biopesticides is increasingly common, which are substances derived from natural or animal materials, which are characterized by having less toxicity than synthetic products, being effective in very small quantities, in addition to decomposing very quickly. , thus reducing the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides. In this line, several investigations have been carried out with the purpose of finding natural compounds with toxic characteristics for a certain group of specific beings, which are capable of efficiently substituting the synthetic products available in the market. Within this initiative, the properties of chitosan, a copolymer made up of monomeric units of B-(1>4)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose, have been studied; which is characterized by being a polycationic biopolymer, which is generally obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin, which is the main component of the exoskeleton of crustaceans such as shrimp. This compound is characterized by the presence of amine groups in the polymer chain, which have made chitosan one of the most versatile materials that have been studied for some time, due to the possibility it possesses of developing a wide variety of modifications of the which it is possible to obtain a wide range of materials for various applications. Likewise, studies have been carried out with other natural products, such as cinnamon, which is mainly made up of cinnamaldehyde (60-70%); a compound that has shown relevant antimicrobial properties of great interest for the development of biopesticides. This aldehyde has a structure of the type CHsCH=CHCHO, characterized by the presence of a monosubstituted benzene ring, an aldehyde functional group and a conjugated double bond.
Porras Brenes, G. (2007). Síntesis de un bioplaguicida con potencial actividad antimicrobiana a partir de una matriz de quitosano modificada con cinamaldehído. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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