Determinación de compuestos volátiles en dos Rutáceas y su interacción con Diaphorina citri (Hem.: Liividae) vector del HLB (Huanglongbing)
Alvarado Echeverría, Eduardo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de identificar y analizar el
perfil de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en plantas de naranja dulce (Citrus sinensis) y
plantas de murraya (Murraya paniculata), con y sin la presencia de adultos y ninfas de
Diaphorina citri, para seleccionar los compuestos candidatos con potencial atrayente y
evaluar en una prueba de campo su efectividad como herramienta para el monitoreo de D.
citri. Se seleccionaron grupos de plantas de naranja dulce y murraya producidas en
condiciones controladas para ser inoculadas en jaulas forradas con malla antiáfidos, con
adultos de D. citri, obtenidos de un pie de cría también desarrollado en ambiente protegido.
Una vez que los adultos colocaron huevos y hubo desarrollo de ninfas, se procedió a tomar
plantas que se ubicaron en cajones de vidrio y utilizando una bomba de aire y sistema de
filtros se capturaron los compuestos volátiles presentes en cada muestra. Los filtros con el
extracto fueron enviados al laboratorio de ChemTica para la identificación respectiva.
Terminada la fase de identificación de los compuestos volátiles, se seleccionaron los de
mayor potencial y fueron utilizados para confeccionar los señuelos de las pruebas de campo
con trampas pegajosas amarillas. Se incluyeron 3 tratamientos en los cuales se evaluó una
feromona, una kairomona, una mezcla de ambas más un tratamiento testigo. El estudio evaluó
el efecto de los tratamientos, el comportamiento de las capturas durante las fechas y la
interacción entre ambos factores. En las pruebas de extracción se identificaron 40 compuestos
volátiles, de los cuales fueron seleccionados el p-cymeno y el ácido propanoico para evaluar
el potencial atrayente de D. citri. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas para el
factor fecha, no así para el factor tratamiento ni tampoco para la interacción entre ambos.
The present research was developed with the aim of identifying and analyzing the profile of volatile organic compounds in sweet orange plants (Citrus sinensis) and murraya plants (Murraya paniculata), with and without the presence of adults and nymphs of Diaphorina citri, to select the candidate compounds with attractive potential and evaluate in a field trial their effectiveness as a tool for monitoring this specie of insect. Groups of sweet orange and murraya plants produced under controlled conditions were selected to be inoculated in cages lined with antiaphid mesh, with adults of D. citri, obtained from a brood foot also developed in a protected environment. Once the adults laid eggs and nymphs had developed, we proceeded to take plants that were placed in glass drawers and using an air pump and filter system, to capture the volatile compounds present in each sample. The filters with the extraction were sent to the ChemTica laboratory for the respective identification. After the identification phase of the volatile compounds, the ones with the greatest potential were selected and used to make the lures of the field tests together with yellow sticky traps. We included 3 treatments in which a pheromone, a kairomona, a mixture of both plus a control treatment was evaluated. The study evaluated the effect of the treatments, the behavior of catches during the dates and the interaction between both factors. In the extraction tests, 40 volatile compounds were identified, from which p-cymene and propanoic acid were selected to evaluate the attractive potential of D. citri. The results showed significant differences for the date factor, not for the treatment factor nor for the interaction between both.
The present research was developed with the aim of identifying and analyzing the profile of volatile organic compounds in sweet orange plants (Citrus sinensis) and murraya plants (Murraya paniculata), with and without the presence of adults and nymphs of Diaphorina citri, to select the candidate compounds with attractive potential and evaluate in a field trial their effectiveness as a tool for monitoring this specie of insect. Groups of sweet orange and murraya plants produced under controlled conditions were selected to be inoculated in cages lined with antiaphid mesh, with adults of D. citri, obtained from a brood foot also developed in a protected environment. Once the adults laid eggs and nymphs had developed, we proceeded to take plants that were placed in glass drawers and using an air pump and filter system, to capture the volatile compounds present in each sample. The filters with the extraction were sent to the ChemTica laboratory for the respective identification. After the identification phase of the volatile compounds, the ones with the greatest potential were selected and used to make the lures of the field tests together with yellow sticky traps. We included 3 treatments in which a pheromone, a kairomona, a mixture of both plus a control treatment was evaluated. The study evaluated the effect of the treatments, the behavior of catches during the dates and the interaction between both factors. In the extraction tests, 40 volatile compounds were identified, from which p-cymene and propanoic acid were selected to evaluate the attractive potential of D. citri. The results showed significant differences for the date factor, not for the treatment factor nor for the interaction between both.
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Ingeniería Agronómica
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