Conclusiones de Comisión No. 2. Crecimiento demográfico y expansión urbana: su incidencia respecto al espacio agrícola
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
Explica que en los últimos años, nuestro país ha experimentado un desarrollo acelerado en la ocupación de la tierra, tanto en el ámbito agrario como en el urbano, en particular este desarrollo
urbano ha sido desequilibrado y no planificado integralmente, a pesar de que han existido algunas
políticas y planes para dar solución a estos problemas, las cuales no se han aplicado dado que los
intereses poIíticos y de otra índole se anteponen a la necesidad de una adecuada planificación urbana.
Esto ha dado como resultado un desarrollo entrópico de las ciudades, desarrollo entrópico que ha
provocado una serie de problemas que se pueden enmarcar en lo demográfico, ambiental, en la pérdida del suelo de vocación agrícola, como también en la escasez de servicios básicos. Debido a los
cambios políticos y económicos que se han dado en las tres últimas décadas, el país ha experimentado
un patrón de desarrollo desigual y centralizado, manifestándose en problemas de distribución espacial
de la población y ecológicos. Este divorcio, hombre-ambiente, ha provocado la alteración de ecosistemas terrestres, acuáticos y humanos, que amenaza la realización de un desarrollo sostenido
de nuestra sociedad
He explains that in recent years, our country has experienced an accelerated development in land occupation, both in the agricultural and urban areas, in particular this urban development has been unbalanced and not comprehensively planned, despite the fact that there have been some policies and plans to solve these problems, which have not been applied since political and other interests take precedence over the need for adequate urban planning. This has resulted in an entropic development of cities, an entropic development that has caused a series of problems that can be framed in terms of demographics, the environment, the loss of agricultural land, as well as the scarcity of basic services. Due to the political and economic changes that have occurred in the last three decades, the country has experienced an uneven and centralized development pattern, manifesting itself in problems of spatial distribution of the population and ecological problems. This man-environment divorce has caused the alteration of terrestrial, aquatic and human ecosystems, which threatens the realization of a sustained development of our society
He explains that in recent years, our country has experienced an accelerated development in land occupation, both in the agricultural and urban areas, in particular this urban development has been unbalanced and not comprehensively planned, despite the fact that there have been some policies and plans to solve these problems, which have not been applied since political and other interests take precedence over the need for adequate urban planning. This has resulted in an entropic development of cities, an entropic development that has caused a series of problems that can be framed in terms of demographics, the environment, the loss of agricultural land, as well as the scarcity of basic services. Due to the political and economic changes that have occurred in the last three decades, the country has experienced an uneven and centralized development pattern, manifesting itself in problems of spatial distribution of the population and ecological problems. This man-environment divorce has caused the alteration of terrestrial, aquatic and human ecosystems, which threatens the realization of a sustained development of our society
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