Flexibilización cambiaria en Costa Rica : un estudio de caso
Arce Lobo, Jesús Alonso
Sánchez Sáenz, J. David
Fernández Paniagua, Mercedes
Villalobos Cortés, Mariannela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Ciertamente, en la coyuntura económica actual uno de los temas de mayor relevancia e incertidumbre es en sí la flexibilidad cambiaria, especialmente en lo que se refiere al período temporal de las bandas cambiarias, ya que como es sabido nuestro país pretende seguir una política cambiaria con un grado de flexibilización mucho mayor al que se pudo haber vivido algunos años atrás. No cabe duda que una de las tareas de los economistas consiste en determinar con certeza si verdaderamente nuestra economía se encuentra completamente preparada para experimentar el camino hacia una mayor flexibilización del régimen cambiario, o bien si por el contrario debe de continuar con un despegue suave y prolongado hacia lo que en materia cambiaria se pretende llegar. En repetidas ocasiones el BCCR ha manifestado que nuestra economía experimentará un proceso de transición, con el que se pretende migrar hacia un sistema cambiario de flotación con intervención por parte de la autoridad monetaria, en situaciones excepcionales. Con el presente trabajo se realiza un aporte empírico a la economía costarricense y la sociedad en general, en el que se incluye la percepción de diferentes agentes económicos sobre el proceso de implementación del régimen de bandas cambiarias en Costa Rica. Se expone además la evolución reciente de los diferentes regímenes cambiarios que ha experimentado la economía costarricense en los últimos años, con su reciente transición hacia las Bandas Cambiarias, y un análisis de la interdependencia de esos regímenes con la política monetaria que se ha venido aplicando paralelamente, de manera que se puedan visualizar las fortalezas y debilidades de cada uno de los regímenes aplicados, haciendo hincapié en el actual proceso de transición cambiaria. Por último, se muestra el comportamiento de las principales variables económicas que se encuentran relacionadas con el tipo de cambio y el sector monetario de la economía bajo la influencia de los diferentes Flexibilización Cambiaria en Costa Rica: Un Estudio de Casos regímenes cambiarios y de esta forma se construyen las recomendaciones de política y conclusiones finales.
Certainly, in the current economic situation, one of the most relevant and uncertain issues is exchange rate flexibility, especially as regards the temporary period of the exchange rate bands, since, as is well known, our country intends to follow an exchange rate policy with a much higher degree of flexibility than that which could have been experienced some years ago. Our country intends to follow an exchange rate policy with a much higher degree of flexibility than that which could have been experienced some years ago. There is no doubt that one of the tasks of economists is to determine with certainty whether truly our economy is fully prepared to experience the path towards a greater flexibilization of the exchange rate regime, or if on the contrary, it should continue with a smooth and prolonged take-off towards what we are trying to achieve in terms of exchange rate. The BCCR has repeatedly stated that our economy will experience a transition process, with which it intends to migrate towards a floating exchange rate system with intervention by the monetary authority, in exceptional situations. This paper is an empirical contribution to the Costa Rican economy and society in general, which includes the perception of different economic agents on the process of implementing the new regime. the process of implementation of the exchange rate bands regime in Costa Rica. It also presents the recent evolution of the different exchange rate regimes experienced by the Costa Rican economy in the last years, with its recent transition to the exchange rate bands, and an analysis of the current situation in Costa Rica.
Certainly, in the current economic situation, one of the most relevant and uncertain issues is exchange rate flexibility, especially as regards the temporary period of the exchange rate bands, since, as is well known, our country intends to follow an exchange rate policy with a much higher degree of flexibility than that which could have been experienced some years ago. Our country intends to follow an exchange rate policy with a much higher degree of flexibility than that which could have been experienced some years ago. There is no doubt that one of the tasks of economists is to determine with certainty whether truly our economy is fully prepared to experience the path towards a greater flexibilization of the exchange rate regime, or if on the contrary, it should continue with a smooth and prolonged take-off towards what we are trying to achieve in terms of exchange rate. The BCCR has repeatedly stated that our economy will experience a transition process, with which it intends to migrate towards a floating exchange rate system with intervention by the monetary authority, in exceptional situations. This paper is an empirical contribution to the Costa Rican economy and society in general, which includes the perception of different economic agents on the process of implementing the new regime. the process of implementation of the exchange rate bands regime in Costa Rica. It also presents the recent evolution of the different exchange rate regimes experienced by the Costa Rican economy in the last years, with its recent transition to the exchange rate bands, and an analysis of the current situation in Costa Rica.
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