Estimación de tendencias genéticas e interacción genotipo x ambiente en ganado lechero de Costa Rica
Vargas Leitón, Bernardo
Gamboa Zeledón, Gabriela
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Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias
En este estudio se analizan las tendencias genéticas para producción de leche a 305 días, el efecto de interacción genotipo×ambiente y las tendencias en consanguinidad de dos poblaciones de ganado lechero de razas Holstein (H) y Jersey (J) de Costa Rica. Se estimó la heredabilidad y repetibilidad mediante un modelo animal de repetibilidad, que incluyó el efecto fijo de hato×año×época de parto y los efectos aleatorios de interacción hato×semental, ambiente permanente y animal. Los índices de heredabilidad fueron 0.19±0.021 (H) y 0.21±0.015 (J) y los de repetibilidad fueron 0.44 (H) y 0.52 (J). Se obtuvieron las valores mejorantes predichos de los animales de cada población mediante BLUP, y se analizaron las tendencias fenotípicas y genéticas mediante regresión lineal. Se observó un incremento genético anual de 6.76 kg (H, P<0.01) y de 7.95 kg (J, P<0.01), mientras que el incremento fenotípico fue de 97.1 kg (H, P<0.01) y 76.4 kg (J, P<0.01); indicando un avance genético relativamente lento. Las correlaciones entre Habilidad Transmisora Predicha de sementales de IA utilizados en Costa Rica y USA fueron de 0.62 (H, P<0.01) y 0.78 (J, P<0.01), indicando un nivel significativo de interacción genotipo×ambiente y de mayor importancia para la raza Holstein. En cuanto a consanguinidad, se observó que el promedio actual es bajo (H=0.75 %, J= 1.25 %) pero con tasas de incremento anual significativas (H=0.034 %, P<0.01; J=0.05 1%, P<0.01).
Genetic trends for 305-d milk yield, genotype-environment interaction and inbreeding levels were evaluated in Holstein (H) and Jersey (J) dairy cattle populations in Costa Rica. Heritability and repeatability for 305-d milk yield were estimated with a statistical model that included the fixed effect of herd-year-season and the random effects of herd-sire interaction, permanent environment and animal. Heritability estimates were 0.19±0.021 (H) and 0.21±0.015 (J) and repeatability was 0.44 (H) and 0.52 (J). Predicted Breeding Values for animals in both breeds were estimated using BLUP techniques. Genetic and environmental trends were analyzed by linear regression. The annual genetic increase was 6.36 kg (H, P<0.01) and 7.95 kg (J, P<0.01) whereas the phenotypic increase was 97.1 kg (H, P<0.01) and 76.4 kg (J, P<0.01), which implies a relatively low rate of genetic improvement. Correlations between PTA estimates for AI sires used in Costa Rica and the USA were 0.62 (H, P<0.01) and 0.78 (J, P<0.01). This indicates a significant level of genetic-environment interaction which was more pronounced for the Holstein breed. Current average inbreeding for these breeds is low in Costa Rica (H=0.75 %, J=1.25 %), but exhibits a positive and significant annual rate of increase in both breeds (H=0.034 %, P<0.01; J=0.051 %, P<0.01).
Genetic trends for 305-d milk yield, genotype-environment interaction and inbreeding levels were evaluated in Holstein (H) and Jersey (J) dairy cattle populations in Costa Rica. Heritability and repeatability for 305-d milk yield were estimated with a statistical model that included the fixed effect of herd-year-season and the random effects of herd-sire interaction, permanent environment and animal. Heritability estimates were 0.19±0.021 (H) and 0.21±0.015 (J) and repeatability was 0.44 (H) and 0.52 (J). Predicted Breeding Values for animals in both breeds were estimated using BLUP techniques. Genetic and environmental trends were analyzed by linear regression. The annual genetic increase was 6.36 kg (H, P<0.01) and 7.95 kg (J, P<0.01) whereas the phenotypic increase was 97.1 kg (H, P<0.01) and 76.4 kg (J, P<0.01), which implies a relatively low rate of genetic improvement. Correlations between PTA estimates for AI sires used in Costa Rica and the USA were 0.62 (H, P<0.01) and 0.78 (J, P<0.01). This indicates a significant level of genetic-environment interaction which was more pronounced for the Holstein breed. Current average inbreeding for these breeds is low in Costa Rica (H=0.75 %, J=1.25 %), but exhibits a positive and significant annual rate of increase in both breeds (H=0.034 %, P<0.01; J=0.051 %, P<0.01).
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