Evaluación de la producción de astaxantina en la microalga Haematococcus pluvialis con miras al escalamiento en un fotobiorreactor helicoidal
Leal Sánchez, Andreína
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Resumen. En los últimos años, el interés por la obtención de compuestos bioactivos procedentes de fuentes naturales ha incrementado, debido a los beneficios que estos compuestos químicos ofrecen a la salud humana. Además, de la incidencia que generan en ciertas enfermedades crónicas que están relacionadas directamente con la ingesta de alimentos. La microalga Haematococcus pluvialis es considerada una de las principales fuentes biológicas de carotenoides, específicamente de astaxantina. La misma es un carotenoide perteneciente a las xantofilas que presenta una gran actividad antioxidante, dicho compuesto se acumula en el núcleo de las células de la microalga, cuando son expuestas a condiciones de estrés, principalmente a la intensidad lumínica. Esta microalga se caracteriza por poseer un ciclo celular compuesto de dos fases, conocidas como fase verde y fase roja; las cuales hacen referencia a la coloración de sus células según los pigmentos acumulados. Dado a esto, se cultivó H.pluvialis bajo condiciones controladas en el laboratorio, haciendo uso de erlenmeyers de 2 L, con un pH inicial de 7,40, a 25 °C, intensidad de luz continua de 70-72 μmol/m2s y suministro de aire las 24 horas. La producción máxima de biomasa obtenida fue de 1,26x106±7,21x104 cel/mL correspondientes al día 9 de iniciado el proceso de cultivo, utilizando el método de conteo celular. Por otro lado, al establecer el periodo de máxima producción celular, los cultivos se sometieron a las condiciones de estrés, es decir, a dos diferentes intensidades lumínicas, específicamente 150 y 200 μmol/m2s, donde posteriormente se determinó el efecto en la generación de biomasa, así como en la producción de astaxantina. Las muestras diarias fueron tratadas para extraer el contenido de astaxantina y se analizaron consecutivamente en HPLC. Se mostró un valor máximo de 1,68±0,20 μg/mL al día 24, empleando la intensidad lumínica de 150 μmol/m2s, mientras que al utilizar una intensidad de 200 μmol/m2s el valor máximo reportado fue 1,69±0,15 μg/mL en el día 23. Ambas intensidades de luz mostraron una similitud en las concentraciones, sin embargo, el tiempo de espera para lograr la misma concentración, fue menor al utilizar la máxima intensidad lumínica establecida. Finalmente se procedió a determinar la actividad antioxidante del extracto obtenido al aplicar la máxima intensidad lumínica, empleando el método DPPH el cual fue no concluyente y el método ORAC donde se obtuvo rango de 71,9±0,3 a 95,8±1,9 μmol ET/g MS.
Abstract. In recent years, interest in obtaining bioactive compounds from natural sources has increased due to the benefits that these chemical compounds offer to human health. In addition, they have an impact on certain chronic diseases that are directly related to food intake. The microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis is considered one of the main biological sources of carotenoids, specifically astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid belonging to the xanthophylls which has a high antioxidant activity. This compound accumulates in the nucleus of the microalgae cells when they are exposed to stress conditions, mainly light intensity. This microalgae is characterised by a cell cycle composed of two phases, known as the green phase and the red phase, which refer to the colouring of its cells according to the pigments accumulated. Given this, H.pluvialis was grown under controlled conditions in the laboratory, using 2 L erlenmeyers, with an initial pH of 7.40, at 25 °C, continuous light intensity of 70-72 μmol/m2s and 24-hour air supply. The maximum biomass production obtained was 1.26x106±7.21x104 cell/mL corresponding to day 9 of the culture process, using the cell counting method. On the other hand, when the period of maximum cell production was established, the cultures were subjected to stress conditions, i.e. two different light intensities, specifically 150 and 200 μmol/m2s, where the effect on biomass generation as well as on astaxanthin production was subsequently determined. Daily samples were treated to extract astaxanthin content and analysed consecutively by HPLC. A maximum value of 1.68±0.20 μg/mL was shown on day 24, using the light intensity of 150 μmol/m2s, while using an intensity of 200 μmol/m2s the maximum value reported was 1.69±0.15 μg/mL on day 23. Both light intensities showed a similarity in the concentrations, however, the waiting time to achieve the same concentration was shorter when using the maximum light intensity set. Finally, the antioxidant activity of the extract obtained at the maximum light intensity was determined using the DPPH method, which was inconclusive, and the ORAC method, where a range of 71.9±0.3 to 95.8±1.9 μmol ET/g DM was obtained.
Abstract. In recent years, interest in obtaining bioactive compounds from natural sources has increased due to the benefits that these chemical compounds offer to human health. In addition, they have an impact on certain chronic diseases that are directly related to food intake. The microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis is considered one of the main biological sources of carotenoids, specifically astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid belonging to the xanthophylls which has a high antioxidant activity. This compound accumulates in the nucleus of the microalgae cells when they are exposed to stress conditions, mainly light intensity. This microalgae is characterised by a cell cycle composed of two phases, known as the green phase and the red phase, which refer to the colouring of its cells according to the pigments accumulated. Given this, H.pluvialis was grown under controlled conditions in the laboratory, using 2 L erlenmeyers, with an initial pH of 7.40, at 25 °C, continuous light intensity of 70-72 μmol/m2s and 24-hour air supply. The maximum biomass production obtained was 1.26x106±7.21x104 cell/mL corresponding to day 9 of the culture process, using the cell counting method. On the other hand, when the period of maximum cell production was established, the cultures were subjected to stress conditions, i.e. two different light intensities, specifically 150 and 200 μmol/m2s, where the effect on biomass generation as well as on astaxanthin production was subsequently determined. Daily samples were treated to extract astaxanthin content and analysed consecutively by HPLC. A maximum value of 1.68±0.20 μg/mL was shown on day 24, using the light intensity of 150 μmol/m2s, while using an intensity of 200 μmol/m2s the maximum value reported was 1.69±0.15 μg/mL on day 23. Both light intensities showed a similarity in the concentrations, however, the waiting time to achieve the same concentration was shorter when using the maximum light intensity set. Finally, the antioxidant activity of the extract obtained at the maximum light intensity was determined using the DPPH method, which was inconclusive, and the ORAC method, where a range of 71.9±0.3 to 95.8±1.9 μmol ET/g DM was obtained.
Leal Sánchez, A. (2023). Evaluación de la producción de astaxantina en la microalga Haematococcus pluvialis con miras al escalamiento en un fotobiorreactor helicoidal. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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